View Full Version : RP used as die bump?

04-21-2003, 09:59 PM
This seems to be given as an inherent bonus from the descriptions of domain actions.

Regents spend RP to increase favorable DC checks.

Would it be reasonable to allow a regent to declare spending RP in an adventure on a skill check?

Perhaps regents with a certain BAB could use RP to increase a "to hit" roll?

04-22-2003, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by destowe

This seems to be given as an inherent bonus from the descriptions of domain actions.

Regents spend RP to increase favorable DC checks.

Would it be reasonable to allow a regent to declare spending RP in an adventure on a skill check?

Perhaps regents with a certain BAB could use RP to increase a "to hit" roll?

I would say no. One of the reasons is a mechanics and balance issue. There is no limit to the amount of RP a regent can use to affect a domain action, if this was translated into the adventure level just imagine the effects. Also RPs are used in a bidding concept for domain actions, so the comaparison on an adventure level would be for a regent to spend RP affect an opposing players (or regent's) action and then the oposing regent spednig RPs to counteract this bid, etc. Way too overpowering.

The other reason is that RPs are specifically tied to the land and "only" affect things that are likewise tied, domain actions, blood score, etc.:)