Dan Medeiros
11-30-1996, 12:00 AM
> 1) How does one go about generating armies for lands nopt detailed
>by indivudial source books or in the Ruins of Empire book. I've tried
>using the unique land generation at the end of the rulebook, but to no
>avail. (The numbers just don't match up). For example, what kind of army
>does the land of Arenwe have?
> Kurt Wiegel
> wiegelkn@wave.st.usm.edu
Generally what I do is figure out what the average income of the
realm is and then decide how much of that is used to maitain the army
depending on the situation. 1/3 is reasonable for someone that is peaceful
and surrounded by friendly countries, such as Ilien, while warlike nations
use anything from 2/3 to 3/4. After that I pick out the units whose
maintenence costs add up to those being spent.
-Joao Medeiros
>by indivudial source books or in the Ruins of Empire book. I've tried
>using the unique land generation at the end of the rulebook, but to no
>avail. (The numbers just don't match up). For example, what kind of army
>does the land of Arenwe have?
> Kurt Wiegel
> wiegelkn@wave.st.usm.edu
Generally what I do is figure out what the average income of the
realm is and then decide how much of that is used to maitain the army
depending on the situation. 1/3 is reasonable for someone that is peaceful
and surrounded by friendly countries, such as Ilien, while warlike nations
use anything from 2/3 to 3/4. After that I pick out the units whose
maintenence costs add up to those being spent.
-Joao Medeiros