View Full Version : Wraith - How to involve the Lor

12-28-1998, 08:36 PM
>From Trizt :
>As you have a paladin in the group, why not let an evil cult of some
>kind start to do dark rites in the kingdom and the only way to stop them
>is to get rid of their leader (a great demon, the players will not know
>this in the begining)

I like the cult theme idea. I'm really interested in making a cult of some
kind the major problem for the players in addition to a possible invasion
from Diemed (and other basic adventures off course).
I want to make the cult a problem for not just the paladin and cleric, but
also for the Lord or Medoere.
Any ideas?

OK try this: get his wife/son/brother/dear cousin (next in line for the
throne) seriously involved. Make the chosen NPC (letĀ“s say, the wife) join
the Cult. It will make the Cult a lot more influent. Should the regent
ignore his wifeĀ“s sudden behaviour change (misterious absences, the
medalion she refuses to show, the fact she no longer prays to Ruornil, her
misterious continual headaches - no sex for the regent!) for long (which
should not happen) the cult will eventually make her kill the regent and
take over the realm (the cult wins).

ICQ: 17080887