View Full Version : BR Gods (was: This list`s admin

Craig Greeson
05-27-1999, 12:20 PM
Welcome to the list Patrick Whitson. I'm curious about your thoughts on
the BR gods. Do you think they are rather lacking based on the BR Rulebook
mini-descriptions, or do you still feel that way after a look at the Book
of Priestcraft? Without a doubt the deity descriptions are lacking in the
Rulebook, but I always thought the Book of Priestcraft was rather well
done. It does, however, spend a lot of time talking about the various
temple organizations rather than the gods themselves. That, to me, is what
makes the BR gods interesting. The Western Imperial Temple of Haelyn and
Haelyn's Aegis, for example, both worship Haelyn, but they are very
different from each other. Of course, my old BR group (myself included)
tended to strongly prefer demi-human and humanoid characters, so we were
always more interested in interacting with the various churches instead of
the deities themselves.

Is there a general consensus the BR gods are generic? Their areas of
influence are rather broad and "standard issue". I know FR has a heck of a
lot more gods, but that always just confused my simple brain.


Baelyzen wrote:
> Well, since I just subscribed to this list like only 6 or 7 days ago to be
> zooted would be most ignoble.
> So, in the interest of posting something actually relevant to BR, get
> rid of those lame gods. The three-month turns are cool, well, cool for
> those who like to know every detail of thier domain (like me), but the gods
> are so flat and generic they make me shudder. I like the evil god, if only
> as to break up the vanilla. The human races are cool. I have had a lot of
> people who liked that particular aspect of BR, the diversity allows them to
> play something akin to what thier ancestors were.
> Me two copper,
> Patrick S. Whitson
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05-27-1999, 12:39 PM
>Is there a general consensus the BR gods are generic? Their areas of
>influence are rather broad and "standard issue". I know FR has a heck of a
>lot more gods, but that always just confused my simple brain.

No in fact it is what gives BR some of it's strength. I mean its all well
and good to go the FR realms path of God creation or the real world path
and just randomly pick an event/object/part of nature and make it a Deity
but Birthrights God's are interesting in the fact that they do have a
thematic tie, and aren't all stolen wholly from real world Mythologies (90%
of Forgotten Realms are Stolen like this, Greyhawk like 10%)
And remember they most of them were mostly Humans to begin with we don't
know exactly what Anduiras was like or Reynir...now that they are gone.

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05-27-1999, 01:13 PM
- ----- Original Message -----
From: Craig Greeson

> Welcome to the list Patrick Whitson.
Thank you.
I'm curious about your thoughts on
> the BR gods. Do you think they are rather lacking based on the BR
> mini-descriptions, or do you still feel that way after a look at the Book
> of Priestcraft?
Well, the BR rulebook, I haven't had a chance to peruse the Book of
Priestcraft. Maybe that's my fault, but I don't feel like a person has to
buy every supplement to stay ahead of the game so to speak. If the basic
corebook does little to garner interest then it's almost a sure bet that no
one will buy the supplement to said subject matter. Your assessment of the
book makes one mighty curious however.
It's hard to get books where I live. Everyone assumes that if you like
A.D.+D., or r.p.g.'s in general you must be a satanist, or at least a pagan
heathen who's out to corrupt, and impregnate every fourteen year old within
a fifteen mile radius.
Me two copper again,
Patrick S. Whitson

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05-31-1999, 01:32 AM
In a message dated 5/27/99 8:28:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
cgreeson@ccipost.net writes:


I think that the fact that the Birthright gods are so generic is what
allows their worshiper's to have such different views of their gods. If the
god's portfolios were more specific then there would be much less leway in
the interpratation of how they should be worshiped. I really like that I can
have one church of Rournal be devited to "pure magic" and another that
believes in protecting the land and yet another temple believes that the only
way to protect the land is to wipe out the farmers and put the land back to
its pristine state. Having a bunch of gods that are so specific in areas of
control that there is no way to "play around with".
BlastinTo unsubscribe from this list send mail to majordomo@lists.imagiconline.com
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05-31-1999, 06:28 AM
In a message dated 5/30/99 8:34:39 PM Central Daylight Time, Blastin@aol.com


Hmm, I am having a problem with the word "generic" gods. I really don't think
they are. I think you are getting breivity mixed up with generic. The
descriptions of the gods are brief in the rulebook. I mean just the fact that
they are mortals who rose to god status makes them non-genric.To unsubscribe from this list send mail to majordomo@lists.imagiconline.com
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06-07-1999, 03:27 AM
In a message dated 5/31/99 2:29:21 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Hadricon@aol.com