View Full Version : Neutral Alignment esp Justi

02-22-1999, 05:41 PM
In a message dated 2/22/99, 11:01:40 AM, birthright@MPGN.COM writes:

Regardless of alignment, most people will question the ethics of all their
actions. A chaotic good rebel still questions whether or not his actions
against the government is worth it, etc. Nobody goes "oh well, i'm chaotic
good, this is in line with my values, and i don't have to worry about it".

A chaotic good person generally chooses the individual over the group, but
that does not mean that he does not question it every step of the way, or even
decides every now and then that aiding the group over an individual is the
correct path.

Your very first line begins the problem, "ruler he considers unworthy." He
must decide not only IF the ruler is unworthy, but how unworthy he is. Is
removing the ruler necessary, is it worth having friends and family die. Is
it worth having me die for. Is it worth sneaking around in the dark forming
conspiracies. IE. there is more than just "individualism versus group" going
on, and he must decide what weight to put on each. Chaotic alignment just
means he puts more weight on the individuals, not that he will always just
individuals over the group. (Even if he can clearly define what are
individuals and what are groups..)

Samuel Weiss
02-23-1999, 02:46 AM
>Regardless of alignment, most people will question the ethics of all their

Which is exactly my point.
