View Full Version : (Was T&T6SD)Experience

Mathieu Roy
04-18-1999, 03:42 AM
JulesMrshn@aol.com wrote:

> Which is why you are argueing. Run a game you have played in your mind. Now
> think about some of the encounters. What if all of the villians had attacked
> your tank mercilessly, and had been in numbers.

He would have died, which is why we did not let them.

> What if all of the
> stronghold your were fighting in heard you and came running in.

We would have died, which is why we made very sure we were as discreet as

> What if that
> big wizard used his finger of death spell.

We would have died, which is why we did not confront this enemy directly.

> What if all the villians thought
> like PCs.

My usual GM makes it a point of honor to make his enemies as effective as they
can be. It has led us to be defeated fairly often. Usually, we withdraw when we
see our plans are not going to work.

> You can see now how the level and the turn over rate of the game
> would increase.

Sorry, but given the above, I don't see it.
