View Full Version : Force Blood Abilities

02-17-1999, 11:19 PM
I have taken a look at some of the Force abilities presented in Jedi
Knight: Dark Forces II. They are are applicable for blood abilites. I
don't have the inclination to make them into full fledged abilites, so
anyone who wants to can:

Light Side

Healing: Already a blood ability
Persuasion (These are not the droid's you're looking for): Already a
blood ability
Blinding: Evil cannot stand before the light of goodness and truth.
This power blinds your enemy for an amount of time (based on strength?
Absorb: This powers converts damage taken from other Force powers into
additional force energy. Not really sure how to work this one into a
blood ability

Dark Side

Force Throw (Bespin; Darth vs. Luke): This power allows its user to hurl
objects at his enemy through telekenisis. The game limits the ability
to use with small boulders or crates.
The Grip (Darth Vader's power of choice): Need I describe? It chokes
your victim. Probably enough to kill a 0th or 1st level guy.
Lightning Bolts (Return of the Jedi; Emperor zapping Luke): Sends
lightning bolts at your foe. There seems to be a serious lack of
damaging blood abilites. Hmmm, maybe that was intended. This power
would be good for Azrai and maybe Andurias (god of the skies?)
Destruction: Basically sends forth a sphere of pure Dark force. Takes
up all your Force energy (which functions kinda like mana of some
games). A direct hit can kill most anyone (except for Vader, and a
bunch of powerful Dark Jedi).

I know there are more powers from Mysteries of the Sith, but I don't
have that expansion.

Jeremy Baker
02-19-1999, 04:58 AM
>I have taken a look at some of the Force abilities presented in Jedi
>Knight: Dark Forces II. They are are applicable for blood abilites. I
>don't have the inclination to make them into full fledged abilites, so
>anyone who wants to can:

Personally, I would have rated the Force as more of a Psionic type
ability. So if you looking for ideas for new Blood abilities, rather than
try to adapt them from Star Wars, why not just use the Complete Psionicists
Handbook; they are already set up for AD+D.