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El-Sheighül is a diplomat, first and foremost, a man of intellect, noble bearing, and rich, decadent appetites. He abhors the barbarity of physical conflict, that?s what minions and servi are for; the dirty, unpleasant work not fit for the hands of the nobility. El-Sheighül enjoys polite conversations to the play of the sword. Subterfuge and clandestine plots and intrigues, and the occasional assassination are his stratagems. He prefers his enemies to be his ?guests?, brought to him for his ?use? ? be it for information, or part of a full course meal. While physical combat is an anathema to him, if he is forced to it, he will use his armies and fell magics to crush any who would dare to oppose him.
Level 0:
Level 1: Bloodbond, Know Bloodline*, Know Origin*
Level 2: Enhance Blood Ability, First Strike, Mask Bloodline, Misfortune
Level 3: Suppress Blood Ability*
Level 4: Shadow Portal
Level 5: Disguise Bloodline, Dominate Person*
Level 6: Suppress Bloodline*
Level 7:
Level 8: Purity of Reason
Level 9: Deepest Night, Fury of Winter
Know Bloodline
Being a sadist, El-Sheighül uses his surgical tools to torture as well as remove a bit of flesh required for this spell. When El-Sheighül consumes a piece of flesh from a blooded individual, his head is surrounded by a lurid, blood red halo. His eyes glow, and as he passes his hands over the body of the scion, he is able to discern their bloodline derivation, bloodline strength, and blood abilities.
Suppress Blood Ability
After El-Sheighül has partaken of a scion?s flesh and cast the Know Bloodline spell, he will typically cast Suppress Blood Ability and or Suppress Bloodline, depending on the strength and importance of a particular captive.
Dominate Person (PHB)
by eating flesh or various organs, El-Sheighul can dominate a victim. For example: if he consumes the eye of a person, he can now see through their remaining eye as a form of clairvoyance. If he consumes and ear it acts a clairaudience. Consuming flesh from a dominant arm or hand could allow him to perfectly forge the scion?s signature, in the case of a regent, it could allow him to write declarations of war or lead friends into traps with letters ?written by a friend?. The worst is if he consumes a small portion of brain tissue. Through the surgical process of Trephination, he removes a piece of the cerebral cortex, this allows him to control the scion like a puppet at will, or worse yet, turn them in to a mindless automaton and use them on suicide missions against targets.
Realm Spells:
While in his middle age, before the War of the Shadow and the Masetian flight from Aduria, he was seduced by Azrai into following him by appearing to Titus as an avatar of Aita bearing the promises of unlimited arcane power and elevation to the status of a demi-god if he served him faithfully. Being an ambitious man, Titus accepted Azrai?s offer. And so it began, Azrai took Titus? already dark desires and drew them out, perverting them. As part of his corruption, Azrai taught Titus a unique form of blood-magic involving cannibalism and ritual magic, which as a requirement of tapping into that primal powers of Aebrynis, involved the consumption of a sentient creature?s flesh. This practice combined with his necromantic skills resulted in the Khinasi giving him his menacing name, El-Sheighül or the Lord of Ghouls. A name that Titus despises and he will remove the tongue of anyone who utters the insult in his presence.
When his people fled to Cerilia to establish a new empire, Titus stayed and served Azrai, becoming one of the twelve sorcerer disciples of the dark god that have come to be known as The Lost. As the dark god pursued the humans to the new land, El-Sheighul put his dark schemes to work to aid his god in his plans. Eventually, as history played out, the humans and Azrai?s brothers and sisters met the Shadow and his followers on the slopes and in the skies above Mount Deismaar. Things began to go badly and the gods of light in an attempt to stop their dark brother destroyed themselves in the great cataclysm.
With Azrai defeated, the Lost found that they were tethered to the Shadow World, because much of their dark power was derived from the substance of the alternate realm; when the cataclysm occurred, it created death and destruction on a massive scale; a great rift opened between Aebrynis and the Shadow World. The dark world tore the Lost from Aebrynis, trapping them in the murky world of twilight and shadows when the rift closed.
It is his tether to the Shadow World that hampers El-Sheighül. His primary weakness is his being trapped in the Shadow World which affects his ability to rule his domain as he desires; and when he manifests in Cerilia, he spends most of his valuable time dealing with infighting amongst the Gnolls of the Black Spear Tribe who comprise the majority of his army. If he could ever find a means, as the Magian has, to escape the bonds of the Shadow World, he would be a threat that could rival the Gorgon or the Magian.
