View Full Version : More Magical Weapons

02-02-1998, 05:01 PM
Now don't get me wrong, your magical weapons are cool, but I think you're
infusing too much power into a BR campaign if your using them all. Many of the
creators you propose for the items aren't of sufficient level to create a potion, let alone powerful permanent artifacts. For a good discussion on this
subject, see Players Option: Spells and Magic. Look at what it takes to make a
lab or altar to create magic items (4-6 GB) and then what it takes to make the
item itself. Regents in my games would love to have the level, money and time
to create items like these.


James Ruhland
02-02-1998, 08:42 PM
> People,
> OK, this is getting a little ridiculous. Why do you people keep
> creating all these magic items with drawbacks of loosing stats. Is
> there an overwhelming decision to keep players down and unhappy.
Dan: most DMs, are, in their hearts, the worst kind of munchins & Monty
Haulers. So they like designing supra-powerful weapons. However, many DMs
feel it is their mission in life to keep the players "down and unhappy";
they're most satisfied when the players are most disatisfied. So, to
balance these two conflicting aspects of their personality, they create
supra-powerful artifact-level weapons to sprinkle the campaign with, but
then make sure no one's ever happy to find them.

02-02-1998, 10:22 PM
In a message dated 98-02-02 16:56:55 EST, jruhlconob@sprynet.com writes: