James Ruhland
10-23-1997, 05:26 AM
> Well, personally, I believe you DO have to have them, and that what the
> book meant to say is that you get the average of your two holding levels
> as your income.
Well, the TRs (sea stuff, mostly) added in to the Naval stuff (oh, bother,
I've got to dig this stuff up; wait a sec...ok, got it). Last two Pages
(Pp. 15&16) of the Naval Battle Rules list the navies of the various
realms, and some trade routes thouse realms enjoy. For the most part, the
trade routes originate from a P. with a guild at one end of the route that
supports it, but the destination P. has no guild controled by the owning
> That seems a heck of a lot fairer than having a level 0 holding in a
> level 10 province run a trade route to another level 10 province and
> start raking in 10GB and 10RP per turn for having accomplished basically
> nothing.
Again, though, like I said to dude "unless your DM makes you." If you want
to rule it that way, you should. Oh, bother; I was gonna be good. I
actually like trade routes, but, you're right. IMO, landed dudes shouldn't
be standing outside their castle with a tin cup and a placard reading "Will
Muster Armies for $$$", while guildsmen control all the loot (and, thus,
can if they are crafty, control everything).
> There is an insert map on the lower left hand corner of big map that
shows the relative > position of the Khinasi lands, the Sahirde el-Mehare,
and the Dragon Isles. Then in the > lower right corner of the inset is a
little chunk of land labelled Djapar! Could this be > another continent?
Looks like one to me (BTW, anyone got any maps to the Sahirde el-Mehare &
Dragon Isles?)
> We know that the current Khinasi peoples are a mixture of the Masetans,
and the > Basarji. To the best of my recollection, neither of these races
originated on Aduria. I > believe that one of the groups (the Masetans I
think) came from the Dragon Isles. > Perhaps the Basarji came from Djapar.
The Basarji came from the same place the rest of the tribes came from, If I
recall correctly, but the Masteans came not from the Dragon Isles, but from
> We also know that the Basarji must have held a very high respect for
magic. We know > the Masetans liked it as well, but I do believe it was
the Basraji who started the mage-> king tendenancies. Maybe Djapar is a
continent where education and magical prowess is > more important than
traditional military power. Perhaps where wars are waged in single > mage
to mage combat and having to result to mere physical power is frowned upon.
(I > know I am rambling and dreaming here, but one can hope...)
Heck, it you want it to be in your campaign, then Djapar is how you
describe it; however, remember that none (or a negligable number, anyhow)
of the Djaparans will be blooded, and thus they cannot be true mages, only
> And a lich on the poop deck.....?! Might be more than a little fun....
You said it. You said "poop deck" uh-huh huh, huh. Seriously, though. How
common are Liches in Cerlia? I'd pick another undead creature, perhaps a
particularly nasty and intelligent Wraith, with some lesser undead
> book meant to say is that you get the average of your two holding levels
> as your income.
Well, the TRs (sea stuff, mostly) added in to the Naval stuff (oh, bother,
I've got to dig this stuff up; wait a sec...ok, got it). Last two Pages
(Pp. 15&16) of the Naval Battle Rules list the navies of the various
realms, and some trade routes thouse realms enjoy. For the most part, the
trade routes originate from a P. with a guild at one end of the route that
supports it, but the destination P. has no guild controled by the owning
> That seems a heck of a lot fairer than having a level 0 holding in a
> level 10 province run a trade route to another level 10 province and
> start raking in 10GB and 10RP per turn for having accomplished basically
> nothing.
Again, though, like I said to dude "unless your DM makes you." If you want
to rule it that way, you should. Oh, bother; I was gonna be good. I
actually like trade routes, but, you're right. IMO, landed dudes shouldn't
be standing outside their castle with a tin cup and a placard reading "Will
Muster Armies for $$$", while guildsmen control all the loot (and, thus,
can if they are crafty, control everything).
> There is an insert map on the lower left hand corner of big map that
shows the relative > position of the Khinasi lands, the Sahirde el-Mehare,
and the Dragon Isles. Then in the > lower right corner of the inset is a
little chunk of land labelled Djapar! Could this be > another continent?
Looks like one to me (BTW, anyone got any maps to the Sahirde el-Mehare &
Dragon Isles?)
> We know that the current Khinasi peoples are a mixture of the Masetans,
and the > Basarji. To the best of my recollection, neither of these races
originated on Aduria. I > believe that one of the groups (the Masetans I
think) came from the Dragon Isles. > Perhaps the Basarji came from Djapar.
The Basarji came from the same place the rest of the tribes came from, If I
recall correctly, but the Masteans came not from the Dragon Isles, but from
> We also know that the Basarji must have held a very high respect for
magic. We know > the Masetans liked it as well, but I do believe it was
the Basraji who started the mage-> king tendenancies. Maybe Djapar is a
continent where education and magical prowess is > more important than
traditional military power. Perhaps where wars are waged in single > mage
to mage combat and having to result to mere physical power is frowned upon.
(I > know I am rambling and dreaming here, but one can hope...)
Heck, it you want it to be in your campaign, then Djapar is how you
describe it; however, remember that none (or a negligable number, anyhow)
of the Djaparans will be blooded, and thus they cannot be true mages, only
> And a lich on the poop deck.....?! Might be more than a little fun....
You said it. You said "poop deck" uh-huh huh, huh. Seriously, though. How
common are Liches in Cerlia? I'd pick another undead creature, perhaps a
particularly nasty and intelligent Wraith, with some lesser undead