View Full Version : Decree

Morgramen the Magician
05-18-1998, 03:34 PM
Greetings all, this has probably been covered before, if so, can someone
direct me to the archive site?

In the BR rulebook, the Decree action is said to be a "a catch-all for
special missions the regent wants his subordinates to undertake. A
decree cannot affect another regent's domain in any way..." Sounds easy
enough, but then it goes to list examples of the effects of a decree
(pg. 53), and most of these examples would seem to affect another
regents domain IMO.

If the Decree action can be used to order your subordinates to do
things, where is the "line" between a decree move & say an espionage
move? When does it become a Lieutenant action? I.E. I want peon #1 to
arresst NPC #1. Is this a decree order, an espionage order or what?
What other kind of things can a decree do? Could a decree affect a
diplomacy action? (IE. If Grabentod were to decree that piracy was no
longer sanctioned by the Government, and was hence forth illegal, then
tried to negotiate peace with Muden, would the decree grant any
modifiers to the success roll?)
I also seem to remember reading somewhere that a regent who makes too
many decrees begins to "loose face" with other regents. Can anyone
refresh my memory as to where this came from, and what possible effects
might occur?

Thanks All!


05-19-1998, 05:20 PM
The Idea behind the DECREE action is that the regent who makes the DECREE
signs papers that make special requests or give special powers. But if the
said regent does not rule said province he can not make a DECREE in it(ie.
Guilder Kalien can't make a DECREE in Caerwil because he does not rule it even
though he does hold law.). Decree's are used to announce holidays publicly
and also to make the people aware of a new heir or luitenent, after all it
wouldn't do at all well to have your new order of knights attacked by the
local townsfolk because they didn't know you had commisioned them & how
embarrasing for your new general to be denied lodgings becausse "This INN
doesn't serve your kind!". In more private uses a Decree can be to give
letters of Marque or other less noble orders and protection.
I use Decree alot and if your GM is willing a proper DECREE (such as a holiday
or announcing a local as a hero or Knight), will go a long way towardsboosting
morale in a province, especially if some sort of Gov't sponsored celebration
takes place.