View Full Version : Missing messages

Don E
03-26-2004, 11:44 AM

I was just browsing through some of the older topics in the various forums and noticed that a number of topics don't have any messages associated with them. They are noted with zero replies, but often have some name stated as the author of the last reply. Are these messages permanently deleted, or is this just a temporary problem?


03-26-2004, 10:13 PM
How about some specific examples to use as a means of investigation?

I know that some replies actually have been deleted by the moderators because of the material they contained (e.g., referencing use of illegal activities (file sharing), or language).

Don E
03-27-2004, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by irdeggman@Mar 26 2004, 11:13 PM
How about some specific examples to use as a means of investigation?

My appologies. I just sent it of as a quick message when I noticed the problem first. There doesn't appear to be very many topics missing, but it might be worth finding out if this is a once of problem or if it might happen to more topics in the future.

Here are some quite random topics I tried to look at purely based on the subject line:
Haelyn Paladin/Priest: http://www.birthright.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=179
Regent Personalities & Behaviours: http://www.birthright.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=56
Tighmaevril Weapons: http://www.birthright.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=200


03-28-2004, 09:10 PM
hmm i have checked the DB, and there are indeed no corresponding posts vs the threadID.

So i can either check... VERY old backups (if i still got them) or simply remove the thread...or leavem be..

03-29-2004, 02:56 PM
Yeah, I noticed them too, but it's really hard to repair them. It's the best to simply ignor it...

03-29-2004, 08:18 PM
I found a backup i made exactly 2 years ago, and also in the backup the posts belonging to the abo mentioned threads are gone.... so i am not able to restore them, i dont have a clue either why they are gone


03-29-2004, 09:20 PM
Might as well just delete them then.

One thing I noticed was that some of the polls I ran don't seem to have the results anymore.

Just another in the long line of mysteries. :huh:

03-29-2004, 10:30 PM
Missing messages and polls are stolen by fey creatures from the Shadow World

and replaced by empty files, called changelings. Most of this is nothing

more than mischief, but some seelie are malevolent beings bent on mayhem.

Perhaps Br.net should contract with some friendly faries to protect the site

from SW harm. Alternatly, Arjan or Ariadne could take a bunch of levels in

Ruornil`s priesthood and protect the site with spellcraft. SW magic is

powerful, so don`t think you can get by with just few levels. I would

suggest creating a guild holding and ruling it up to generate income to hire

protection, but that would create problems with a much larger guild, Wizards

of the Coast. So that`s right out. There is no point in hiring guards to

watch the site, because the fey will just beguile them and take the filed

and poll data anyway. Perhaps we could look into protecting the site with

runes and powerful symbols. Someone with an alchemical specialty might be

able to answer the question as to whether any calxes or minerals could be

left by the server to ward off attacks from the SW. Many SW beings avoid

lilies, but the seelie are not bothered by any plants or herbs from out

reality. Sorry I couldn`t be more help.

Kenneth Gauck


03-30-2004, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by kgauck@Mar 29 2004, 11:30 PM
Alternatly, Arjan or Ariadne could take a bunch of levels in
Ruornil`s priesthood and protect the site with spellcraft. SW magic is powerful, so don`t think you can get by with just few levels.
Very nice idea... :lol:

Don E
03-30-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by irdeggman@Mar 29 2004, 10:20 PM
Might as well just delete them then.

One thing I noticed was that some of the polls I ran don't seem to have the results anymore.

Just another in the long line of mysteries. :huh:

I'd say we could just leave the topic headings there as is. For those that are very dedicated and desperately need to know what has been discussed they can search for the relevant subject line in the WotC archives.

The polls are also in interesting mystery, but perhaps not that important as the result would generally be discussed in the thread.


03-30-2004, 02:47 PM
With the conversion from the old OpenBB forum to IPB the poll results werent converted correctly.
No mystery.. just a malfunction ;)