View Full Version : Unit Experience

JD Lail
08-28-1998, 07:44 AM
After reading the comments on this I am surprised that no one has
mentioned my major gripe. There is no penalty for losing a unit other
than a muster units cost. Trained experienced troops are a rare
commodity (except for the Vos perhaps) and losing them should cause
problems (imo). The game fails to account for this. New units should
be somewhat less effective than the troops they replace.

The standard wargamer gradings are; green,regular,veteran,elite.
First we eliminate the differentiation between the last two as
unnecessary (mho) Second we add some sort of Green unit morale
penalty (until the unit is seasoned enough, say a year).

Can someone more familiar with the warcard system suggest some
appropriate morale penalties for green units ?


Brett Lang
08-31-1998, 09:28 AM
I was wondering if anyone uses experience for units. It seems unreasonable
that units that survive war don't become better. I was thinking of this:
Green - just mustered.
Regular - survived 5 conflicts (+1 to defence)
Veteren - survived 10 conflicts (+1 to attack)
Elite - survived 20 conflicts (+1 to defence)

Elite unit therefore gains +1 to attack & +2 to defence.

What do ya'all think of this ?

Craig Greeson
08-31-1998, 12:12 PM
Greetings all,
I like Brett's idea quite a bit. I might tinker with the number of
conflicts that a unit must be involved in prior to gaining experience
[something like 3, 7, and 12 for the different experience levels would
probably be more appropriate for our group], but the idea is simple yet
effective. It would also open up the door for veteran and elite mercenary
units, giving regents a reason to pay a premium to hire the elite "Flaming
Fist of Ilien", or whatever.

Another thing I would suggest is charging regents an annual "reenlist" fee
for their veteran and elite units. Perhaps an extra 1GB per year for units
whose maint. cost is 1GB per domain turn and 2GB for units that cost
2GB\domain turn.


Brett Lang wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone uses experience for units. It seems unreasonable
> that units that survive war don't become better. I was thinking of this:
> Green - just mustered.
> Regular - survived 5 conflicts (+1 to defence)
> Veteren - survived 10 conflicts (+1 to attack)
> Elite - survived 20 conflicts (+1 to defence)
> Elite unit therefore gains +1 to attack & +2 to defence.
> What do ya'all think of this ?

Lawrence Ruiz
08-31-1998, 08:10 PM
I scrapped the unit/war card thing for the battlesystem rules which allow xp
for units in battles.
I think tsr should drop the warcards and simply institue battlesystem
- -----Original Message-----
From: Brett Lang
To: birthright@MPGN.COM
Date: Monday, August 31, 1998 4:52 AM
Subject: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Unit Experience

>I was wondering if anyone uses experience for units. It seems unreasonable
>that units that survive war don't become better. I was thinking of this:
>Green - just mustered.
>Regular - survived 5 conflicts (+1 to defence)
>Veteren - survived 10 conflicts (+1 to attack)
>Elite - survived 20 conflicts (+1 to defence)
>Elite unit therefore gains +1 to attack & +2 to defence.
>What do ya'all think of this ?
>************************************************** *************************
>>'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

Tim Nutting
09-01-1998, 06:28 AM
How long do you find it takes to run a battle using the Battle System

The reason I stick with the warcards is that I still want to do a game
inside of a few days and not have 4 other players sitting glumly at the
table, then defecting to the TV...


Antonio Lopez
09-01-1998, 05:00 PM
>Subject: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Unit Experience
>I was wondering if anyone uses experience for units. It seems unreasonable
>that units that survive war don't become better. I was thinking of this:
>Green - just mustered.
>Regular - survived 5 conflicts (+1 to defence)
>Veteren - survived 10 conflicts (+1 to attack)
>Elite - survived 20 conflicts (+1 to defence)
>Elite unit therefore gains +1 to attack & +2 to defence.
>What do ya'all think of this ?
Its a very good idea.
But if your armie of 40.000 mens defeat 5 times a small army of 400 mens, i
dont think all 40.000 will upgrade to veteran. I propose each battle you
win or loss you can upgrade a few units (1 or two), or a % or your army
such an 5%.
Also i dont think you must pary GB tp upgrade them, since they use the same

- -=-=-=-=-=-=-
Antonio Lopez
ICQ 14670831
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-

Lawrence Ruiz
09-01-1998, 05:41 PM
Using minis (my preferred method) it takes a couple of hours. Using the
alternative dice rolling method, it takes very little time at all.
- -----Original Message-----
From: Tim Nutting
To: birthright@MPGN.COM
Date: Tuesday, September 01, 1998 1:54 AM
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Unit Experience

>How long do you find it takes to run a battle using the Battle System
>The reason I stick with the warcards is that I still want to do a game
>inside of a few days and not have 4 other players sitting glumly at the
>table, then defecting to the TV...
>************************************************** *************************
>>'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

09-03-1998, 12:48 PM
In a message dated 09-03-1998 12:45:09 AM Central Daylight Time,
jlail@foothills.net writes:

> The standard wargamer gradings are; green,regular,veteran,elite.
> First we eliminate the differentiation between the last two as
> unnecessary (mho) Second we add some sort of Green unit morale
> penalty (until the unit is seasoned enough, say a year).
Well you could go to all that trouble. But Birthright is not a war game. I
think it's a mistake to try to apply war game rules to it, unless you change
it all. Of course, then there'd be no roleplaying left...

- -DKE

Brett Lang
09-04-1998, 07:59 AM
I incororate the unit/province population ruling from Dragon #250 of the
article on converting war cards to battle rules. This fits well I think with
the fact that no regent can muster endless troops without consequences.

- -----Original Message-----
From: J. D. Lail
To: birthright@MPGN.COM
Date: Thursday, 3 September 1998 1:35
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Unit Experience

>After reading the comments on this I am surprised that no one has
>mentioned my major gripe. There is no penalty for losing a unit other
>than a muster units cost. Trained experienced troops are a rare
>commodity (except for the Vos perhaps) and losing them should cause
>problems (imo). The game fails to account for this. New units should
>be somewhat less effective than the troops they replace.
>The standard wargamer gradings are; green,regular,veteran,elite.
>First we eliminate the differentiation between the last two as
>unnecessary (mho) Second we add some sort of Green unit morale
>penalty (until the unit is seasoned enough, say a year).
>Can someone more familiar with the warcard system suggest some
>appropriate morale penalties for green units ?
>************************************************** *************************
>>'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

hdc and Spud
09-05-1998, 10:58 PM
Brett Lang wrote:
> I incororate the unit/province population ruling from Dragon #250 of the
> article on converting war cards to battle rules. This fits well I think with
> the fact that no regent can muster endless troops without consequences.

Where did you find that information? I've been looking through my copy
of Dragon #250 and I can't find it.

Sir Spud

Brett Lang
09-06-1998, 03:55 AM
Sorry, Actually it is found in Annual #2, page 78 under the heading "Army

- -----Original Message-----
From: hdc and Spud
To: birthright@MPGN.COM
Date: Sunday, 6 September 1998 7:09
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Unit Experience

>Brett Lang wrote:
>> I incororate the unit/province population ruling from Dragon #250 of the
>> article on converting war cards to battle rules. This fits well I think
>> the fact that no regent can muster endless troops without consequences.
>Where did you find that information? I've been looking through my copy
>of Dragon #250 and I can't find it.
>Sir Spud
>************************************************** *************************
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