View Full Version : Evanesence

Tim Nutting
09-08-1998, 08:33 AM
Definition: Barrier that seperates the Shadow World from Cerilia.

Does anyone have any more information than that? I know it was suspended by
Siebharrin the Lich to drive the Gorgon out of Sideath in Tuarhievel (and look
at the FX now)

How can it be suspended or lifted? How can it be strengthened? How can it be

Tim Nutting

The Olesens
09-08-1998, 11:07 AM
Tim Nutting wrote:

> Definition: Barrier that seperates the Shadow World from Cerilia.
> Does anyone have any more information than that? I know it was suspended by
> Siebharrin the Lich to drive the Gorgon out of Sideath in Tuarhievel (and look
> at the FX now)
> How can it be suspended or lifted? How can it be strengthened? How can it be
> weakened?
> Tim Nutting

I would like info on this also as I will be running a long adventure in the shadow
world IMC. I would also like some info on the shadow world if anyone has any.
Especially special monsters.
I have a feeling my PCs are going to have a strong dislike for undead when this is
over :)

> ************************************************** *************************
> > 'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

09-08-1998, 12:59 PM
In a message dated 09-08-1998 6:34:22 AM Central Daylight Time,
olesens@bellatlantic.net writes:

> I would like info on this also as I will be running a long adventure in the
> shadow
> world IMC. I would also like some info on the shadow world if anyone has
> any.
> Especially special monsters.
> I have a feeling my PCs are going to have a strong dislike for undead when
> this is
> over :)

I believe Birthright ShadowWorld Skelters and Zombires were created. These
critters appeared in a Dungeon magazine adventure. I don't have my references
with me now, but can anyone else help?

- -DKE

Anthony Winter
09-09-1998, 10:45 AM
Here are some Shadow World nasties that appeared in an adventure inDungeon
#59. "Seeking Bloodsilver" also introduced some new abilities and turned out
to be a fantastic adventure. Well I enjoyed it anyway...


The skelter is an emaciated creature resembling a lich, with its leathery
skin drawn tightly over its bony frame. The eyes of a skelter burn with an
intense hatred for all life, and its voice is raspy and spiteful. These
gaunt creatures have a chilling touch similar to that of a spectre. The
attack inflicts 1d8hp damage and drains one level of experience from the
victim.(A save vs. death magic negates loss). The energy drain is only
temporary, and lost levels (and hit points) are restored at a rate of one
level/day. A non-blooded individual slain by a skelter (or drained of all
levels) rises as a zombie under the skelter's control; a blooded victim
rises as a free-minded skelter.
INT: Very;AL CE;AC 6;MV 12;HD 2+3;THAC0 17;#AT 1;Dmg 1d8;SA energy drain; SD
silver or magical weapons needed to hit; immune to cold, poison, paralysis
and death magic; MR immune to sleep, charm, hold and fear related magic; SZ
M; ML 12; XP 650; New monster. Skelters are turned as ghasts. One vial of
holy water causes them 2d4hp damage.


The zombire looks like a normal zombie without sluggishness. Like the
skelter, its eyes glow with intelligence and malice. It does not suffer
penalties to initiative and is surprisingly agile. The zombire lacks the
energy-draining touch of the skelter, but it can assume gaseous form at
will. However, it cannot attack in this form and must revert to a corporeal
state to inflict damage. (It cannot assume corporeal form and attack in the
same round.) The zombire's rake causes 1d8hp damage, and the victim must
save vs. paralysis or be frozen in place and unable to act for 2d6 rounds.
Zombires continue to attack frozen victims. A non-blooded individual slain
by a zombire rises as a zombie under the zombire's control; a blooded victim
rises as a free-minded zombire.
INT high; AL CE; AC 7; MV 12; HD 3+2; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1d8; SA
paralyzing touch; SD assume gaseous form, silver or magical weapons needed
to hit; immune to cold, poison, paralysis and death magic; MR immune to
sleep, charm, hold, and fear related magic; SZ M; ML 14; XP 975; New
monster. Zombires are turned as wraiths. Holy water inflicts 2d4hp

Skelters and zombires can control mindless undead (ie skeletons and zombies)
within 30 yards. When slain, skelters and zombires moulder into piles of
flesh and bone.

I hope that this helps you out somewhat.
