View Full Version : Autoupdate Sheets

10-18-2003, 02:19 AM
I am writing a little php script conected to a MySQL database

My fyrst object is to create autoupdat sheets for your Birthrigth Campange.

Im currenly working on how one can send some commands by e-mail to a seperate program to be saved in the database, to be workt on a due date by the server.

my current flow chart is:

1. Player issues his actions and sends to the server.
2. The server processec the commands, then waits for Dm approval
and for the Dm to aid his spesial bonuses to his favored players
before rolling the dies. (server side dies)
3. Update sheets,
4. send posts to players

Im thinking to use marsenne twister to roll the die

whats on the TODO list

have a auto update map.
a map thet will automaticly draw any roads build by players
spells like warding spells, and other landscape features.
like increas in prov raiting :)

My future gole, (dream) is to create a script on the server thet has a running Birthrigth world with no Dm nor players. lol

If anyone is intrested in this, pleas post here. :ph34r:

10-18-2003, 11:55 AM
there already exists such a program....

Actually there are two different things linked...

one is called Birweb and right now it is only available to the Leicester Birthright PBEM (but the creator wishes to improve it and make it possible that others can use it)

the other is called birmail and it is a semi-automated (like you described) turn processing and sheet-updating utility

Birmail can be found in sourceforge

Both are in java (as far as I know... I am no programmer... I just use them)

players enter their actions in Birweb, the DM gets a .csv file from Birweb and uploads it to Birmail. Birmail processes turns, asking the DM questions, rolling dice when needed and doing lots and lots of things. The DM then tells birmail to create the new turnsheets and email them (automated of course) to the players.

10-19-2003, 02:57 AM
Thanks for your replay

I found Birmail on sourceforge

i never realy liked java much as it keep eating my computer speed and giveng me lotes of advertisements on the web.

So I never red a book about java, jet.
nor have i don any compyling in it.

I am intrested in one part thow, thet is how I can distribute workaround using some aplication trow the web.

like if I would like my work computer to render the wery large image in a shorter time, I could siemply ask all my frends to open some page on the web and the speed of my own machine would go up along with its memory.

Thets a future dream :) Perhaps will it be awailable by something liek java in future, ... Yes its the 'seti from home' idee.

10-19-2003, 03:54 AM
Keep in mind that Birmail only incorporates the rules set of 2E, and has no updates for d20 at this time.

10-19-2003, 09:53 AM
yes this is true :) Again mainly because the LeBR game is in 2E and not 3E :)