View Full Version : A few questions

Matt Lewis
08-22-1997, 12:55 AM
This message didn't seem to make it to the list last time, so here

I have a few unrelated questions that have been bugging me:

1) Is it possible to get additional war card boxes, like the one in
the main BR boxed set?

2) Can ley lines be traced across water? If so, what is possible? Can
ley lines go only across lakes, or can they go through coastal waters?
How about maritime areas?

3) What is the official ruling on the unnamed province in the NW of
Markazor? (It's the one just NW of Riverspring and W of Shattered

4) I think a couple of the Rjurik special unit war cards are wrong:

Move: 1 Melee: 3
Defense: 3 +1 bonus vs. pikes
Morale: 2 symbols and irregulars.
1 Hit Melee: 2
2 Hits: Melee: 1

Move: 1 Melee: 4
Defense: 4 +1 bonus vs. pikes
Morale: 3 symbols and irregulars.
1 Hit Melee: 3
2 Hits: Melee: 2

Move: 1 Melee: 3
Defense: 3
Morale: 2 symbols
1 Hit Melee: 2

Move: 1 Melee: 3
Defense: 3 +1 bonus vs. pikes
Morale: 2 symbols and irregulars.
1 Hit Melee: 2
2 Hits: Melee: 1

As you can see, the Kvigmar Guardians and the Hogunmark Dragons,
supposedly the ruler's finest fighting troops, are in one case only as
good as regular infantry, while in the other case, they're not even
that good. Neither are anywhere near as good as Housecarls. What


Paul Lefebvre
08-22-1997, 05:13 AM
Matt Lewis wrote:

> 3) What is the official ruling on the unnamed province in the NW of
> Markazor? (It's the one just NW of Riverspring and W of Shattered
> Hills.)

Pulling out my handy-dandy domain sourcebook for Tuarhieval, I see
that the province that you are considering is called Sideath. It was
once part of Tuarhieval, but the Gorgon invaded it. The Siedhelien
defended against the invasion and one EXTREMELY powerful elven mage
drove the Gorgon off by opening a rift to the shadow world. Everything,
elves, humans, goblins, squirrels, birds (you get the idea) was sucked
into the shadow world. The domain is unclaimed by either Tuarhieval or
the Gorgon now, and is defended by the elven mage who has been
transformed into some sort of semi lich creature...

There are no statistics for that province....though who'd want to go
there is beyond me :)

Paul L.

08-22-1997, 06:35 AM
Matt Lewis wrote:

> 1) Is it possible to get additional war card boxes, like the one in
> the main BR boxed set?

Sorry no clue, but I doubt that TSRwould be able to cet you one any
time soon, there is just more important stuff to print...

> 2) Can ley lines be traced across water? If so, what is possible? Can
> ley lines go only across lakes, or can they go through coastal waters?
> How about maritime areas?

I would use the water areas from Cities of the Sun for cost...

> 3) What is the official ruling on the unnamed province in the NW of
> Markazor? (It's the one just NW of Riverspring and W of Shattered
> Hills.)

From talking to various designers at the last 2 GenCons the response
seems to be, Oops, wow, wondered how that got there.

In my own campaign it was the basis of an elven PC's domain

> 4) I think a couple of the Rjurik special unit war cards are wrong:

Actually there are a lot of inconsistancies on the war cards.


Robin Cantin
08-22-1997, 07:10 AM
From Matt Lewis:
>This message didn't seem to make it to the list last time, so here
>I have a few unrelated questions that have been bugging me:
>1) Is it possible to get additional war card boxes, like the one in
>the main BR boxed set?

Don't count on it. TSR is supposed to stop Birthright production this year
on Birthright, and no war card boxes are scheduled.

>2) Can ley lines be traced across water? If so, what is possible? Can
>ley lines go only across lakes, or can they go through coastal waters?
>How about maritime areas?

According to the Book of Magecraft yes, but they must reach dry land in no
more than 150 miles. Lakes, seas or ocean.

Webmaster of the Direct Democracy Pages
Les Pages Democratie Directe

¼Õ ´©¸®(Son, Nuree
08-22-1997, 01:51 PM
> From: Matt Lewis
> Subject: [BIRTHRIGHT] - A few questions
> 1) Is it possible to get additional war card boxes, like the one in
> the main BR boxed set?

It seems impossible. But, according to the boxed set you can photocopy the
war cards. It is not quite satisfying, so I ask one of my players to bring
his war cards when more war cards are needed. (he has the boxed set, too.)

> 2) Can ley lines be traced across water? If so, what is possible? Can
> ley lines go only across lakes, or can they go through coastal waters?
> How about maritime areas?

Well, I think ley lines cannot cross water, but it's just my opinion.

> 3) What is the official ruling on the unnamed province in the NW of
> Markazor? (It's the one just NW of Riverspring and W of Shattered
> Hills.)

It may be a mistake of TSR, but now we should take it as a blank province.
There is no mention about that province.

