View Full Version : [ADMIN] List Administrator

Rob Miracle
05-28-1999, 05:03 PM
Ok, this has gone on long enough. I don't have the time in my day to try
and read all these messages to figure out who is wanting to do what.

If you are interested in being this list admin. I want you to send me a
private email with the subject "BR-ADMIN Candidate". Do not nominate any
one else, just yourself if your interested.

In the message, list any experience that you have running lists and a brief
"Why I would make a good list-mom" statement.

Then on Tuesday, after I go though 10,000 mail messages, I will put
together a ballot sheet based on the volunteers and their info and post it
to the list. List members will then vote on their candidate by sending a
message with VOTE - BR in the subject. I will tally the votes and post the
winner by Friday.

Thanks for everyones interest.


- --
Rob Miracle
Be patient or be a patient. -- Anton Devious
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Craig Dalrymple
06-01-1999, 06:09 AM
I will keep this short and sweet.

If Adam Theo has stepped forward to take the job, I am not doing so.

If he has not, I am stepping up to Administrate the Birthright list.

Expirence: As listed before, I was the co-administrator of an online
conference of over 300 users with over 50 active discussion topics. My
duties included those similar to a mailing list; watching over the day to
day goings on and contributing as a member. Anytime things got out of hand
or way off topic, I'd post a tacit reminder of the discussions true intent,
and then steer them back to the place they belonged.

People who offended the conference were warned and then removed according to
a standard list of procedures that outlined what I had to do before removing
such a person, and therefore preventing me from becoming abusive.

Lastly, I arranged some really fun parties since all the conference members
were at the same Universities. These even included some non beer drinking

What would I do with the BR list? Not much. For the most part it seems to
administrate itself. I might try to become more actively involved with the
day to day threads, and stimulate conversations, but I wouldn't really do
anything drastic.

That being said: I'd rather bow to Adam Theo so if he has replied, I am not
nominating myself. If he has not I am.

Craig T. Dalrymple

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Craig Dalrymple
06-01-1999, 01:30 PM
- -----Original Message-----
From: Craig Dalrymple
To: birthright@lists.imagiconline.com
Date: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - [ADMIN] List Administrator

>I will keep this short and sweet.
>If Adam Theo has stepped forward to take the job, I am not doing so.
>If he has not, I am stepping up to Administrate the Birthright list.

Hey all. Just wanted to apologize for being a dork :) My message wherein I
volunteered for list admin was supposed to go to Rob Miracle as he directed.
Guess I was a little sleepy last night when I was catching up to three days
of messages. Hopefully Rob will have gotten this anyway, and more
importantly hopefully Adam volunteered (prod). I am only doing so in his
potential absence as somebody needs to. I think he's more suited to the task

Jus wanted to apologize for hitting the list with this instead of Rob

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SCO Adam Theo
06-02-1999, 09:47 AM
Hello Birthrighters, Adam Theo here.
This day of Wednesday, June 02, 1999, at 5:46:38 AM

On Tuesday, June 01, 1999, Craig Dalrymple [craigd@mediaone.net]
Wrote in [BIRTHRIGHT] - [ADMIN] List Administrator:
CD> I will keep this short and sweet.

CD> If Adam Theo has stepped forward to take the job, I am not doing so.

CD> If he has not, I am stepping up to Administrate the Birthright list.

Here is my reply:
well, yep, i'm still in. so who else is in for Admin of the list?
are you sure, craig?

- --
Adam Theo, A Patriotic American Libertarian Capitalist.
SCO of Theoretic Internet Services, http://www.theoretic.com, http://www.theoretic.com
'Your Web Hosting, Email Forward, and Weather Forecast Solution,
With Just Two Words: Quality and Privacy.'
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