View Full Version : Contesting/Rule RPS

Robert Harper
07-12-1998, 05:33 PM
At 10:09 PM 7/12/98 -0600, you wrote:

>I have encountered endless bidding & counter bidding during bouts of
>Contest responses, and it is a good way to get the PCs to cash out all
>those banked RPs. However, how does all this spending translate in game

Why not? Real nations bankrupt themselves in arms races, beggar their
populations, ignore important internal economic or social issues in favour
of external foes or imaginary enemies.

Teaches the participants a lesson and adds to strategy (A & B beggar their
RP stores in contesting minor holdings, then C moves in and cleans up). As
long as there is a 3rd party waiting in the wings, no two foes should be
willing to exhaust too many RP's in a single struggle that is not vital.

I also don't see problem with permitting RP's to be spent on Rule; with the
penatlies to rule increasing at higher levels, the base cost increasing and
the limits on how often a province can be successfully ruled what's the problem?

__________________________________________________ _________________
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| We ask ourselves if there is a God, how can this happen? |
| Better to ask, if there is a God, must it be sane? |
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| Lucien LaCroix |
|_________________________________________________ __________________|

Morgramen the Magician
07-13-1998, 04:09 AM
I have noticed that a popular house rule seems to be that extra RPs
cannot be spent to help the success of Rule actions. It was explained
to me that this was used to limit (or at lest slow) the population
growth of a region. While I personal like this rule, a thought
occurred to me last night.

If RPs cannot be spent on rule actions, should they be allowed to affect
the Contest action?

I have encountered endless bidding & counter bidding during bouts of
Contest responses, and it is a good way to get the PCs to cash out all
those banked RPs. However, how does all this spending translate in game

What would be the game effect if RPs were no longer allowed to be spent
to improve/reduce Contest actions?

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