- - Son, Nuree

08-22-1997, 11:44 PM
On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Robin Cantin wrote:

>According to the Book of Magecraft yes, but they must reach dry land in no
>more than 150 miles. Lakes, seas or ocean.

I thought that I had read that before, do you know what page that is?

>Webmaster of the Direct Democracy Pages
>Les Pages Democratie Directe
>************************************************** *************************
>>'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

08-23-1997, 04:00 AM
Sepsis wrote:
> At 03:10 AM 8/22/97 -0400, Robin Cantin(rcantin@oricom.ca)wrote:
> >
> >Don't count on it. TSR is supposed to stop Birthright production this year
> >on Birthright, and no war card boxes are scheduled.
> >
> Thats still a maybe. If sales on BR go up, TSR/WotC will continue to support
> the line, and don't forget to write a snail-mail letter to let them know you
> care what happens to this setting.
> Sepsis, richt@metrolink.net
> At GenCon, they were very definate on the fact of the continuation of
the Birthright line. Have no fear.


Paul Lefebvre
08-23-1997, 04:19 AM
Robin Cantin wrote:

> >From Matt Lewis:
> >This message didn't seem to make it to the list last time, so here
> >goes...
> >
> >I have a few unrelated questions that have been bugging me:
> >
> >1) Is it possible to get additional war card boxes, like the one in
> >the main BR boxed set?
> Don't count on it. TSR is supposed to stop Birthright production this
> year
> on Birthright, and no war card boxes are scheduled.

TSR is stopping birthright?? Why? Is this the same way that they
planned in advance to only produce 2-3 years of Al-Qadim stuff and then
quit while they were ahead?? From what I heard on the Gen Con online
seminar on the shadow world, they're producing birthright at least
through 98. If you've heard differently, please respond to my e-mail

Paul L.

Robin Cantin
08-23-1997, 09:06 AM
>>According to the Book of Magecraft yes, but they must reach dry land in no
>>more than 150 miles. Lakes, seas or ocean.
>I thought that I had read that before, do you know what page that is?

Page 26, 2nd column, first complete paragraph.


"J'ai compris qu'il est des hommes, peut-=EAtre la plupart des hommes, pour
qui il n'est pire tourment que la v=E9rit=E9"

- - Martin Gray, Au Nom de Tous les Miens

¼Õ ´©¸®(Son, Nuree
08-23-1997, 11:50 AM
> From: Paul Lefebvre
> Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - A few questions
> Pulling out my handy-dandy domain sourcebook for Tuarhieval, I see
> that the province that you are considering is called Sideath. It was
> once part of Tuarhieval, but the Gorgon invaded it. The Siedhelien
> defended against the invasion and one EXTREMELY powerful elven mage
> drove the Gorgon off by opening a rift to the shadow world. Everything,
> elves, humans, goblins, squirrels, birds (you get the idea) was sucked
> into the shadow world. The domain is unclaimed by either Tuarhieval or
> the Gorgon now, and is defended by the elven mage who has been
> transformed into some sort of semi lich creature...

What you say is Sideath province in Gorgon's Crown, not the nameless
province in Markazor.

- - Son, Nuree

George Chatzipetros
08-23-1997, 03:19 PM
From: Paul Lefebvre
To: birthright@MPGN.COM
Date: =D3=DC=E2=E2=E1=F4=EF, 23 =C1=F5=E3=EF=FD=F3=F4=EF=F5 1997 8:05 =F0=
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - A few questions

>TSR is stopping birthright?? Why? Is this the same way that they
>planned in advance to only produce 2-3 years of Al-Qadim stuff and then
>quit while they were ahead?? From what I heard on the Gen Con online
>seminar on the shadow world, they're producing birthright at least
>through 98. If you've heard differently, please respond to my e-mail

Excuse me, but they didnt planned in advance to produce only 2-3 years of
Al-Qadim stuff. Thats what they told us. Its just a lame excuse for sayin=
"sorry everybody, Al-Qadim didnt do so well and we're stopping the line".
Do you think that if Al-Qadim had success they would stop it? Never. No
smart company would.
And news arent that good for Birthright even. WoC said its one of the
"loss" worlds, ie it doesnt bring much cash in.

George, neon@mail.otenet.gr

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Paul Lefebvre
09-02-1997, 03:50 AM
TSRCarrie@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 97-08-24 20:31:32 EDT, you write:
> years of
> Al-Qadim stuff. Thats what they told us. Its just a lame excuse
> (snip)>>
> Excuse me, but yes we did :)
> In fact, it was the immense success of Al-Qadim that led TSR to
> produce it
> for 4 years, instead of the 3 years originally planned.
> Carrie Bebris
> *******

He he. I thought I was right. Al-Qadim was an incredible campaign
world (my players loved it and we were in the midst of a great campaign
when I moved cities). It was original, well detailed, and very well
balanced..Hopefully TSR will return to it for a short time at some
point....I'd like to hear more about the ancient kingdoms of Nog and
Kadar and the Brotherhood of the True Flame....:)

Paul L.