View Full Version : Faith of rangers (was: Bards an

Pieter Sleijpen
01-28-1999, 11:53 AM
Technically speaking a ranger would be able to worship any deity that is
worshiped by good aligned folks. The Cerilian gods are not that strict
on alignment, so that is a little bit to simple to me. This would mean
that only Kriesha and Belinik can not have rangers. I would take a look
at the philosophies of the deities in question and compare them to the
ranger out look on the world. In my opinion this would give the
following list (there will always be exceptions):

Haelyn - Yes, especialy those people trying to bring justice to run away
criminals (fleeing into the Five Peaks for instance), defending the
common populace, advice kings on wildlife management and so on.

Nasri - Rarely, but not unthinkeble. There is a sea-ranger kit and for
that ranger Nasri would be an obivious choice.

Avani - No. In my opinion Avani is to much a scholar and godess of
civilisation to have ranger worshippers. Her association with magic
(which is closely aligned with nature on Cerilia) is also not of that

Sarma/Eloele - No, for obvious reasons.

Khirdai - Rarely, though not unthinkeble. Several temples use their
beliefs not for war's sake, but to defend the defenceless. Rangers with
an aggresive bent (or with strong feelings of revange) or scouts might
worship him.

Erik/Rilni - These two gods are perfect. In fact the holy champion
spoken of in Medoure's Player Secrets, might be a ranger. Most rangers
probably worship these two deities.

Leira - Not unthinkeble. She is the godess of beauty afterall and there
are a lot of very beautiful spots in the wilderniss. While gardens are
not exactly wilderniss, I have no difficulties immagining a ranger
protecting and caring for them. Protecting lovers fleeing from the wrath
of their parents and all that kind of things are also easy to associate
with rangers.

Pieter Sleijpen

Jim Cooper
01-28-1999, 08:57 PM
Actually, wouldn't a Power rangers worshipped have to include the plant
and animal sphere's in their influence? This then would only make
possible Erik. Otherwise, they wouldn't be anything more than
specilized fighters. Of course, if a player really wanted to restrict
their spell selection table, than I wouldn't have a problem with that!
Say, the Power only allowed Animal spheres, then that would include most
of the Powers in Cerilia ...
