View Full Version : Questions about Player`s Secret

01-24-1999, 07:59 AM
Don Loose wrote:

> 1. In the Talinie sourcebook it states that a logger found a necklace of
> pins. The necklace itself was a regular metal, but the pins are made of
> Tighmaevril. I have thought about this for a while and have not been
> able to come up with any ideas on how to use them as a weapon (assuming
> they are weapons). Does anybody have any ideas concerning this
> necklace?

Yes, I was running a campaign where one of the players was the ruler of
Talanie(and I agree, the "Player's Secrets" give out WAY to much info to
actually give out
to the player...), and I did intend to use this item. The way I described it
was that each
of the pins was slightly different with a different pattern and grooves. The
pins where part
of an elaborate puzzle which the necklace was only part of. Completed it
created a spear

> 2. In the Medoere sourcebook, there is a passage about the champion of
> Medoere. The book refers to this champion as a paladin who can wield
> the Sword of Enlien (and gain its power as a Holy Avenger). Since
> Ruornil cannot have paladins (BoP), does this mean that the Champion
> will be a fighter who believes in Ruornil? It cannot be a priest of
> Ruornil because they are forbidden from using edged weapons. Any
> thoughts on this?

Yes, several. Some time ago we discussed on this list the possibility of
atype of "kinght" of Ruornil, esentially paladins, you could use that theory.
You could treat the Champion of Medoere as a holy post, unique to Medoere
with wich the champion wielding the sword can use it's functions as described
(possibly also treating the champion as a paladin). I also seem to remember a
Al'quadim fighter kit, I believe called a "faris" or something liike that. I
remember the specifics, but that may be something you could look into.


- --
Can you hear the Thunder?

Kenneth Gauck
01-24-1999, 08:33 AM
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- -----Original Message-----
From: Don Loose
Date: Saturday, January 23, 1999 11:10 PM

>2. In the Medoere sourcebook, there is a passage about the champion of=20
>Medoere. The book refers to this champion as a paladin who can wield=20
>the Sword of Enlien (and gain its power as a Holy Avenger). Since=20
>Ruornil cannot have paladins (BoP), does this mean that the Champion=20
>will be a fighter who believes in Ruornil? It cannot be a priest of=20
>Ruornil because they are forbidden from using edged weapons. Any=20
>thoughts on this?

On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 I wrote the following post:=20
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Paladins: Regency & Ruornil

You know, I've been reading the posts on "a Champion for Medoere" and =
some ideas.
1) A paladin of Haelyn and Ruornil, devoted to the ethics, dignity, and
law of Haelyn, but also of Ruornil's battle against the encroachment of
the shadow world. Such a character would be almost unique. This paladin
would lack the weapon of choice of Haelyn's regular paladins. Instead
there would be two kits available:
a) Votary (as per Paladin's guide) with following notes. May own
no possessions aside from weapons and armor and a minimum of supplies.
Spell casting begins at 6th level and contines as a paladin three levels
higher. The selected hated "faith" would be the Shadow (Azrai) and
the paladin would recieve a +4 to hit against known followers.
Priests of all other faiths make reaction checks at -2 (lawful
good) -3 (NG or LN) or -4 (everyone else), results can be no better than
Indifferent (LG, NG, LN) or Cautious, tithe is 50%, may not build a
stronghold, may not hire henchmen.

b) Ghosthunter (as per Paladin's guide) granted the power to
dispel evil once per day per five levels starting at 5th, 10-14th twice
&c, 95% immunity to paralysis caused by undead, granted power to remove
paralysis twice per day plus once per five levels, five times at 10-14th
&c, turns undead as cleric of same level, cannot lay on hands, cannot =
spells, no immunity to disease, can't cure disease

2) or a Paladin of Avani (depending on how Avani and Ruornil get along =
your campaign) with the Inquisitor kit (as per Paladin's guide)
Non-Weapon: (required) spellcraft, (recommended) astrology, languages,
Special: can detect magic when cast by evil caster, at 3rd level
is granted the power to dispel magic when cast by evil caster once per
three levels per day, twice at 6-8 &c, 80% +1/level resistance to
illusuions, 90% immunity to mental control and possession, can't lay on
hands, can't cast spells, can't turn undead, can't cure disease though =
still immune personally, requires an INT of 11

3) a ranger devoted to Ruornil who roams Medoere by night keerping =
especially good in a campaign where the Spider is active.=20
Ruornil should not typically have paladins, but perhaps in Medoere =
the theocracy), something like I mentioned would be possible. The
Player's Secrets simply says a Paladin who belives in Ruornil, so my
suggestion of a paladin of Haelyn with a secondary dedication to =
which would imply either the Votary or Ghosthunter, seems reasonable.

Kenneth Gauck

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-----Original Message-----From: Don Loose <kadari00@hotmail.com>Date=
Saturday, January 23, 1999 11:10 PM
>2. In the Medoere sourcebook, there is a passage =
about the=20
champion of >Medoere.  The book refers to this champion as a =
who can wield >the Sword of Enlien (and gain its power as a Holy=20
Avenger). Since >Ruornil cannot have paladins (BoP), does this =
mean that=20
the Champion >will be a fighter who believes in Ruornil? It =
cannot be a=20
priest of >Ruornil because they are forbidden from using edged=20
weapons.  Any >thoughts on this?

On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 I wrote the following post:
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Paladins: Regency & Ruornil
You know, I've been reading the posts on "a Champion for =
and have
some ideas.
1) A paladin of Haelyn and Ruornil, devoted to the ethics, dignity, =

law of Haelyn, but also of Ruornil's battle against the =
the shadow world. Such a character would be almost unique. This=20
would lack the weapon of choice of Haelyn's regular paladins. =
there would be two kits available:
a) Votary (as per Paladin's guide) with following notes. May =
no possessions aside from weapons and armor and a minimum of=20
Spell casting begins at 6th level and contines as a paladin three=20
higher. The selected hated "faith" would be the Shadow =
the paladin would recieve a +4 to hit against known =
Priests of all other faiths make reaction checks at -2 =
good) -3 (NG or LN) or -4 (everyone else), results can be no better =

Indifferent (LG, NG, LN) or Cautious, tithe is 50%, may not build =
stronghold, may not hire henchmen.

b) Ghosthunter (as per Paladin's guide) granted the power to
dispel evil once per day per five levels starting at 5th, 10-14th=20
&c, 95% immunity to paralysis caused by undead, granted power =
paralysis twice per day plus once per five levels, five times at=20
&c, turns undead as cleric of same level, cannot lay on hands, =
spells, no immunity to disease, can't cure disease
2) or a Paladin of Avani (depending on how Avani and Ruornil get =
your campaign) with the Inquisitor kit (as per Paladin's =
Non-Weapon: (required) spellcraft, (recommended) astrology,=20
Special: can detect magic when cast by evil caster, at 3rd =
is granted the power to dispel magic when cast by evil caster once=20
three levels per day, twice at 6-8 &c, 80% +1/level resistance =
illusuions, 90% immunity to mental control and possession, can't =
hands, can't cast spells, can't turn undead, can't cure disease =
still immune personally, requires an INT of 11
3) a ranger devoted to Ruornil who roams Medoere by night keerping=20
especially good in a campaign where the Spider is active.
Ruornil should not typically have paladins, but perhaps in Medoere=20
the theocracy), something like I mentioned would be possible. =
Player's Secrets simply says a Paladin who belives in Ruornil, so =
suggestion of a paladin of Haelyn with a secondary dedication to=20
which would imply either the Votary or Ghosthunter, seems =
Kenneth Gauck

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