D20:Behir Creature
Huge (Magical Beast) CR 8 | ||
HP 94, hd9d10+45 Initiative +1AC 20 (?2 size, +1 Dex, +11 natural), touch 9, flat-fooded 19 Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +5 Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), climb 15 ft. Spot , Listen | ||
Standard attacks BAB +9, Grapple +25 | ||
Attacks | ||
Full attack: Bite +15 melee (2d4+12) | ||
Special Attacks/Qualities | ||
Breath weapon, constrict 2d8+8, improved grab, rake 1d4+4, swallow whole | ||
Can?t be tripped, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to electricity, low-light vision, scent | ||
Skills Climb +16, Hide +5, Listen +4, Spot +4, Survival +2 | ||
Feats Alertness, Cleave, Power Attack, Track | ||
Str 26 Con 21 Dex 13 Int 7 Wis 14 Cha 12 | ||
Alignment Often neutral, Environment Warm hills, Organisation Solitary or pair |
The behir is a serpentine monster that can slither like a snake or use its dozen legs to move with considerable speed. A behir is about 40 feet long and weighs about 4,000 pounds. It can fold its limbs close to its long, narrow body and slither in snake fashion if it desires. The coloration of behirs ranges from ultramarine to deep blue with bands of gray-brown. The belly is pale blue. The two large horns curving back over the head look dangerous but are actually used for preening the creature?s scales, not for fighting.
Behirs speak Common.
A behir usually bites and grabs its prey first, then either swallows or constricts the opponent. It can employ its claws only against foes caught in its coils. If beset by a large number of foes, it uses its breath weapon.
Breath Weapon (Su): 20-foot line, once every 10 rounds, damage 7d6 electricity, Reflex DC 19 half. The save DC is Consitution-based.
Constrict (Ex): A behir deals 2d8+8 points of damage with a successful grapple check. It can make six rake attacks against a grappled foe as well.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a behir must hit a creature of any size with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
If it wins the grapple check, it it establishes a hold and can attempt to constrict the opponent or swallow the opponent in the following round.
Rake (Ex): Six claws, attack bonus +15 melee, damage 1d4+4.
Swallow Whole (Ex): A behir can try to swallow a grabbed Medium or smaller opponent by making a successful grapple check.
A behir that swallows an opponent can use its Cleave feat to bite and grab another opponent.
A swallowed creature takes 2d8+8 points of bludgeoning damage and 8 points of acid damage per round from the behir?s gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 15). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out.
A behir?s gizzard can hold 2 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, or 128 Diminutive or smaller opponents.
Skills: Behirs have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.
System Reference Document -> List of Creatures
Breath Weapon (Su): 20-foot line, once every 10 rounds, damage 7d6 electricity, Reflex DC 19 half. The save DC is Consitution-based.
Constrict (Ex): A behir deals 2d8+8 points of damage with a successful grapple check. It can make six rake attacks against a grappled foe as well.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a behir must hit a creature of any size with its bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.
If it wins the grapple check, it it establishes a hold and can attempt to constrict the opponent or swallow the opponent in the following round.
Rake (Ex): Six claws, attack bonus +15 melee, damage 1d4+4.
Swallow Whole (Ex): A behir can try to swallow a grabbed Medium or smaller opponent by making a successful grapple check.
A behir that swallows an opponent can use its Cleave feat to bite and grab another opponent.
A swallowed creature takes 2d8+8 points of bludgeoning damage and 8 points of acid damage per round from the behir?s gizzard. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by using a light slashing or piercing weapon to deal 25 points of damage to the gizzard (AC 15). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out.
A behir?s gizzard can hold 2 Medium, 8 Small, 32 Tiny, or 128 Diminutive or smaller opponents.
Skills: Behirs have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened.
System Reference Document -> List of Creatures
This article is a D20 reference page The System Reference Document is a comprehensive toolbox consisting of rules, races, classes, feats, skills, various systems, spells, magic items, and monsters compatible with the d20 System version of Dungeons & Dragons and various other roleplaying games from Wizards of the Coast. |
Category: CR8 | Creature | D20 | Hills Terrain | Huge Size | LA- | Magical Beast Type | Neutral Alignment | SRD | Warm Climate
Created by Last edited by , 10-23-2011 at 11:57 AM 0 Comments, 11,326 Views |
, 05-19-2007 at 10:11 PM