View Full Version : elves and war rules

Joao Medeiros
11-30-1996, 12:00 AM
> I'm wondering a few things about the birthright setting.
> How do elves ever expand their territory?? They don't have priests,
>but the investiture spell is required to begin gaining regency from new
>territory...and since many elves hate humans, I doubt they are about to
>hire a human priest to cast the spell for them....do they have a mage
>version of the spell specific to elves??
>Paul L.

I already posted something on this topic, I guess you missed it.
Hear it is again anyway:

Has any one here noticed that elves in Birthright are at a severe
disadvantage when it comes to expanding their domains? Since elves do not
follow any gods, and are to proud to ask for human aid, they are denied
access to one of the essential actions: investiture. to counter this I
propose the following version of investiture for elves, based on their
connection to the land as opposed to man's connection to their gods.

Sidhelien investiture success:10+/15+

Type:domain, realm cost: special

Through the use of this action elves are able to perform the action
normally limited to a priest. This action requires total concentration on
the part of the elf, who must remain undisturbed and in a natural
surrounding for the length of it. During this period the elf does not eat or
rest, only concentrating on breaking the link between the previous regent
and the land, and then reforging it to himself.
This ritual has to parts to it: first, the previous regent's link to
his holding must be broken and then a new link must be forged to the elf.
The cost to break the link is 2 RP times the level of the holding(s) to be
aquired. the cost to forge it is RP equal to the level of the holding(s).
Due to the chaotic nature of Mebhaighl, which is used by even not
wizard elves in this action, success in the first part does not guarantee
success in the second. The chance to succeed for the first part is 10, while
for the second it is 15.
If the elf fails in the second part of the ritual then he failed in
drawing the link to himself. The target holdings do not become uncontrolled.
Instead the holdings "link" themselves to a randomly determined domain in
the province, theoreticaly "bouncing around" until it hits something to
which it sticks.
Like normal investiture, only one contested province or holding can
be invested if the owner is unwilling. If the previous owner is willing
however, he gas only to give his consent to the elf, in person, and need not
attend the entire ritual. He must be there if he will invest his bloodline
or become a vassal.
In the action round after the elf performed this action he can do
nothing but rest, thus he can only perform free actions.

I hope that this is useful, I'd like some feedback on it before I
try it out in my campaign.

-Joao Medeiros

-Joao Medeiros

Paul Lefebvre
08-19-1997, 04:44 AM
Second, is a team of engineers ABSOLUTELY necessary to damage units
hiding in a castle? What ever happened to storming the walls with
ladders, or using archers to simply fire over the outer walls of a
castle? I always assumed that archers could attack units hiding in a
castle, but that noone else can unless engineers are there.

You can have your PC take Siegecraft proficiency which allows your troops
to attack castles with any seige equipment as long as the Pc is at the battle

Additionally, do the engineers actually have to be in an adjacant space
to the castle to attack those inside it or do they simply have to be
somewhere on the board (almost like they're directing the others)

Paul L.

Well, In my campaign, we play that missile units have a range of 2 on the
board. Magic and artillerists can hit anything on the board. We think this
makes catapults and archers more realistic. Also, if you have a mage, why
would he/she go out into the middle of battle to cast. Standing at the rear
is perfectly fine!

'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

08-19-1997, 03:54 PM
Paul Lefebvre wrote:
> I'm wondering a few things about the birthright setting.
> How do elves ever expand their territory??

I kinda wondered that myself, but having an elven regent in
my campaign, I had to come up with something. My house rule is
that elven mages can do investitures with the same costs as a
priest with the additional limitation that if land or holdings
are invested the regent invested must be an elf or half-elf.

> Second, is a team of engineers ABSOLUTELY necessary to damage units hiding in a castle?

The way I understood it is that the engineers only had to be
there, and that if they were there any unit could hit the
units in the castle.