Most Khinasi believe El-Sheighül to be one of the ancient undead and given his appearance, it?s easy to understand why. However, nothing could be farther from the truth.
El-Sheighül is a tall, aristocratic Masetian man of the ancient, senatorial class, with an aquiline nose, and refined features. He has the appearance of great age, despite his divine blood gift of long life; he has straight white hair, his countenance is a spider web of fine wrinkles, and the flesh of his cheeks is sunken, giving him an emaciated, near cadaverous appearance. His lips are stretched thin across a mouth lined with yellow teeth. His age and eating habits have given him chronic halitosis.
Titus is a hedonist and a perfectionist. He is immaculately dressed in a senatorial toga of fine, expensive fabric with a broad purple stripe, and usually wears a black priest?s cowl. In addition, he wears slippers of the finest quality leather (species indeterminate), dyed red, with gold embroidery. His long, bony fingers are adorned with several heavy gold rings; one intaglio; one cameo; and one entirely gold of an ancient Masetian pattern. He also carries a rod of his office made of chased iron of ancient Masetian manufacture which has a number of magical properties which can be used as a mace, if necessary. One of his most prized possessions is a small satchel that he carries that contains specialized surgical instruments that he uses for his cannibalistic rites, and occasionally for the pleasure of torturing his victims.
El-Sheighul is a bigot. Anyone who does not follow Masetian ways and is not a true Masetian, is a barbarian, and is considered an inferior. Modern Masetians are of dubious pedigree, and those of mixed heritage are little, if any better than an outright barbarian. He is also an elitist. Anyone that was not of the patrician class is not equal in any way to one who is of that social status. Anyone of less than equitus rank is incompetent and ignorant. Anyone of Masetian heritage of lower social orders is only saved from slavery by accident of birth. El-Sheighul?s contempt for what he deems to be the lower orders of life can often make him underestimate a foe that isn?t of what he considers ?proper birth?. That same contempt for things not Masetian, if pressured, could lead El-Sheighul to acts of true evil, for example completely devastating a neighboring realm with the appropriate realm spell, such as Death Plague or Mass Destruction.
He is fastidious. A fact his servi and ancillae know all too well. Failure to meet his demands is met with sadistic intent, from the removal of an eye to a prolonged and torturous death. He is always proper, aware of one?s place and social standing as it applies to Masetian Royalty and society. A younger, modern Masetian of pure, noble blood might be treated as a wayward child that needs to be ?reeducated? in etiquette and the ways of the Masetian Empire as it was before the cataclysm.
El-Sheighul is an intellectual snob and enjoys the debate and conversations that revolve around art, philosophy, and his lost people. He also enjoys engaging in the negotiations of treaties (when he chooses to make them). Typically, any deal that is struck is adhered to the letter of the law. If he respects his opponent he will honor the duration and letter of an agreement, though he will also look for potential loopholes. If the opponent is not worthy, he will only maintain the agreement for as long as it takes to put him into a position of superiority and then he will move to crush them.
He is a gourmand, to the point of gluttony which is centered on the quality and not the quantity of his meals. He eats sparingly, and savors every delicate morsel (it is the only physical pleasure in which he is capable of indulging). He demands the finest delicacies and beverages and he will pay for the rarest and most exquisite ingredients that can be obtained from the corners of the known world. Being that his tastes stem from an ancient and oft times decadent culture, one of his favorite epicurean delights, are hummingbird tongues braised in wine, and door mice roasted in a honey sauce. To be his cook is a dangerous occupation, the post usually being staffed by an unfortunate chef of some renown who was abducted from the kitchens of a neighboring or distant kingdom, and although El-Sheighul will indulge in his own meal preparations on a whim at times, or if necessary, especially, if the meal a chef prepares is a culinary disaster and wastes Titus? carefully gathered and expensive ingredients, the chef might end up on the menu for the Gnolls.
