View Full Version : Adventure Ideas

The Olesen`s
05-06-1998, 11:15 AM
I usually have lots of adventure ideas, but I'm kind of running on empty

Anyone have something imaginative to spark my imagination?

Southern Coast of Anuire.
Regents are Guildmaster (old El-Hadid)
A combined Ilien & Medeore
Diemed and Endier are enimies.
are 4th level

Mark A Vandermeulen
05-06-1998, 03:14 PM
On Wed, 6 May 1998, The Olesen's wrote:

> I usually have lots of adventure ideas, but I'm kind of running on empty
> now.
> Anyone have something imaginative to spark my imagination?

Here's a spark that occured to me not too long ago: the PC's come upon the
bodies on a dead rider and his horse. Although they find no distinguishing
markings or possessions on the rider than might indicate where he comes
from or who he is loyal to, they do find something interesting on him: in
a leather map case they find a glass flask filled with a green liquid,
which glows under the light of the mood. If they unstopper the flask,
which has been sealed with lead and stamped with an unknown seal (PC's
with alchemy ability might recognize it as signifying stasis), the liquid
rapidly evaporates into a sleeping gas (there are about 8 "doses"--enough
to fill a small room--before the large flask is emply). When viewed under
the light of the moon, the glow appears to be caused by a small egg-shaped
object at the bottom of the flask.

That was the idea that occured to me. What I did with it was this: I was
running a campain in Osoerde at the time, and I decided that the man was a
messenger from one of the lords in Osoerde who had a grove of trees that
contained a shadow-world rift that was allowing skeletons into the
material world when the moon was full. The lord, have requested and
receiving no help from Raenech, and in danger of running out of loyal men
as they are killed by the monthly onslaught of skeletons, decided to send
one of his trusted men to speak to the High Mage Aelies and beg for
assistance. He set out, bearing no recognizable markings, in fear that the
mad Raenech would interpret the act as treason--misinterpreting it as an
envoy to relay spy information to the Queen of Aerenwe. However, one of
the lord's rivals saw the messenger leave, made the misinterpretation, and
attempted to capture the man when he returned home. He escaped the ambush,
and the rival lord sent some men after him, and then sent his main force
to siege the lord's manor, intending to capture the manor and then turn
the lord over to Raenech for treason.
The PC's come across the scene as the messenger is already dead, and
the lot sent after him are looting the body, trying to find incriminating
evidence. Hopefully, the PC's defeat the looters, and as a moon comes out,
discover the bottle in the map case, which caught on a nearby branch when
the messenger rode by and was missed by the pursuers.
The glowing object is actually an acorn (without the typical "cap").
Aelies, sympathetic to the lord's plight, cast an enhanced version of the
reverse of the "Enlarge" spell on a nymph and her oak tree. He then took
the resulting acorn and placed it in the stasis elixer for transport to
the grove. If the PC's use all of the elixer as sleeping gas, the nymph's
tree will start to grow right where it is (which could be inconvienent if
its in the middle of a city). Ideally, they should take the acorn to the
grove with the shadow rift and plant the seed there, thereby closing off
the rift. Any skeleton's which escape the rift before the heroes can plant
the seed will attack the castle if they are not detected by the PC's
(which means that they will be attacking the enseiging rival lord first).

In my case, the grove was the site where agents of Raenech came upon the
fleeing wife and younger son of William Moergan's father, and slaughtered
them. One of the Osoerde "royal jewels" worn by the queen remains in the
ground where she let it fall just before they were killed, and the nymph,
once fully grown, related to the PC's the story (which the very earth
told her of) and gave them the jeweled brooch--another step in the
downfall of Raenech and the restoration of William Moergen.

You might be able to adapt this story, or at least the "seed" of the idea
(sorry) into an existing game.

Mark VanderMeulen

> Southern Coast of Anuire.
> Regents are Guildmaster (old El-Hadid)
> and
> A combined Ilien & Medeore
> Diemed and Endier are enimies.
> are 4th level
> ************************************************** *************************
> > 'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

05-06-1998, 07:32 PM
why not?

try the idea of a small gift.....

Azrai isn't dead and is manipulating the awsleight to turn
up and wreak havok in the domain of your PC; one by one
they come , called by the voice of this old man...

what then happens is one fine day , Azrai puts most of his
essence in a jar , and cast a ritutual that permanently
shields the domains near the land from Priest Magic , and
he goes into a slumber drawing all the magic in him to
restore himself.

It is then a chase Vs Time to see if the reageant can find
the jar and break it before Azrai comes

Evil Thought

Giovanni Garzelli

05-07-1998, 02:23 AM
hmm, i had a crazy idea a while ago - never got to use it though.

going back a LONG time ago to some stuff that was put out on the
list about blooded people who were murdered in a terrible way, becoming
ghosts and haunting the places of their death.

My idea was to have my group (the regent of Talinie his lieutenant, and a
guilder from Tournen) meet up with Faelina - the dead empress, killed in
the towers of Seaharrow in Boeruine. (i assume most people have read the
Iron Throne, by Simon Hawke) anyway, meeting up with the empress NOW,
they would have no recolection of who she is, just a Ranger type perosn,
who is looking for her stolen child. since she died giving birth, she
never knew what came out :)
so my group would meet with a Rangerly type female, extremely buff, and
who is very frank, and that would set the stage. i haven't really given
much thought to the next part, as my group decided they like the
Munchining of Forgotten Realms over the Low Magic of Birthright. oh well,
it'll always be in the back of my mind.

Hope this helps :)

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05-07-1998, 11:58 AM
we've been running a great campaign through the entire known world based after
"The Godfather " movies and books, it's really pretty fun if your into who don
it's and trying to bring justice to all and that sort of thing.