01-14-1999, 12:24 AM
In When Night Falls there have been several rules discussions, one of which
promted this question about occupying your own provinces. As I am fairly
sure, occupying your own provinces is insigating martial law. To do so you
must declare war on yourself. So in order to have your troops go out and
partol the streets, you must spend an entire month in instigating martial law!
Shouldn't it just take a Free Action (Decree?)? Has anyone given intelligent
thought to this?
- -Andrew
01-14-1999, 07:44 AM
In a message dated 1/13/99 6:35:41 PM Central Standard Time,
olesens@bellatlantic.net writes:
01-15-1999, 04:30 AM
Also remember that military units can only count as law holdings
Now, here is a somewhat modified scenario from what Tim gave, but it best
illustrates my point.
Regent declares war and occupies his own provinces in order to destroy a
pesky guild. He has enough units to successfully suppress the full loyalty
loss. The loyalty of the province immediately goes to poor. Next, after
the unfortified holdings are destroyed, the regent stupidly decides to not
attempt to raise the loyalty of the province, nor does he declare war again
to occupy the province and have his units act as law holdings. At the end
of the domain turn, the automatic -1 loyalty comes into effect, reducing the
level to rebellious. But our tyrant has 100% "stranglehold" law holding
that can ignore this loss. The loss still comes into effect, however, the
normal repercussions for having a rebellious province do not occur. The
loyalty is still rebellious, but nothing happens. Anyone ever shake a coke
can? And then open it? What happens... everything goes boom.
All it would take is just the right thing to make the province go into
rebellion. The 1-2 punch of a free and domain agitate action that priests
have is devastating... if it happens during the same action round that a
regent occupies a province, there goes the entire province, directly into
rebellion, regardless of units, lawholdings or whatever. The demagogue
realm spell also rocks when it comes to this.
Holdings regents, in order to survive, have to understand their position on
the power totem pole. Without lands, they cannot freely raise any units
other than mercenaries, and to the paranoid landed regent, any action can be
assumed to be a provocation... Thus, they have to stick together and watch
and defend each other's backs. Because when the fit hits the shan, having a
neutral looking buddy can launch one or both of you onto a throne.
End of Sermon
- -----Original Message-----
From: Tim Nutting
To: birthright@MPGN.COM
Date: Thursday, January 14, 1999 1:30 AM
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Martial Law
Tim Nutting
01-16-1999, 03:05 AM
Very good statements, we bow to the High Priest of Domain Actions ;)
Tim Nutting
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