As mentioned before, El-Sheighul?s ritual magic requires acts of cannibalism, and as a result, it has given him a taste for the flesh of sentient creatures. Although his magic requires him to eat flesh raw, something he finds?repulsive, to gain power, he saves and carefully preserves and prepares flesh to consume for pleasure as well. Of the humanoid species of Cerilia, he treats Anuirean flesh as one might prepare fine cuts of beef: slicing them into steaks, making tripe, using the kidneys, creating head cheese, etc; Brechts are dealt with as one would prepare porcine delights: sausages, cutlets, full roast suckling child, ribs, etc?; Khinasi are treated as mutton, but by far his favorite flesh is Masetian, which he prepares as a fine prosciutto ham or as spiced cured sausages, or ribs. However, he dislikes Vos, which he claims is like greasy bear meat, and Rjurik, which he says tastes ?off? or fishy. Gnolls and goblins are ?not? worth eating.
To a captured Masetian noble, with disdain in his tone: ?Why do you dress yourself in the rags of barbarians?? Noting that the Masetian is dressed in Anuirean fashion, ?As a Masetian prince, it is beneath you, but we shall discuss that later, over dinner.?
To an Anuirean merchant-ship captain, spoken is soft, evenly metered, but menacing tones: ?I told you that there would be consequences if you failed to deliver my cargo safely...the Lurech [wine] is ruined.? Reaches up and plucks the eye out of the captain?s skull and consumes it while the man is shrieking from the pain. ?Do not fail me again.? Looks at the guards, ?Take him away and see that he is healed, I still have a use for him.?
Addressing a prisoner regarding his Khinasi master of poison: ?You needn?t bother trying to move, the poison that courses through your veins is a paralytic crafted by my master of poisons. He?s a Basarji barbarian, however, he does have his uses.?
To his servi: ?Under no circumstances are you to allow any of those flea infested gnolls in to my villa. The last time they were allowed into the atrio, their putrid stench hung in the air for months.?
Allies: None, there are only servants, minions, and pawns.
The Magian, the Raven, and other Lost. Whether they are viewed more as "friends" is anyone's guess.
The Serpent in El-Sheighul?s eyes is lower than a Masetian slave, a bestial faced barbarian and pretender to the Masetian Imperial Throne. That and El-Sheighul also blames the Serpent for the loss of Azrai?s navy at the Battle of Mount Deismaar against the last legitimate emperor of the Masetian people.
The realms of Mesire, Ariya, and any neighboring Khinasi land are liable to fall victim to El-Sheighul?s dark machinations. He views the Basarji as little better than thieving curs; invaders that robbed the Masetian people of their lands and heritage, an insult that must be redressed with extreme prejudice.
El-Sheighul?s palace in the daylight world of Cerilia is an impressive fortification of an ancient Masetian design built on the ruins of an ancient Imperial fortification that existed during the Anuirean occupation of the Khinasi lands. It sits high upon a rugged outcropping of rock with but a single land based approach.
This is a place holder for a different spin on El-Sheighül based on some of the content from Cities of the Sun, the BRWiki article on The Lost, and some home spun content to fit in with his nom de guerre. His stats are based on 2E BRCS. Feel free to add 3E stats on the primary El-Sheighül page.
The campaign creation/human arrival myth revolves around humans arriving in Aduria through mystical means from ancient earth to explain the parallels in culture and religion.
El-Sheighül Adaptation: New Empire PBeM
[="Khinasi"]Khinasi[/] » [="Zhaïnge Valley"]Zhaïnge Valley[/] » [="Black Spear Tribes"]Black Spear Tribes[/] » [="Jaleela/El-Sheighül"]Jaleela/El-Sheighül[/]
Character arms.png
Medium Humanoid (Awnshegh)
Hit Dice: input hitdice
Attacks: '' hand to hand and weapon type
Damage: hand to hand and weapon type
Special Attacks: by ability, Spells
Special Qualities: Bloodline, any immunities etc?
Abilities: Str x, Dex x, Con x, Int x, Wis x, Cha x, Bld x
''' Skills:
Climate/Terrain: Any land (Black Spear Tribes)
Organization: Solitary (Unique)
Challenge Rating:
Alignment: Always lawful evil
The campaign creation/human arrival myth revolves around humans arriving in Aduria through mystical means from ancient earth to explain the parallels in culture and religion.
El-Sheighül Adaptation: New Empire PBeM
[="Khinasi"]Khinasi[/] » [="Zhaïnge Valley"]Zhaïnge Valley[/] » [="Black Spear Tribes"]Black Spear Tribes[/] » [="Jaleela/El-Sheighül"]Jaleela/El-Sheighül[/]
Character arms.png
Medium Humanoid (Awnshegh)
Hit Dice: input hitdice
Attacks: '' hand to hand and weapon type
Damage: hand to hand and weapon type
Special Attacks: by ability, Spells
Special Qualities: Bloodline, any immunities etc?
