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- Spell Descriptions (SRD Rules)
- Spell Focus
- Spell Focus (SRD Feat)
- Spell Immunity, Greater
- Spell Immunity
- Spell Knowledge
- Spell Mastery
- Spell Mastery (SRD Feat)
- Spell Opportunity
- Spell Penetration
- Spell Penetration (SRD Feat)
- Spell Resistance (SRD Enhancement)
- Spell Resistance and Spell Immunity
- Spell Storing
- Spell Stowaway
- Spell Turning
- Spell Worm
- Spellbook, Wizard's
- Spellcasting Harrier
- Spellstaff
- Sphere of Annihilation
- Sphinx
- Monstrous Spider, Colossal
- Spider, Colossal Monstrous
- Spider, Devastation
- Monstrous Spider, Gargantuan
- Spider, Gargantuan Monstrous
- Monstrous Spider, Huge
- Spider, Huge Monstrous
- Monstrous Spider, Large
- Spider, Large Monstrous
- Monstrous Spider, Medium
- Spider, Medium Monstrous
- Monstrous Spider
- Spider, Monstrous
- Monstrous Spider, Small
- Spider, Small Monstrous
- Monstrous Spider, Tiny
- Spider, Tiny Monstrous
- Spider Eater
- Spider Swarm
- Spike Growth
- Spike Stones
- Spined Shield
- Spirit Naga
- Spirited Charge (SRD Feat)
- Spiritual Weapon
- Splint Mail (SRD Armor)
- Split Psionic Ray (SRD Feat)
- Spontaneous Domain Access
- Spontaneous Spell
- Spontaneous Wizard Spells
- Spring Attack (SRD Feat)
- Sprite
- Spyglass
- Squid, Giant
- Squid
- Stable
- Stable Characters and Recovery
- Staff of Abjuration
- Staff of Charming
- Staff of Conjuration
- Staff of Defense
- Staff of Divination
- Staff of Earth and Stone
- Staff of Enchantment
- Staff of Evocation
- Staff of Fire
- Staff of Frost
- Staff of Healing
- Staff of Illumination
- Staff of Illusion
- Staff of Life
- Staff of Necromancy
- Staff of Passage
- Staff of Power
- Staff of Size Alteration
- Staff of Swarming Insects
- Staff of Transmutation
- Staff of Woodlands
- Staff of the Magi
- Staggered
- Stand Still (SRD Feat)
- Standard Actions
- Statue
- Steadfast Perception
- Stealthy
- Stealthy (SRD Feat)
- Steam Mephit
- Still Spell (SRD Feat)
- Stinking Cloud
- Stirge
- Stomp
- Stone Colossus
- Stone Giant Elder
- Stone Golem, Greater
- Stone Golem
- Stone Horse
- Stone Salve
- Stone Shape
- Stone Tell
- Stone of Alarm
- Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals
- Stone of Good Luck
- Stone of Weight
- Stone to Flesh
- Stoneskin
- Storm Giant
- Storm of Vengeance
- Strand of Prayer Beads
- Strength Domain
- Strength of My Enemy
- Stride
- Studded Leather Armor (SRD Armor)
- Sudded Leather Armor
- Stunned
- Stunning Fist
- Stunning Fist (SRD Feat)
- Subdual Substitution
- Subdual Substitution (SRD Feat)
- Succubus
- Suggestion, Mass
- Suggestion, Psionic
- Suggestion
- Summon (SRD Epic Spell Seed)
- Summon
- Summon Behemoth
- Summon Instrument
- Summon Monster III
- Summon Monster II
- Summon Monster IV
- Summon Monster IX
- Summon Monster I
- Summon Monster Table
- Summon Monster VIII
- Summon Monster VII
- Summon Monster VI
- Summon Monster V
- Summon Nature's Ally III
- Summon Nature's Ally II
- Summon Nature's Ally IV
- Summon Nature's Ally IX
- Summon Nature's Ally I
- Summon Nature's Ally Table
- Summon Nature's Ally VIII
- Summon Nature's Ally VII
- Summon Nature's Ally VI
- Summon Nature's Ally V
- Summon nature’s ally V
- Summon Swarm
- Sun Blade
- Sun Domain
- Sunbeam
- Sunburst
- Sunder
- Sunder And Disjoin
- Sundering
- Sunrod
- Superb Dispelling
- Superior Expertise
- Superior Expertise (SRD Feat)
- Superior Initiative
- Suppression
- Supreme Initiative
- Surelife
- Survival (SRD Skill)
- Survival
- Suspend Life
- Sustenance
- Sutra of Tranquil Thought
- Svirfneblin
- Swallow Whole
- Swarm
- Swarm Subtype
- Swarm of Crystals
- Swim (SRD Skill)
- Sword, Bastard (SRD Weapon)
- Sword, Bastard
- Sword, Berserking
- Sword, Short (SRD Weapon)
- Sword, Short
- Sword, Two-Bladed (SRD Weapon)
- Sword, Two-Bladed
- Sword of Life Stealing
- Sword of Subtlety
- Sword of the Planes
- Sylvan Scimitar
- Symbol of Death
- Symbol of Fear
- Symbol of Insanity
- Symbol of Pain
- Symbol of Persuasion
- Symbol of Sleep
- Symbol of Stunning
- Symbol of Weakness
- Sympathetic Vibration
- Sympathy
- Synesthete
- Talented (SRD Feat)
- Talisman of Pure Good
- Talisman of Reluctant Wishes
- Talisman of Ultimate Evil
- Talisman of the Sphere
- Tanglefoot Bag
- Tarrasque
- Tayellah
- Telekinesis
- Telekinetic Force
- Telekinetic Maneuver
- Telekinetic Sphere, Psionic
- Telekinetic Sphere
- Telekinetic Thrust
- Telempathic Projection
- Telepathic Bond, Lesser
- Telepathic Bond
- Telepathy
- Teleport, Greater
- Teleport, Psionic
- Teleport, Psionic Greater
- Teleport
- Teleport Object
- Teleport Trigger
- Teleportation Circle, Psionic
- Teleportation Circle
- Teleporting
- Temporal Acceleration
- Temporal Filcher
- Temporal Juggler
- Temporal Stasis
- Temporary Hit Points
- Tenacious Magic
- Tendriculos
- Terrifying Rage (SRD Epic Feat)
- Terrifying Rage
- Thaumaturgist
- The Combat Round
- The Moaning Diamond
- The Orbs of Dragonkind
- The Saint's Mace
- The Shadowstaff
- The Shield of the Sun
- Thicken Skin
- Thieves' Tools
- Third Eye
- Thoqqua
- Thorciasid
- Thought Eater
- Thought Shield
- Thought Slayer
- Thrallherd
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