View Full Version : Tighmaevril
Harri Kemppainen
11-30-1996, 12:00 AM
On Fri, 26 Sep 1997, James Abbiati wrote:
> I personally like the idea of only 12 known Tighmaevril weapons, but having the
> possiblity that there are others not yet discovered. I don't like the idea of anyone
> still having the knowledge to creat new ones. That would lessen the "rarity" appeal of
> the originals. If there are others not yet discovered, that at least leaves the door
> open to add a few here and there as the need occurs.
Other choice is to use so rare components that it's almost impossible to
find them. I am going to use this option. A meteorite has landed in the
Spiderfell and you need something from meteorite to make tighmaevril
- ---
Harri Kemppainen
Java-programmer Attila B288b
Information Studies, University of Tampere +358 3 215 7632
11-30-1996, 12:00 AM
> Hello everyone. Just wanted to throw something out there to kick around.
> If I am not mistaken, wasn't the original maker of Tighmaevril weapons an
> elf? And if he was, is there not a chance he is still alive, somewhere? I
> would quote that from the book, but I keep leaving it at home. I need to
> bring it to work, so I can be more accurate. Boss dosen't like me anyhow...
That's an interesting idea. But, if he was still around, shouldn't
there be more tighmaevril kicking around the place. And if he was,
he'd be the most sought-after prospective kidnap victim in the world.
I can't think of a single bad guy who wouldn't want to get their
hands on a source of brand-spanking-new tighmaevril, so he'd have to
be hiding somewhere pretty out of the way.
Mind you, Lluabright is closed to outsiders, and would make a good
My 2GBs.
John Rickards
"He who is looking for something has lost something."
"And he who is not looking?"
"He gets run over."
PS. Dan. Hahahahaha.
Joel Parrish
09-29-1997, 12:59 PM
Hello everyone. Just wanted to throw something out there to kick around.
If I am not mistaken, wasn't the original maker of Tighmaevril weapons an
elf? And if he was, is there not a chance he is still alive, somewhere? I
would quote that from the book, but I keep leaving it at home. I need to
bring it to work, so I can be more accurate. Boss dosen't like me anyhow...
Oh, to Ed Stark, Birthright is the best D&D world made. I know that the
almighty dollar usually speaks loudly in our society, but those of us that
have very few of them like to get a word in too, so here mine is. Please
pass on to whoever you can there that this line is great, and that I hope
they continue to produce it until my financial sit. takes a swing for the
better and I can buy their products again.
Good Journeys
Joel Parrish
09-29-1997, 06:14 PM
======== Original Message ========
> Hello everyone. Just wanted to throw something out there to kick around.
> If I am not mistaken, wasn't the original maker of Tighmaevril weapons an
> elf? And if he was, is there not a chance he is still alive, somewhere? I
> would quote that from the book, but I keep leaving it at home. I need to
> bring it to work, so I can be more accurate. Boss dosen't like me
That's an interesting idea. But, if he was still around, shouldn't
there be more tighmaevril kicking around the place. And if he was,
he'd be the most sought-after prospective kidnap victim in the world.
I can't think of a single bad guy who wouldn't want to get their
hands on a source of brand-spanking-new tighmaevril, so he'd have to
be hiding somewhere pretty out of the way.
Mind you, Lluabright is closed to outsiders, and would make a good
My 2GBs.
John Rickards
"He who is looking for something has lost something."
"And he who is not looking?"
"He gets run over."
PS. Dan. Hahahahaha.'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.
======== Fwd by: Joel Parrish ========
An explanation for no more tigh. weapons could be that after seeing the
power that they gave to the Gorgon and others of evil, he went into hiding,
vowing to make no more weapons. This also fits nicely with the artifact I
posted a while back. But, if one of virtue were to find him and convince him
of the need.....
And it is very hard to find someone that does not want to be found. Believe
Thanks for the opinion. Any others out there?
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