D20:Stone Horse Wondrous Item
Stone Horse: Each item of this nature appears to be a fullsized, roughly hewn statue of a horse, carved from some type of hard stone. A command word brings the steed to life, enabling it to carry a burden and even to attack as if it were a real horse of the appropriate kind.
A stone horse can carry 1,000 pounds tirelessly and never needs to rest or feed. Damage dealt to it can be repaired by first using a stone to flesh spell, thus causing the stone horse to become a normal horse that can be healed normally. When fully healed, it automatically reverts to its stone form. While in its stone form, it can be fed gems, healing 1 point of damage for each 50 gp worth of mineral it is given.
There are two sorts of stone horses.
Courser: This item has the statistics of a heavy horse as well as having hardness 10.
Destrier: This item has the statistics of a heavy warhorse as well as having hardness 10.
Strong transmutation; CL 14th; Craft Wondrous Item, flesh to stone, animate objects; Price 10,000 gp (courser) or 14,800 gp (destrier);Weight 6,000 lb.
System Reference Document -> Magic Items: Wondrous Items
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, 05-20-2007 at 01:09 AM
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