View Full Version : BRCS 5th Edition

  1. (DnD 5e) Birthright Conversion
  2. The Gorgon 5th edition
  3. Brecht Fencing Maneuveers
  4. Holding Regency - Any Reason for Class Restriction?
  5. Detailed language rule for 5th edition
  6. [PEACH] Sorcerous Origin - Blessed Scion
  7. A different take on Humans
  8. the 5E Guilder?
  9. Volo's guide to monsters - Suitable for Birthright.
  10. Wayward Fey in Cerilia
  11. Rhuobhe Manslayer
  12. Matt Coleville's Strongholds and Followers on Kickstarter.
  13. Daily powers as Bloodline powers
  14. 5E Mirkwood Campaign - Rules for Holding
  15. Birthright Battles: Using Command and Colors
  16. How come this 5E is not discussed?
  17. Presenting... the 5E Guilder
  18. 5e Edition Magician
  19. Magician 5e
  20. Birthright 5e
  21. One Shot for Convention
  22. New Birthright Campaign - Which conversion?
  23. Birthright, Fantasy Grounds, 5e and 2e rulesets
  24. Matt Coleville's Kingdoms and Warfare on Kickstarter.
  25. Looking for Players
  26. WotC survey asks for favorite campaign settings (you know which -Birthright- to vote)
  27. Crusader Kings 3
  28. Looking for Group
  29. Seeds of War
  30. ideas for 1st level guys
  31. Need substitute for dragons
  32. D&D 5E: Sorcerous Origins for Birthright
  33. Mass Battles - "Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen" approach
  34. Birthright 5e Concept work