View Full Version : Online city

Bryan Palmer
01-29-1998, 02:40 AM
This thing certainly is taking off like a rocket! I've already received
23 e-mails containing a wealth of information and suggestions. The note
sent by Kevin M. (aka HSwiftfoot) brought up an excellent point that I
feel has not yet been clarified. As I have read the notes regarding the
idea of creating an "online city" my interpretation was also of
blueprints, notes, histories, characters, etc. for the various parts and
personalities who could be found there. These items could then be
developed as "accessories" for DMs and PCs and would be maintained and
available through a specified web site. This would provide a wealth of
information for all concerned since many of the items could be used for
either the Imperial City or modified for use in whatever city the DM or
PC desired. Developing such a detailed infrastructure would be far too
time consuming for one or two people (as I'm sure Ed can attest to) but
by using all our talents as a group we could develop this.

I'm not against the idea of a true "online city" such as a PBEM but my
own opinion is that such a project would prove far too time consuming to

What are the thoughts out there about this? Which of the two choices do
we want to pursue?

I've also sent an e-mail to Darkstar asking what he would like to do
about gathering information (since we both volunteered for that duty).
Once I hear from him I'll send out another note to clarify what we are
going to do to gather further information.

Simon Graindorge
01-29-1998, 04:03 AM
I was always of the opinion that the city was to be a 'campaign
accessory', rather than an only PBEM city. I definitely put my vote in for
the background material.

As an aside, could somebody please post who is in charge of this, how
it will work, and how I can get in on this. I spoke of this in my previous
post, but the idea seems to have taken off faster than anyone had
imagined. I would definetely like to be in on this.



Simon Graindorge
Tribology Laboratory
Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering

phone: +(61 8) 9380 3604
fax: +(61 8) 9380 1024

On Wed, 28 Jan 1998, Bryan Palmer wrote:

> This thing certainly is taking off like a rocket! I've already received
> 23 e-mails containing a wealth of information and suggestions. The note
> sent by Kevin M. (aka HSwiftfoot) brought up an excellent point that I
> feel has not yet been clarified. As I have read the notes regarding the
> idea of creating an "online city" my interpretation was also of
> blueprints, notes, histories, characters, etc. for the various parts and
> personalities who could be found there. These items could then be
> developed as "accessories" for DMs and PCs and would be maintained and
> available through a specified web site. This would provide a wealth of
> information for all concerned since many of the items could be used for
> either the Imperial City or modified for use in whatever city the DM or
> PC desired. Developing such a detailed infrastructure would be far too
> time consuming for one or two people (as I'm sure Ed can attest to) but
> by using all our talents as a group we could develop this.
> I'm not against the idea of a true "online city" such as a PBEM but my
> own opinion is that such a project would prove far too time consuming to
> maintain.
> What are the thoughts out there about this? Which of the two choices do
> we want to pursue?
> I've also sent an e-mail to Darkstar asking what he would like to do
> about gathering information (since we both volunteered for that duty).
> Once I hear from him I'll send out another note to clarify what we are
> going to do to gather further information.
> ************************************************** *************************
> > 'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

01-29-1998, 04:33 AM
I'd just like to say that this Online City thing seems pretty cool. I don't
know what I can help with but ask away.


abeard@zebra.net (Adam B
01-29-1998, 04:38 AM
Actually I like Bryon's idea of using Ilien. After all TSR just might
develop an important city like the Imperial City. But they have already
done all the work they will do on Illien (which would give us some good
info to kick this off). Just a thought.

Adam Beard

Bryan Ruther
01-29-1998, 05:21 AM
I like the idea too, but I think that we should use a city that has yet to be detailed,
and not the City of Anuire. I have three ideas:

1. Ansien, capital of Elinie

2. Binder, Brosengae

3. Moerel, Diemed


- --
Mankind being originally equals in the order of creation,
the equality could only be destroyed by some subsequent
Thomas Paine, Common Sense

James Ruhland
01-29-1998, 05:21 AM
Tisk tisk tisk; you just made yourself Chamberlain, C. Bebris.
> mages? There aren't supposed to be more than 150 true mages on the whole
> continent. It seems reasonable that there might only be 10 or 15 in the
> capitol city, plus maybe 30-40 magicians.>>
> Don't forget that the Imperial City is the home of the Royal College of
> Sorcery, so there could well be a disproportionate number of wizards
> there. Not that you want to go overboard.
Well, we got 10 mages that teach at the college of sorcery, plus their
apprentices (most of whom will not be permanent city residents, and in fact
most of the students will be magicians, not true mages); then the
Chamberlain, plus other characters. I'd say perhaps 20 'cause we don't want
to go overboard; but this "disproportionate" concentration of mages might
be one reason why none of the nearby warlords. . .er, noblemen, have siezed
the city.

> Our demographic guidelines, straight from the in-house Birthright
> "About 5 or 6 people out of 100 have a class and level (mostly fighters
> thieves). Of these, 2-3 adventure. A good guide to how many adventurers
> which levels reside in a given domain can be found in the 'Rule of
> which assumes that half of all adventurers die or retire at any given
> (Thus, a domain of 60,000 people would have roughly 1,500 adventurers:
600 at
> 1st-level, 300 at 2nd-level...down to 1 at 10th-level). NPCs should
> be low- to mid-level (2-5). Levels 6-8 should be uncommon; 9 or higher
> rare."
yah, I've seen similar "official" run downs for other TSR campagin worlds.
. .now if they'd actually publish accesories showing that this is the
actual, de facto, rather than de jure, case (I.E. one in a million
Faerunians are supposedly 18th+ level, but I can't swing a cat without
hiting Elfinster or his cronies).

> That's not iron-clad, and arguments could be made for exceptions in a
city as
> important as the Imperial City. Plus, this online city is *yours* and you
> do whatever you want with it. But if you want guidance on demographics,
> it is.
I'd say most of the "characters" inhabiting the city will be leveled; we
won't be playing all 40k, or 100k, or 400k (depending on what pop level we
set upon) inhabitants (though, on the other hand, it might be interesting
playing a "0-level" type who's skills are in other areas).
Someone (can't remember who, sorry) did recomend that each player only
have one character of level 10+; and I'd certainly go along with that (in
fact, I'd say only one char level 9+, nine being the old "name level" cut
off). Chars of level 8 and below usually have a more "down to earth" feel
to them, IMO, while chars of level 9 and higher just seem elivated (prolly
'cause it takes so much exp to go from 8 to 9, by that point you're feeling
pretty full of yourself if you survive).
Anyhow; one more pragmatic recomendation; in addition to some of the other
councils etc. we've recomended, there should be a judges/DM council, IMO.
I'm not saying that the people who agree to be on this body shouldn't also
have characters in the city (as opposed to NPCs only), but there will
probably be information that the participants want to keep "secret" from
other players. Thus, there could be "public" information on your
characters, your businesses, buildings, etc, then "private" stuff that only
you and the Judges know about (the latter needed to make sure that your
claims are legit. . .I know we're all honorable people, but it's easier if
someone comes in to verify what you say is true, rather than just having
people accept it without question. Well, you know what I mean.)