View Full Version : Brecht info

01-05-1980, 10:44 PM
Ok, my player info site is underway at the following address:


However I could still do with some info on the Brecht areas that border on
the Khinasi lands in case my players decide to expand that way. I would also
like to know what unique Brecht army units there are and there stats/cost.

What are the Brecht like in general as a race?

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06-24-1998, 12:21 AM
In a message dated 98-06-23 19:24:48 EDT, carla@maxisp.com.a write:


Picture Italy, circa 15th Century. Subtract gunpowder. Add really cold
weather. Toss in a more mercantile nature and an obessive-compulsive disorder
to amass wealth.

- - The Motive

bloebick@juno.com (Benja
06-24-1998, 01:51 AM
On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 20:21:24 EDT TheMotive@aol.com writes:
>In a message dated 98-06-23 19:24:48 EDT, carla@maxisp.com.a write:
>Picture Italy, circa 15th Century. Subtract gunpowder. Add really cold
>weather. Toss in a more mercantile nature and an obessive-compulsive
>to amass wealth.
>- The Motive

Actually, I picture it more like the Hanseatic League. That way you
don't have to change weather or add mercantilism.


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06-24-1998, 02:09 AM
In a message dated 98-06-23 22:05:35 EDT, Benjamin wrote:

06-24-1998, 06:24 AM
On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 21:51:49 -0400 Benjamin W Loebick

> On Tue, 23 Jun 1998 20:21:24 EDT TheMotive@aol.com writes:
> >In a message dated 98-06-23 19:24:48 EDT, carla@maxisp.com.a write:
> >
> >>
> >
> >Picture Italy, circa 15th Century. Subtract gunpowder. Add really cold
> >weather. Toss in a more mercantile nature and an obessive-compulsive
> >disorder
> >to amass wealth.
> >
> >- The Motive

Italy? 15th century? hmmmmm why not picture it better

Britain 14th century

or better England 14 th century

Rujrik Scotland/vikings 12 th century

anuriens Charlemagne era

Vos Abyone can say Celts/huns

kinashi northern africa after the islam was introduced

Anyway this is my opinion


Giovanni Garzelli

06-24-1998, 12:35 PM
In a message dated 98-06-24 02:27:23 EDT, Giovanni Garzelliwrite wrote:


Well, Britain (which includes Ireland, Scotland and Wales) in the 14th Century
was still working it's way out of the Middle Ages. Light armor and weaponry
was not yet popular, and the style of dress still had a Medieval touch to it.

The Brechts resemble the 15th Century Italians a bit more mainly because of
their technology level and their style of dress. Light, quick weapons (such as
rapiers) are more popular then the typical bastard sword, while light armor
(leather armor with bucklers, or even none at all) is considered a better
style. The Brecht's ship-building technology definitely exceeds the Brit's
ship technology--while the British were still refusing to sail far from the
mainland because they could not navigate without site of land, the Italians
were working on navigational technology.

Finally, the Brecht and the Rennaisance Italians had something much greater in
common: a drive for money. The Italians didn't start un-earthing Roman and
Greek philosphies and forgotten lore simply because they wanted to help Europe
out of the Middle Ages. They did it because they could make a profit by
selling what they found. Same with the Brechts.


Yeah, that's pretty close to what I think. The Rjurik always reminded me of
Scandinavia during the Middle Ages (circa 11th-12th Century).


Actually, I think the Anuireans' "Charlemagne Era" has passed--remember the
Imperial Emire of Anuire? The Anuireans are more of a combination of various
countries in Western Europe around the 14th Century. They take on (in my mind
at least) a pre-dominantly English tone, but they're actually the
stereotypical Medieval society: knights in shining armor riding on horseback,
all the while serving a king who resides in a beautiful, opulent castle.


I've always said they're a combination of the Germanic tribes of the Dark Ages
(5th-10th Centuries) and the Mongol Hordes.


Oh yes, definitely.

- - The Motive