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Rather than have bards be arcane spellcasters, bards are divine spellcasters in the service of Erik, Cuiraécen, or Laerme.
Erik's bards are skalds. Their spell list is the same, but the source of their spells is Erik, the code of conduct described in Rjurik Highlands is neccesary for spellcasting, and the skalds are considered a part of the temples of Erik, and sometimes called druids. When using spellpoints, druids, clerics, and skalds can stack their spellpoints into one pool.
Cuiraécen's bards are heralds. Their spell list is the same, but the source of their spells is the Stormlord. Their code of conduct requires honesty and loyalty once a message has been commisioned, though heralds are not required to serve a lord, and pick their lieges themselves. A herald must be courageous and enterprising in delivering their message, never letting battle, weather, or other obstacle prevent delivery. When using spellpoints, clerics, paladins, and heralds of Cuiraécen can stack their spellpoints into one pool.
Laerme's bards are artists. Their spell list is the same, but the source of their spells is Laerme. They are inspired to create art, and often adventure to seek out inspiration. When using spellpoints, they can stack their spellpoints with clerics of Laerme.
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