View Full Version : Cerilian History: A Reassesment
James Ruhland
05-29-1998, 06:31 PM
The below is a slightly extended version of something I reciently posted
on Darkstar's PBeM message board. I'm not saying I believe it (it's a In
Character type post). But I *AM* certain it will spark some debate and/or
At least that's what I'm hoping. Anyhow, read this polemic if you'd like,
and let the outraged replies come!
I'd welcome 'em (especially from the dandilion-eater-lovers out there, and
you know who you are
05-29-1998, 06:51 PM
Uhh... That was *my* post. And it was IC.
IC equals "In-Character", as the person I'm roleplaying would say it.
I *roleplay* my character. And if you take anything IC for granted, Its
your fault. So there is no reason for you to react this way about it.....
So you seemed to have something misunderstood........
(And If you read all the Birthright stuff again... You'll see that the
elves were the first: They were born of the elements)
Siebharrin the Lich
James Ruhland
05-29-1998, 08:17 PM
> Uhh... That was *my* post. And it was IC.
> IC equals "In-Character", as the person I'm roleplaying would say it.
> I *roleplay* my character. And if you take anything IC for granted, Its
> your fault. So there is no reason for you to react this way about it.....
Like, "Duh" it was IC. So was the screed/rant/polemic that I/"A Citizen of
Aftane" wrote which followed.
As I believe I said, I posted that to this discussion group not as a slam
against you, or even because I believe the "Citizen of Aftane"'s rant; but
to provoke discussion.
Which is what this forum is for.
> So you seemed to have something misunderstood........
Um, I don't think I do.
> (And If you read all the Birthright stuff again... You'll see that the
> elves were the first: They were born of the elements)
According to who? The Elves? Why should we believe them and not, say, The
History of Aerbrynis According to The Goblins? The elves write a history
that says "we was here first. See, we was born o' de elements, and that's
all she wrote. Rest o you dudes, you was born later, of dung or something.
So, why should we believe the Elven Creation Myth in preference to any
James Ruhland
05-29-1998, 09:47 PM
> (The following is In Character, just to avoid misunderstandings):
*LOL* that one was good.
A fine example of elven arrogance, which more than proves my point. 8-)~
Anyhow, further fuel for the fires:
"During the legendary 'Age of Minsters,' it is said that dragons warred
with giants and other huge creatures for the domination of Cerilia. It may
be that sometime during the end of this age, the old gods of Cerilia were
created, the elves were born, and the huge beasts and giants lost their
dominance. . ."
--- "The Dragon of Vstaive Peak", Ed Stark, Dragon Magazine #248, P.52
Note the order: First the big guys, then the human gods (elves of course
having no gods, since they are narssicists), THEN the Elves.
Which implies that HUMANS CAME BEFORE ELVES.
Of course that statement concludes:
". . .and the huge beasts and giants lost their dominance--it may not
[have occured this way.]"
Again, we have no real reason to accept this version; just as we are by no
means complelled to believe "The History of Cerilia as Recorded by the
Sidheilien", either.
Andreas Kjeldsen
05-29-1998, 10:04 PM
(The following is In Character, just to avoid misunderstandings):
Ahem.... Where was I?
Oh yes, those pitiful statements about our glorious past. Well, it is
actually a rather interesting theory, as human theories go, but I can
assure you that they are, of course, completely false.
I think we need a little perspective here. Laddie, *I* fought at
Mount Deismaar alongside The Manslayer, one of the greatest heroes of
the elves, I might add. *I* remember the coming of the first humans
to Cerilia. *I* remember the goblins and the depredations they
brought to our people. I can assure you that their fate was deserved,
and that they have always had the pitiful stature they have now.
Reminds me of humans, actually. Perhaps there's some connection....
Anyway, *you* are a little pitiful human being who cannot expect to
live even a fraction of the time I have lived. *You* have probably
never travelled even ten miles from that disgusting mudpile you
humans call houses. And yet *you* have have the audacity to try to
teach *me* the history of Cerilia. Oh well, I presume that's only....