Abilities: Str x, Dex x, Con x, Int x, Wis x, Cha x, Bld x
''' Skills:
Climate/Terrain: Any land (Black Spear Tribes)
Organization: Solitary (Unique)
Challenge Rating:
Alignment: Always lawful evil
El-Sheighül is a diplomat, first and foremost, a man of intellect, noble bearing, and rich, decadent appetites. He abhors the barbarity of physical conflict, that?s what minions and servi are for; the dirty, unpleasant work not fit for the hands of the nobility. El-Sheighül enjoys polite conversations to the play of the sword. Subterfuge and clandestine plots and intrigues, and the occasional assassination are his stratagems. He prefers his enemies to be his ?guests?, brought to him for his ?use? ? be it for information, or part of a full course meal. While physical combat is an anathema to him, if he is forced to it, he will use his armies and fell magics to crush any who would dare to oppose him.
Spells marked with an asterisk * indicate those in which El-Sheighül must consume a raw piece of flesh from his victim and are described below the level and spell listing.Level 0:
Level 1: Bloodbond, Know Bloodline*, Know Origin*
Level 2: Enhance Blood Ability, First Strike, Mask Bloodline, Misfortune
Level 3: Suppress Blood Ability*
Level 4: Shadow Portal
Level 5: Disguise Bloodline, Dominate Person*
Level 6: Suppress Bloodline*
Level 7:
Level 8: Purity of Reason
Level 9: Deepest Night, Fury of Winter
Know Bloodline
Being a sadist, El-Sheighül uses his surgical tools to torture as well as remove a bit of flesh required for this spell. When El-Sheighül consumes a piece of flesh from a blooded individual, his head is surrounded by a lurid, blood red halo. His eyes glow, and as he passes his hands over the body of the scion, he is able to discern their bloodline derivation, bloodline strength, and blood abilities.
Suppress Blood Ability
After El-Sheighül has partaken of a scion?s flesh and cast the Know Bloodline spell, he will typically cast Suppress Blood Ability and or Suppress Bloodline, depending on the strength and importance of a particular captive.
Dominate Person (PHB)
by eating flesh or various organs, El-Sheighul can dominate a victim. For example: if he consumes the eye of a person, he can now see through their remaining eye as a form of clairvoyance. If he consumes and ear it acts a clairaudience. Consuming flesh from a dominant arm or hand could allow him to perfectly forge the scion?s signature, in the case of a regent, it could allow him to write declarations of war or lead friends into traps with letters ?written by a friend?. The worst is if he consumes a small portion of brain tissue. Through the surgical process of Trephination, he removes a piece of the cerebral cortex, this allows him to control the scion like a puppet at will, or worse yet, turn them in to a mindless automaton and use them on suicide missions against targets.
Realm Spells:
[top]Domain Tactics
- First and foremost, to escape the Shadow World permanently
- His secondary goal is to rule up his realm and get rid of the Gnolls that infest it, replacing them with enthralled mercenaries or other troops capable of pulling off his plans with some level of efficiency.
- Expand his realm; reclaiming the lands that have obviously been stolen by the Khinasi
[top]History, Appearance, & Personality
Titus Rufius Andronicus is better known by his Khinasi title, El-Sheighül, or Lord of Ghouls. Titus is a Masetian priest of Aita and a sorcerer specializing in the vilest of the necromantic arts. He has lived for approximately two millennia.While in his middle age, before the War of the Shadow and the Masetian flight from Aduria, he was seduced by Azrai into following him by appearing to Titus as an avatar of Aita bearing the promises of unlimited arcane power and elevation to the status of a demi-god if he served him faithfully. Being an ambitious man, Titus accepted Azrai?s offer. And so it began, Azrai took Titus? already dark desires and drew them out, perverting them. As part of his corruption, Azrai taught Titus a unique form of blood-magic involving cannibalism and ritual magic, which as a requirement of tapping into that primal powers of Aebrynis, involved the consumption of a sentient creature?s flesh. This practice combined with his necromantic skills resulted in the Khinasi giving him his menacing name, El-Sheighül or the Lord of Ghouls. A name that Titus despises and he will remove the tongue of anyone who utters the insult in his presence.
