View Full Version : Chapter 2 Poll 2 - scion templates

03-09-2003, 12:58 PM
Poll number 2:

Should scion templates be used to represent the strength of bloodline derivation?

03-09-2003, 04:07 PM
Yes, but I'm still of mixed opinion about ECL...

03-09-2003, 05:30 PM
I vote also Yes.

03-10-2003, 12:56 AM
At 01:58 PM 3/9/2003 +0100, irdeggman wrote:

>Should scion templates be used to represent the strength of bloodline
>Should ECLs be used for the different bloodline strengths?

I`ve voted on both of these too, but again there`s no other option
presented, so I don`t think the results can have any real meaning other
than as an implied endorsement of the playtest text. If you want something
more worthwile then some other options need to be at least noted.


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03-10-2003, 03:05 PM
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gary" <geeman@SOFTHOME.NET>
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2003 6:48 PM

> I`ve voted on both of these too, but again there`s no other option
> presented, so I don`t think the results can have any real meaning other
> than as an implied endorsement of the playtest text. If you want
> more worthwile then some other options need to be at least noted.

One system the poll mavens could use would be to identify all the types
argued for as options in the poll, for example:

* Elves have Timeless Body, 4 votes
* Elves never die, 1 votes
* Elves don`t have to die, but they can if they want to, 3 votes

If someone spoke up for standard D&D lifespans for elves, add that as an
option too. Even if the poll requires yes-no polling, if all the options
are visible, you can vote no for all those you don`t like, and yes for the
option you do like.

You may recall that Gary provided just such a list under the subject "Basic
Strategy Question" for restricting the amount of magic items possible in BR.
With all the possible options, preferences become clear.

Kenneth Gauck

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03-10-2003, 08:15 PM
Yes or no.

Yes if the system can be set up to function without the Bloodline ability score (which serves little to no function with the templates).

No if the Bloodline ability score is going to be used.