View Full Version : Shadow World Stuff

12-15-1997, 10:01 PM
At 12:58 AM 12/15/97 EST, Carrie Bebris(TSRCarrie@aol.com)wrote:
>Thank you. I've been buried under a deadline for some Shadow World material
>(and I do mean "buried" quite literally--you should see my desk ;)

Any info. you can "leak" to us? Maybe give us an idea just what questions
will be answered and maybe when it will be released. Its been a long wait
for this SW supplement. BTW, I hope you plan on following Ed's formula,
from "King of the Giantdowns", when doing this work. IMO, this is the best
way to publish adventures or supplements.

Sepsis, richt@metrolink.net (ICQ:3777956)

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State;
the province of life or death;
the road to survival or ruin.
It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
-Sun Tzu,(The Art of War)-

BR Netbook: http://webpages.metrolink.net/~veleda/birth.html

David Sean Brown
12-16-1997, 05:40 AM
> Any info. you can "leak" to us? Maybe give us an idea just what questions
> will be answered and maybe when it will be released. Its been a long wait
> for this SW supplement. BTW, I hope you plan on following Ed's formula,
> from "King of the Giantdowns", when doing this work. IMO, this is the best
> way to publish adventures or supplements.

I am also looking forward to this release, but do haev a small request. I
would like it if there could be a little more "specific" info in the
package. The King supplement was great (not knocking Ed) , but
unfortunately, not all of us have the time to fully flesh out the things
outlined in these types of suppliments. i'd love to see some things like
long range goals of these "evil" regents, and a basis of how they propose
to accomplish it (the timeline in Warlock of the Stonecrowns was great!)
I don't thnk this would detract too much from those who like to build
their own events while still supplying us time constrained people
something more to go on..

Sean Brown

PS> Just so everyone is awary, The Book of Priestcraft finally made it to
Halifax, Nova Scotia (if anyone knowes where I am :) ) Only 6-7 weeks
behind everyone else..not bad *grin*

12-16-1997, 08:19 PM
At 01:40 AM 12/16/97 -0400, Sean Brown(dsbrown@is2.dal.ca)wrote:
>I am also looking forward to this release, but do haev a small request. I
>would like it if there could be a little more "specific" info in the
>package. The King supplement was great (not knocking Ed) , but
>unfortunately, not all of us have the time to fully flesh out the things
>outlined in these types of suppliments. i'd love to see some things like
>long range goals of these "evil" regents, and a basis of how they propose
>to accomplish it (the timeline in Warlock of the Stonecrowns was great!)
>I don't thnk this would detract too much from those who like to build
>their own events while still supplying us time constrained people
>something more to go on..

I would normally agree with you, but I'm a full-time Computer Science
Major, a full-time grunt at a software store, and a full-time
Father/Husband. As you can guess I have little time for game prep., and I
found KotG perfect. It required virtually no rewriting on my part, and had
fully fleshed out goals and motives for each villain and NPC. The beauty of
KotG, at least IMHO, was the fact it was a completely malleable to any
characters (and their actions) going in. All I had to do as DM was have the
elements of KotG react to what the PCs were doing. It is true I added a few
of my own personal touches (ie. Cerilian Pudding, and the Mummy), and a
plot line or two, but for the most part it worked well on its own. Whereas
WotS needed to be completely rewritten in order for me to use at least a
few parts of the published adventure. Although the timeline was a good aid,
and further use of such would be nice. Still I like the idea of there being
no overall plan of how the adventure should progress, the free-form
atmosphere created in KotG is exactly the way all material for AD&D should
be presented, but again this is just MHO.

BTW, Ed we still have yet to hear any tales from the playtesting of this
particular gem (KotG). I particularly interested in that Undead NPC the
Players had such a time with.

>PS> Just so everyone is awary, The Book of Priestcraft finally made it to
>Halifax, Nova Scotia (if anyone knowes where I am :) ) Only 6-7 weeks
>behind everyone else..not bad *grin*

Ugggh...We still have yet to see a copy of BoP here in Pt. St. Lucie,
Florida. I really must live in last place on earth.

Sepsis, richt@metrolink.net (ICQ:3777956)

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State;
the province of life or death;
the road to survival or ruin.
It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
-Sun Tzu,(The Art of War)-

BR Netbook: http://webpages.metrolink.net/~veleda/birth.html

12-17-1997, 03:41 AM
In a message dated 97-12-16 17:39:52 EST, you write:

I think I have to agree that is probably the last place on earth, I live in
Ft. Lauderdale, FL and it came out weeks ago! =)

Christopher G. Kira
12-17-1997, 08:37 AM
> Ugggh...We still have yet to see a copy of BoP here in Pt. St. Lucie,
> Florida. I really must live in last place on earth.

Well, I never did find it in Tallahassee, FL, but it was in Jacksonville,
and I bought it in Orlando, so maybe it's working its way south through
the state :)


TSR Carrie
12-18-1997, 11:32 PM
In a message dated 97-12-17 02:45:09 EST, you write:

> Any info. you can "leak" to us? Maybe give us an idea just what questions
> will be answered and maybe when it will be released. Its been a long wait
> for this SW supplement. BTW, I hope you plan on following Ed's formula,
> from "King of the Giantdowns", when doing this work. IMO, this is the best
> way to publish adventures or supplements.

I look forward to satisfying (or further whetting, depending on how you look
at it) your curiosity. But not until I've dotted the final "i" and crossed the
last "t" of the manuscript, sometime after the holidays. In the meantime, if
you want a hint of Shadow things to come, be sure to read the Tuar Annwn entry

How's that for a teaser? ;-)

Carrie Bebris