When his people fled to Cerilia to establish a new empire, Titus stayed and served Azrai, becoming one of the twelve sorcerer disciples of the dark god that have come to be known as The Lost. As the dark god pursued the humans to the new land, El-Sheighul put his dark schemes to work to aid his god in his plans. Eventually, as history played out, the humans and Azrai?s brothers and sisters met the Shadow and his followers on the slopes and in the skies above Mount Deismaar. Things began to go badly and the gods of light in an attempt to stop their dark brother destroyed themselves in the great cataclysm.
With Azrai defeated, the Lost found that they were tethered to the Shadow World, because much of their dark power was derived from the substance of the alternate realm; when the cataclysm occurred, it created death and destruction on a massive scale; a great rift opened between Aebrynis and the Shadow World. The dark world tore the Lost from Aebrynis, trapping them in the murky world of twilight and shadows when the rift closed.
It is his tether to the Shadow World that hampers El-Sheighül. His primary weakness is his being trapped in the Shadow World which affects his ability to rule his domain as he desires; and when he manifests in Cerilia, he spends most of his valuable time dealing with infighting amongst the Gnolls of the Black Spear Tribe who comprise the majority of his army. If he could ever find a means, as the Magian has, to escape the bonds of the Shadow World, he would be a threat that could rival the Gorgon or the Magian.
Most Khinasi believe El-Sheighül to be one of the ancient undead and given his appearance, it?s easy to understand why. However, nothing could be farther from the truth.
El-Sheighül is a tall, aristocratic Masetian man of the ancient, senatorial class, with an aquiline nose, and refined features. He has the appearance of great age, despite his divine blood gift of long life; he has straight white hair, his countenance is a spider web of fine wrinkles, and the flesh of his cheeks is sunken, giving him an emaciated, near cadaverous appearance. His lips are stretched thin across a mouth lined with yellow teeth. His age and eating habits have given him chronic halitosis.
Titus is a hedonist and a perfectionist. He is immaculately dressed in a senatorial toga of fine, expensive fabric with a broad purple stripe, and usually wears a black priest?s cowl. In addition, he wears slippers of the finest quality leather (species indeterminate), dyed red, with gold embroidery. His long, bony fingers are adorned with several heavy gold rings; one intaglio; one cameo; and one entirely gold of an ancient Masetian pattern. He also carries a rod of his office made of chased iron of ancient Masetian manufacture which has a number of magical properties which can be used as a mace, if necessary. One of his most prized possessions is a small satchel that he carries that contains specialized surgical instruments that he uses for his cannibalistic rites, and occasionally for the pleasure of torturing his victims.
El-Sheighul is a bigot. Anyone who does not follow Masetian ways and is not a true Masetian, is a barbarian, and is considered an inferior. Modern Masetians are of dubious pedigree, and those of mixed heritage are little, if any better than an outright barbarian. He is also an elitist. Anyone that was not of the patrician class is not equal in any way to one who is of that social status. Anyone of less than equitus rank is incompetent and ignorant. Anyone of Masetian heritage of lower social orders is only saved from slavery by accident of birth. El-Sheighul?s contempt for what he deems to be the lower orders of life can often make him underestimate a foe that isn?t of what he considers ?proper birth?. That same contempt for things not Masetian, if pressured, could lead El-Sheighul to acts of true evil, for example completely devastating a neighboring realm with the appropriate realm spell, such as Death Plague or Mass Destruction.
He is fastidious. A fact his servi and ancillae know all too well. Failure to meet his demands is met with sadistic intent, from the removal of an eye to a prolonged and torturous death. He is always proper, aware of one?s place and social standing as it applies to Masetian Royalty and society. A younger, modern Masetian of pure, noble blood might be treated as a wayward child that needs to be ?reeducated? in etiquette and the ways of the Masetian Empire as it was before the cataclysm.
El-Sheighul is an intellectual snob and enjoys the debate and conversations that revolve around art, philosophy, and his lost people. He also enjoys engaging in the negotiations of treaties (when he chooses to make them). Typically, any deal that is struck is adhered to the letter of the law. If he respects his opponent he will honor the duration and letter of an agreement, though he will also look for potential loopholes. If the opponent is not worthy, he will only maintain the agreement for as long as it takes to put him into a position of superiority and then he will move to crush them.
