View Full Version : Some questions

Dan Medeiros
11-30-1996, 12:00 AM
> 1) How does one go about generating armies for lands nopt detailed
>by indivudial source books or in the Ruins of Empire book. I've tried
>using the unique land generation at the end of the rulebook, but to no
>avail. (The numbers just don't match up). For example, what kind of army
>does the land of Arenwe have?
> Kurt Wiegel
> wiegelkn@wave.st.usm.edu

Generally what I do is figure out what the average income of the
realm is and then decide how much of that is used to maitain the army
depending on the situation. 1/3 is reasonable for someone that is peaceful
and surrounded by friendly countries, such as Ilien, while warlike nations
use anything from 2/3 to 3/4. After that I pick out the units whose
maintenence costs add up to those being spent.

-Joao Medeiros

Kurt Wiegel
08-05-1997, 03:37 PM
Here are some burning questions that my players have been hounding
me about for quite a while now. I have my own ideas formed, but it's
always nice to have additional input.

1) How does one go about generating armies for lands nopt detailed
by indivudial source books or in the Ruins of Empire book. I've tried
using the unique land generation at the end of the rulebook, but to no
avail. (The numbers just don't match up). For example, what kind of army
does the land of Arenwe have?

2) Has anyone (else) tried to play the Night Below campaign in
Cerilia? If so, how did it work out?

3) Does anyonme else out there in net land use the Spells and Magic
adaptation for the Birthright game, if so, and you use the optional rule
for Channelers in the Mage calss, I have a question. If a regent mage is
on a source of his own, I've instituted the rule that he adds the level
of his source to his level for the draining efects of the magic spell he
cast, as they are intimately linked to the mebhaile(sp?) in the land.

I look forward to having these questions bandied about.

Kurt Wiegel