View Full Version : Birthright PBeM--from Adam Theo

Adam Theo
09-12-1997, 03:49 AM
Hello, Adam Theo here,
OK, if you're not seriously interested in helping to DM a Birthright
PBeM game, then please just delete this message.
I and so far three others are going to be running a simultaneous
Birthright PBeM game, with each one of us DMing a different region of
a few days ago, i set up a WWWbilboard for those of us to discuss this
PBeM. i sent out a message to everyone who expressed interest in
helping to DM, but i guess that three of the people never recieved it
since i have not seen them on the bilboard and not heard from them at
Mr Wrb41977@aol.com, and Mr Bertran Ray, if you did not recieve my
message, then check out the board at
and please just drop a message to us so we know that you're there. if
there is anyone else that is seriously interested in helping to DM a
cooperative campaign witha number of others, then stop by and post. i'm
afraid to say to all prospecting DMs that we've already started to
assign regions, so far the ones that look like there're taken are
Khinasi by Todd Beutler, Rjurik by Steve Benz, Brecht by Elliott Kujat.
if you really want to dm these regions, then i suppose you could still
post to the board, but please keep in mind that these people have maybe
already started planning and working on making the webpages for these
regions, so don't expect anything.
the regions available are
**Vosgaard when it comes out, until then the DM for it can help to
gather all the rules and be a very useful organizer for the pages.
**Anuire, it's possible that we could split it in two for two DM's if
two people want it. if only one does, then great.
**frontier region, since most of the Cerilian regions are taken, a
frontier region will be allowed, of course. places like Djapar,
origional land of the Basarji (Khinasi); a part of that mysterious
empire that the humans fled from 2,000 years ago; and any other parts of
the near-by world that could be DMed.
*****i have not chosen a region to DM yet, but will be choosing for
definite in a few days, so if you want in, better do it now. i am more
than willing to dm afrontier region, in fact, i have an idea of an
archpilago of large islands where the Masetians origionally came from.
it'll be neat if i do end up dming it.
if you are interested, then visit and post, if not, then please don't
crowd the bilboard with posts, but feel free to check it out and email
me personally with your suggestions, thanks.

Adam Theo Florida, USA
blah blah blah

09-13-1997, 04:12 AM
Adam Theo wrote:
> Hello, Adam Theo here,
> OK, if you're not seriously interested in helping to DM a Birthright
> PBeM game, then please just delete this message.
> I and so far three others are going to be running a simultaneous
> Birthright PBeM game, with each one of us DMing a different region of
> Cerilia.
> a few days ago, i set up a WWWbilboard for those of us to discuss this
> PBeM. i sent out a message to everyone who expressed interest in
> helping to DM, but i guess that three of the people never recieved it
> since i have not seen them on the bilboard and not heard from them at
> all.....
> Mr Wrb41977@aol.com, and Mr Bertran Ray, if you did not recieve my
> message, then check out the board at
> http://www.netleague.com/wwwboards/BRPBeMDM/
> and please just drop a message to us so we know that you're there. if
> there is anyone else that is seriously interested in helping to DM a
> cooperative campaign witha number of others, then stop by and post. i'm
> afraid to say to all prospecting DMs that we've already started to
> assign regions, so far the ones that look like there're taken are
> Khinasi by Todd Beutler, Rjurik by Steve Benz, Brecht by Elliott Kujat.
> if you really want to dm these regions, then i suppose you could still
> post to the board, but please keep in mind that these people have maybe
> already started planning and working on making the webpages for these
> regions, so don't expect anything.
> the regions available are
> **Vosgaard when it comes out, until then the DM for it can help to
> gather all the rules and be a very useful organizer for the pages.
> **Anuire, it's possible that we could split it in two for two DM's if
> two people want it. if only one does, then great.
> **frontier region, since most of the Cerilian regions are taken, a
> frontier region will be allowed, of course. places like Djapar,
> origional land of the Basarji (Khinasi); a part of that mysterious
> empire that the humans fled from 2,000 years ago; and any other parts of
> the near-by world that could be DMed.
> *****i have not chosen a region to DM yet, but will be choosing for
> definite in a few days, so if you want in, better do it now. i am more
> than willing to dm afrontier region, in fact, i have an idea of an
> archpilago of large islands where the Masetians origionally came from.
> it'll be neat if i do end up dming it.
> if you are interested, then visit and post, if not, then please don't
> crowd the bilboard with posts, but feel free to check it out and email
> me personally with your suggestions, thanks.
> Adam Theo Florida, USA
> adamtheo@iname.com
> adamtheo@hotmail.com
> blah blah blah
> ************************************************** *************************
> > 'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.
Ok as I have been told by my server, we are having BIG trouble with
service in the WESTERN states and provinces? So its very likely that if
you posted personally to three individuals and they haven't replied,
that this could be the reason. Although I would love to run part of the
campaign (the rules I'm still not sure of) I don't know how well I would
do. I, until recently, had one in the works. I had about 25 players
(apparently still do) but with server and mail problems (besides the
recent crash and losing all of my players' addresses) it took me close
to a month to reply to their first action of the first turn and THAT
still needed work. If possible (and if they are interested) would you
consider taking on these players? I would also like to play but don't
see this happening either. I might be able to pass on the name of
another DM/Player who was willing to help me out before my pooter
crashed. Are you interested?
Sorry if this is off topic but it needed to be done.

09-13-1997, 06:39 PM
I am very much interested. I would like to either help DM or play y'all's
game. I would like to help DM either Rjurik, Brecht, or Vos(when it comes
out). I would like to play alot of realms in alot of different sections of
Cerilia. Let me know what is going on.
