View Full Version : Where in...?

Armand Suarez
11-27-1996, 11:25 AM
Eric Putnam wrote:

>>Funny you should ask. I'll be using the BR rules to set up a game in my
own campaign world. I can't decide how best to handle regency; dispense
with the "blood" rules and assume that any ruler can collect RP? Or
something else?

I'm working on the exact same type of campaign (BR rules for home-grown
world) as you are. Maybe we can share ideas. My world will be for play by
e-mail (whenever I finish with it).

I haven't gotten far enough to give you a concrete "answer" about RP and
blood, but I think I will use the blood rules as they are, but change all
the clans, which clan gets what, and the story rationale behind it. I think
in my campaign, the blooded characters will be direct descendants of avatars
(however many generations back). I won't have a god-shattering war as the
reason (so as not to be too much of a copycat). I'm thinking of having only
two gods/powers in the campaign, but their roles will be unclear and highly
disputed (makes for good religious conflict). Numerous avatars of the two
powerful deities will possess the portfolios that "traditional" AD&D
pantheonic gods possess in worlds like Greyhawk and FR. The avatars will be
viewed as "saints", and churches will have patron saints from which they
derive power. I still have lots more design work to do.

I generated the world map and climate using SimEarth for Windows, took
screenshots and pasted a big map together, and now I'm working on making it
look nice. SimEarth gave me all this weather/climate data, too, so I have a
reasonably "realistic" model of my world. I also ordered TSR's World
Builder Guide and ARIA Worlds, and whenever I get them I can really get into



Jason Mulligan
11-28-1996, 12:02 AM
> My Players are based in Dhoesone. It allows each of them to be Regents of
> equal standing, and play from the same country. I should point out that each
> Player is a Regent of a different type of Holding, of course.

Thats one thing that I am curious about. In peoples games, what style of
play is involved? Is each PC a Regent of a different Kingdom? are there
Regent/Non-Regent PC's? Or collective rule of one kingdom (w/one PC as
King, another running each of the Temple, Guild and Source holdings??

Also, what percentage of game time is used up resolving domain turns and
asociated accounting and what percentage actually roleplaying the
individual characters?

I've had the main boxed set since it was released, but havent played much
beyond 2-3 sessions as our game disintergrated (some player disinterest,
plus scheduling problems). The couple of sessions I played though weren't
terribly exciting as it seemed to be completedly filled with domain turn
resolution, and I wasn't playing a regent character. My fellow players have
been anxious to try again witha Birthright game, so hopefully we'll try
again over xmas and it will turn out better...

- -
Jason Mulligan
E-Mail to: manwe@valinor.hna.com.au

"If you want my advice, make for Rivendell. That journey should not prove
too perilous, though the Road is less easy than it was, and it will grow
worse as the year fails."
-- Gandalf, "Three is Company"

11-28-1996, 03:04 PM
> Does anyone remember which Dragon had the stuff on the Al-Aquim birthright
> style game? that would be interesting to see also.

I remember it was #233.

Jason Mulligan
11-28-1996, 03:29 PM
> I'm working on the exact same type of campaign (BR rules for home-grown
> world) as you are. Maybe we can share ideas. My world will be for play by
> e-mail (whenever I finish with it).

Hmmm. I'd like to hear about this also, as I've been looking at playing a
Birthright game with ICE's Rolemaster system instead of AD&D. Luckily there
aren't too many hassles convert BR over to Rolemaster :)

Does anyone remember which Dragon had the stuff on the Al-Aquim birthright
style game? that would be interesting to see also.

- -
Jason Mulligan
E-Mail to: manwe@valinor.hna.com.au

"If you want my advice, make for Rivendell. That journey should not prove
too perilous, though the Road is less easy than it was, and it will grow
worse as the year fails."
-- Gandalf, "Three is Company"