View Full Version : Law Claim Question

07-16-1998, 02:20 PM
Can a Law Holding make a Law Claim against more than one holding/province
taxation generating revenue in the same province?


The Imperial City of Anuire has 12 different holding present. The Region is
controlled by the Chamberlain Caliedhe Dosiere. Considering he does not hold
half or more of the total possible Law Holdings lets assume he sets the
province Taxation rate at Light. This randomly generates 14 gold bars. Now
lets assume that the other holdings generate the following.

Western Imperial Temple of Haelyn (3) = 4 gold bars
Life and Protection of Avanalae (2) = 2 gold bars
Militant Order of Cuirecen (2) = 3 gold Gars
Celestial Jewel of Sarimie = 3 gold bars

Endier/Heartland Outfitters (2) = 2 gold bars
Prince's Pride (2) = 3 gold bars
Maesil Shippers (1) = 2 gold bars

Trade Routes: ?

In an exaggerated example, how would all the Law Holders in the Province go
about making Law Claims to maximize their profits? In an unrelated question
how many lawyers does it take to fill in a Law Claim Form?

07-18-1998, 02:26 PM

intresting question , what I thought was to generate the
tax and divide them equally trought the Law holders


province lvl 10

Boerune law = 4
Avan's law = 4
Ghoere law = 2

if it generates 10 gb then 4 goes to Boerune , 4 to Avan ,
2 to Ghoere

in the case of the impirial city , they'll never call the
law in , because that will lose them prestige , and with
that they can make (or try) the chamberlin happy


Giovanni Garzelli`

07-19-1998, 04:56 AM
- -----Original Message-----
From: mg26
To: birthright@MPGN.COM
Date: Saturday, July 18, 1998 9:32 AM
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Law Claim Question

> intresting question , what I thought was to generate the
>tax and divide them equally trought the Law holders
>province lvl 10
>Boerune law = 4
>Avan's law = 4
>Ghoere law = 2
>if it generates 10 gb then 4 goes to Boerune , 4 to Avan ,
>2 to Ghoere

This is incorrect use of the Law Claim rule: This is how it goes, as
described in the rulebook.

Roll for taxation/collection for province, temple, guild (in that order).
The province/temple/guild taxation&collection must be completed before law
claims can happen. Then based upon the comparative levels of the holdings vs
the Law holding, roll on table 18A on page 44 of the BR Rulebook, if the Law
holder wishes to make a claim (it is his option).


City of Anuire

Province Taxation: 9 Gb (level 10 average at light taxation)
Temple Holdings:
WIT: (Level 3 in 10 = d4+1, avg 4 GB): 4 GB
LPA: (Level 2 in 10 = d2+1, avg 2 GB): 2 GB
MOC: as per LPA: 2 GB
CJS: (Level 1 in 10 = d3 GB, avg 2 gb): 2 GB

Guild Holdings:
GK: (Level 2 in 10 = d2+1 gb, avg 2 gb): 2 GB
PAI: (Level 2 in 10 = d2+1 gb, avg 2 gb): 2 GB
ML: (Level 1 in 10 = d3 gb, avg 2 gb): 2 GB

Law Claims:

Caliedhe Dosiere: Law 3 can make claims against any and all holdings in the
Imperial City (other than other Law holdings)...
Since he is the Domain Ruler, he goes first. He can make a claim against:
Province Taxation (His own), WIT, LPA, MOC, CJS, GK, PAI, and ML. Note that
making a claim against his own province taxation is a prudent move, as the
Law Claim amount gets subtracted from his total taxation amount for the next
Law Claimant. Next goes Darien Avan, who can make claims against Caliedhe
Dosieres (possibly reduced) province taxation. Next comes Aeric Boeruine
(due to higher domain power than Diemed), and then Herl Diem.

The way that I would work the order of law claimaints would be, in order of
Prescedence, (since this is not described in the rulebook), is: Province
Ruler, Largest Law Holding, Largest Domain Power, order of rolled initiative
for the domain turn. (you could simplify it and just go with initiative,
but that doesn't seem that realistic to me, as initiative only applies to
Domain Actions, and not the Taxation/Collection phase of the Domain Turn.

It is a little complicated when it comes to multiple law claimants, but if
you keep to the same pattern with the same criteria, it does speed the
process a little bit.

>in the case of the impirial city , they'll never call the
>law in , because that will lose them prestige , and with
>that they can make (or try) the chamberlin happy
>Giovanni Garzelli`
>************************************************** *************************
>>'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

James Ray
07-19-1998, 12:19 PM
I prefer to stick to the order being determined by Domain Initiative, but
you're right, multiple Law Holdings each making their own claims isnt so
complicated as to cause some poor DM to pull their hair out and start
drooling. I just prefer to think of Domian Initiative as the mechanism
that decides who goes in what order all the time.

- ----------
> From: Memnoch
> Example:
> City of Anuire
> Province Taxation: 9 Gb (level 10 average at light taxation)

> The way that I would work the order of law claimaints would be, in order
of Prescedence, (since this is not described in the rulebook), is:
Province Ruler, Largest Law Holding, Largest Domain Power, order of rolled
initiative for the domain turn. (you could simplify it and just go with
initiative, but that doesn't seem that realistic to me, as initiative only
applies to Domain Actions, and not the Taxation/Collection phase of the
Domain Turn.>