View Full Version : Rule Action

02-15-1999, 03:11 PM
The Rule action on provinces is probably the action that is most uhhh,
wierd. The theories behind it seem obscure and it is frequently
modified. I have made up the following modifiers to add more realism to
the Rule action when used on provinces. These modifiers can be used
with the standard Rule action or with the separated Rule Province action
(where the target level is a modifier to the success roll).

Modifiers to the Rule Action in Human Realms

Situation Modifier
Regent controls all law None
Regent controls ½ but less than all law +1
Regent controls less than ½ law None
Regent controls no law -2
Hostile regent controls ½ or more law -2
Hostile regent controls less than ½ law -1
All temple slots filled +1
Temples to different gods +1
One or more temples to a culturally opposed god (Benelik in Anuire;
Haelyn in Vosgaard) -1
All guild slots filled +1
More than one guild +1
No guilds -1
No temples -1
Province is the terminus of a trade route from another province type +1
Province is the terminus of a trade route from another culture +1
A castle of higher level than the province level (before the Rule)
exists +1
Province is connected to others by road +1
Province is home to a number of military units greater than ½ its level.
- -1
Province borders a hostile realm -1
Is the capital province and home to a 1-8 GB court* +1
Is the capital province and home to a 9+ GB court* +2

*The court must be maintained at that level for two turns prior to the
Rule action.

Modifiers to the Rule Action in Elven Realms

Situation Modifier
Regent controls all law None
Regent controls ½ but less than all law +1
Regent controls less than ½ law None
Regent controls no law -2
Hostile regent controls ½ or more law -2
Hostile regent controls less than ½ law -1
Elven wizard controls all source +2
Elven wizard controls some but not all source +1
All temple slots filled -2
Temple slots partially filled -1
Guild slots partially filled -1
All guild slots filled -2
No guilds None
No temples None
Province is home to a number of military units greater than ½ its level.
- -1
Province borders a hostile realm -1
Is the capital province and home to a 1-8 GB court* +1
Is the capital province and home to a 9+ GB court* +2

*The court must be maintained at that level for two turns prior to the
Rule action.

Modifiers to the Rule Action in Dwarven Realms

Situation Modifier
Regent controls all law +1
Regent controls ½ but less than all law None
Regent controls less than ½ law -1
Regent controls no law -2
Hostile regent controls ½ or more law -2
Hostile regent controls less than ½ law -1
All temple slots filled +1
Temples to different gods +1
One or more temples to a culturally opposed god (Benelik in Anuire;
Haelyn in Vosgaard) -1
All guild slots filled +1
More than one guild +1
No guilds -1
No temples -1
Province is the terminus of a trade route from another province type +1
Province is the terminus of a trade route from another culture +1
A castle of higher level than the province level (before the Rule)
exists +1
Province is connected to others by road +1
Province borders a hostile realm -1
Is the capital province and home to a 1-8 GB court* +1
Is the capital province and home to a 9+ GB court* +2

*The court must be maintained at that level for two turns prior to the
Rule action.

02-16-1999, 12:38 AM
What about a modifier for the season. Seems ta me that raising a Rjurik or
Vos provance would be a lot easier in summer as opposed ta winter.....

In a message dated 2/15/99 10:35:42 AM Eastern Standard Time,
olesens@bellatlantic.net writes:


02-16-1999, 06:05 AM
The Rule action for provinces is easy to explain.

As you already know, families expand and contract as the death vs birth ratio
changes. You, maybe can get some increase in population that way, but I
resoundly believe that has nothing to do with the Rule Province Action, other
then in a long term game.

The Rule Action has to do with opportunities. It is a Rural vs Urban progress.
Let me show you by example. Lets track the faux-province of Generica.

0 level Generica begins as a wild, unsettled province. There are a few
homesteads and one tiny village of Blah. The regent of Generica has irrigation
built near a stream, so that farming can progress in the region. The Nobles of
the area, suddenly need more hands, so word gets out in near by provinces, and
the young looking to gain their own homes, and others looking to get large
tracks of land, head out to Generica. Soon level 1 Generica has more people.
More villages sprout up, and the Regent grants lands to nobles, as the
wilderness suddenly becomes more accessable. Blah, located on the provinces
major river, begins to aquire artisans and merchants looking to establish
themselves in the region. The Regent has his people establish a wall around
the town, to protect it from wild animals and the occasional brigands. Soon,
the regent invests in infrustructure... paved streets, sewage, city patrols,
and Encorages Buisnesses to start up Factories (no not modern factories, but
the time line equivalent), which requires work. The begin to process the local
crops and resources. Blah begins to attract more and more people. The artisans
fully establish, send their trainees out to the smaller villages, and peddlers
syphin the goods further out into the countryside, which is now established
farmland. Blah becomes a center for industry, as the land, once ferral, is now
settled in all but a few areas. Other towns dot the land, feeding there goods
to Blah, as people from nearby areas continue to come to Generica for work.
Now a level 5 Generica sees it population explosion begin to lag. As the land
and the artisan postions are all established, the new frontier of Generica is
now a developed land. The Regent decides to overhall the infrastructure. Pave
the streets again, this time in better material. They build a castle, a new
stone wall. This makes people from the surronding provinces coem to the larger
cities for better protection and security. The Temples and Guild holdings
empoy more and more middlemen, so that they come from other places looking for
better advancement.

And so on and so forth.

This is a basic example. Check out books on cities, and see how they expanded.
I am sure there are several on big Eurpoean Cities, like London. Even check
out your local town's history or a sociology book. There are is a lot of
information out there on expansion.

The key to the rule action, is that the Regent invest in infrastructure and
non-important game things, like rewards to nobles and industry that are
included in the cost of the action. There are millions of possible driving
factors, but infrastructure would be the key, seeing as how it enables the
cities to handle the bigger populations.