And as for the Itave, I do not neither know or care about those
pitiful creatures, but I assume they would be a logical next step in
the evolution of humans.
Now, go away. You have bothered me long enough. Consider yourself
happy that I do not know who you are....
Conall Derwyndalaigh
Master Huntsman of Rhoubhe Manslayer
Andreas Kjeldsen
ICQ# 12703652
Pieter A de Jong
05-29-1998, 10:07 PM
At 04:47 PM 5/29/98 -0500, James Ruhland wrote:
>> (The following is In Character, just to avoid misunderstandings):
>*LOL* that one was good.
>A fine example of elven arrogance, which more than proves my point. 8-)~
>Anyhow, further fuel for the fires:
> "During the legendary 'Age of Minsters,' it is said that dragons warred
>with giants and other huge creatures for the domination of Cerilia. It may
>be that sometime during the end of this age, the old gods of Cerilia were
>created, the elves were born, and the huge beasts and giants lost their
>dominance. . ."
> --- "The Dragon of Vstaive Peak", Ed Stark, Dragon Magazine #248, P.52
> Note the order: First the big guys, then the human gods (elves of course
>having no gods, since they are narssicists), THEN the Elves.
> Which implies that HUMANS CAME BEFORE ELVES.
Your logic is faulty, the only thing that the statement says is that at the
end of the age, 3 things happened, 1) the entities the humans called gods
were created, 2) the elves were born, and 3) the dominance of the dragons
and the giants ended. It does not imply anything about the order in which
these events occured.
>Of course that statement concludes:
> ". . .and the huge beasts and giants lost their dominance--it may not
>[have occured this way.]"
> Again, we have no real reason to accept this version; just as we are by no
>means complelled to believe "The History of Cerilia as Recorded by the
>Sidheilien", either.
No, but honest human chroniclers (CF Atlas of Cerilia, birthright boxed set)
admit that the elves held the land originally, before humans came to the
continent of Cerilia.
And, as the elves might say,
" fleeing the destruction of their own lands, they came, stole ours,
and are continuing the process"
Pieter A de Jong
Graduate Mechanical Engineering Student
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada
James Ruhland
05-29-1998, 10:40 PM
> >
> Your logic is faulty,
Of course my logic is faulty. I thought that was the entire point?
> >
> No, but honest human chroniclers (CF Atlas of Cerilia, birthright boxed
> admit that the elves held the land originally, before humans came to the
> continent of Cerilia.
Are these human chroniclers honest, or have they been mislead by the
sweat-sounding words of the Elves? I.E. they may be honestly mistaken; it
*has* happened before, you know.
We take for granted that the Elves were "right" for example and the
Goblins "wrong" in the wars that wracked Cerilia before the arrival of the
5 human nations, but why should we believe the Elven historians? "the
winners write the history books" is the only real reason you can give.
06-01-1998, 01:59 PM
In a message dated 98-05-30 06:34:05 EDT, you write:
> If the elves are so pure and noble
> and superior, why did they side with the Shadow, the Prince of Terror
> Himself? They claim goodness of heart and soul, superior mein and
> intellect, and yet were fooled undeniably by a being they have openly
> declared to be of a lesser stature than themselves, for what one amongst
> the might Sidhe admits to the existance of the Gods?
These are simple questions. The answer is that the elves thought their cause
just, and that this god would be a good ally for them. They did not realize
the god's evil nature until mid-way through the battle at Deismaar, at which
point they knew they had made a mistake and most of the elves switched sides.
It was because of this deception the elves have such a heated disdain for
human gods. The elves all recognize there are human gods, for it would be
foolish to think otherwise and Deismaar taught them better. They were burned
so badly by Azrai's deception however, that they have made it a strict policy
to never allow this to happen again by never following a human deity again.
An extreme reaction to an extreme mistake, you might say.
- -DKE
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