He is a gourmand, to the point of gluttony which is centered on the quality and not the quantity of his meals. He eats sparingly, and savors every delicate morsel (it is the only physical pleasure in which he is capable of indulging). He demands the finest delicacies and beverages and he will pay for the rarest and most exquisite ingredients that can be obtained from the corners of the known world. Being that his tastes stem from an ancient and oft times decadent culture, one of his favorite epicurean delights, are hummingbird tongues braised in wine, and door mice roasted in a honey sauce. To be his cook is a dangerous occupation, the post usually being staffed by an unfortunate chef of some renown who was abducted from the kitchens of a neighboring or distant kingdom, and although El-Sheighul will indulge in his own meal preparations on a whim at times, or if necessary, especially, if the meal a chef prepares is a culinary disaster and wastes Titus? carefully gathered and expensive ingredients, the chef might end up on the menu for the Gnolls.
As mentioned before, El-Sheighul?s ritual magic requires acts of cannibalism, and as a result, it has given him a taste for the flesh of sentient creatures. Although his magic requires him to eat flesh raw, something he finds?repulsive, to gain power, he saves and carefully preserves and prepares flesh to consume for pleasure as well. Of the humanoid species of Cerilia, he treats Anuirean flesh as one might prepare fine cuts of beef: slicing them into steaks, making tripe, using the kidneys, creating head cheese, etc; Brechts are dealt with as one would prepare porcine delights: sausages, cutlets, full roast suckling child, ribs, etc?; Khinasi are treated as mutton, but by far his favorite flesh is Masetian, which he prepares as a fine prosciutto ham or as spiced cured sausages, or ribs. However, he dislikes Vos, which he claims is like greasy bear meat, and Rjurik, which he says tastes ?off? or fishy. Gnolls and goblins are ?not? worth eating.
[top]Typical Dialog
To a captured Masetian noble, with disdain in his tone: ?Why do you dress yourself in the rags of barbarians?? Noting that the Masetian is dressed in Anuirean fashion, ?As a Masetian prince, it is beneath you, but we shall discuss that later, over dinner.?
To an Anuirean merchant-ship captain, spoken is soft, evenly metered, but menacing tones: ?I told you that there would be consequences if you failed to deliver my cargo safely...the Lurech [wine] is ruined.? Reaches up and plucks the eye out of the captain?s skull and consumes it while the man is shrieking from the pain. ?Do not fail me again.? Looks at the guards, ?Take him away and see that he is healed, I still have a use for him.?
Addressing a prisoner regarding his Khinasi master of poison: ?You needn?t bother trying to move, the poison that courses through your veins is a paralytic crafted by my master of poisons. He?s a Basarji barbarian, however, he does have his uses.?
To his servi: ?Under no circumstances are you to allow any of those flea infested gnolls in to my villa. The last time they were allowed into the atrio, their putrid stench hung in the air for months.?
Allies: None, there are only servants, minions, and pawns.
The Magian, the Raven, and other Lost. Whether they are viewed more as "friends" is anyone's guess.
The Serpent in El-Sheighul?s eyes is lower than a Masetian slave, a bestial faced barbarian and pretender to the Masetian Imperial Throne. That and El-Sheighul also blames the Serpent for the loss of Azrai?s navy at the Battle of Mount Deismaar against the last legitimate emperor of the Masetian people.
The realms of Mesire, Ariya, and any neighboring Khinasi land are liable to fall victim to El-Sheighul?s dark machinations. He views the Basarji as little better than thieving curs; invaders that robbed the Masetian people of their lands and heritage, an insult that must be redressed with extreme prejudice.
[top]Ras Gul: Villa/Fortification
El-Sheighul?s palace in the daylight world of Cerilia is an impressive fortification of an ancient Masetian design built on the ruins of an ancient Imperial fortification that existed during the Anuirean occupation of the Khinasi lands. It sits high upon a rugged outcropping of rock with but a single land based approach.
- Ancilla / Ancillae: singular a plural forms of female slave/servant
- Atrio: the entry way to a villa
- Eita: Etruscan version of Hades
- Servus / Servi: singular a plural forms of male slave/servant
[top]See Also
- 3103 Cities of the Sun Campaign Expansion boxed set, TSR 1995 (canon)
- The Lost
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Created by Last edited by , 10-23-2011 at 01:48 PM 0 Comments, 6,538 Views |
, 04-08-2011 at 01:45 PM