D20:Chill Metal Spell
Chill Metal
Drd 2
V, S, DF
1 standard action
Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Metal equipment of one creature per two levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart; or 25 lb. of metal/level, none of which can be more than 30 ft. away from any of the rest
7 rounds
Will negates (object)
Yes (object)
A creature takes cold damage if its equipment is chilled. It takes full damage if its armor is affected or if it is holding, touching, wearing, or carrying metal weighing one-fifth of its weight. The creature takes minimum damage (1 point or 2 points; see the table) if it?s not wearing metal armor and the metal that it?s carrying weighs less than one-fifth of its weight.
On the first round of the spell, the metal becomes chilly and uncomfortable to touch but deals no damage. The same effect also occurs on the last round of the spell?s duration. During the second (and also the next-to-last) round, icy coldness causes pain and damage. In the third, fourth, and fifth rounds, the metal is freezing cold, causing more damage, as shown on the table below.
Round | Metal Temperature | Damage |
1 | Cold | None |
2 | Icy | 1d4 points |
3?5 | Freezing | 2d4 points |
6 | Icy | 1d4 points |
7 | Cold | None |
Chill metal counters and dispels heat metal.
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, 05-19-2007 at 11:13 PM
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