View Full Version : Vikings

Fredrik Lundberg
01-15-1998, 05:24 PM
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I have greatly enjoyed the discussion about the Vikings and would just =
like to add something concerning the meaning of the word Viking.
First, Samuel Weiss is right in that Vikings are not a people in the =
same sense as Russians, Germans, Americans, etc since it has nothing to =
do with nations nor races it is a word that is used to define the =
Scandinavian (Swedish, Icelandic, Norwegian and Danish) culture during =
a particular time period, approximately from 800 AD to 1000-1100 AD, =
with rots in the 6th century.
Secondly, as far as I know and from books I have studied it isn't known =
what the word Viking refers to. There are a lot of theories, some says =
it comes from the word "vik", pirates that could be found in and around =
coves and inlets ("vik" meaning bay, inlet, gulf, cove in Swedish which =
is a language descended from the language that Vikings spoke), some say =
it comes from the middle ages Latin word "vicus" which means trading =
post, others claim that it simply was the word for rower but since the =
Vikings didn't write any books no one knows for sure where the Word =
comes from.
Thirdly, concerning the Finns. No the Vikings didn't raid the Finns like =
they did with the Franks, Irish, etc instead they traded with them. In =
Egil's Saga one can read an episode where the Viking Torolv Kvallulvsson =
travels to the Finns and hears that there have been "kylvingar", not =
known exactly which these people are but they supposedly came from the =
area around Novgorod, to the Finns that had raided some of their =
villages. Upon hearing this Torolv immediately sends out Finns to find =
these "kyvlings" and when told where they are Torolv takes his men and =
the promptly started killing them. How much of this that is true can =
certainly be debated but it seams to indicate that the Vikings wanted to =
have a monopoly on trade with the Finns and where prepared to kill those =
that dared to trade with the Finns or who raided them.

Fredrik Lundberg

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I have greatly enjoyed =
the discussion=20
about the Vikings and would just like to add something concerning the =
meaning of=20
the word Viking.
Samuel Weiss is right in that Vikings are not a people in the same sense =
Russians, Germans, Americans, etc since it has nothing to do with =
nations nor=20
races it is a word that is used to define the Scandinavian (Swedish, =
Norwegian and Danish)  culture during a particular time period,=20
approximately from 800 AD to 1000-1100 AD, with rots in the 6th=20
Secondly, as far as I know and from books I have studied it isn't known =
what the=20
word Viking refers to. There are a lot of theories, some says it comes =
from the=20
word "vik", pirates that could be found in and around coves =
and inlets=20
("vik" meaning bay, inlet, gulf, cove in Swedish which is a =
descended from the language that Vikings spoke), some say it comes from =
middle ages Latin word "vicus" which means trading post, =
others claim=20
that it simply was the word for rower but since the Vikings didn't write =
books no one knows for sure where the Word comes from.
Thirdly, concerning the =
Finns. No the=20
Vikings didn't raid the Finns like they did with the Franks, Irish, etc =
they traded with them. In Egil's Saga one can read an episode where the =
Torolv Kvallulvsson travels to the Finns and hears that there have been=20
"kylvingar", not known exactly which these people are but they =

supposedly came from the area around Novgorod, to the Finns that had =
raided some=20
of their villages. Upon hearing this Torolv immediately sends out Finns =
to find=20
these "kyvlings" and when told where they are Torolv takes his =
men and=20
the promptly started killing them. How much of this that is true can =
be debated but it seams to indicate that the Vikings wanted to have a =
on trade with the Finns and where prepared to kill those that dared to =
with the Finns or who raided them.
Fredrik =

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