View Full Version : RE: Taxation extremely newbie quest

07-06-1999, 12:04 AM
I'm afraid I disagree in part. I think this falls pretty much into the
same category as assassination as a political tool: something that most
enlightened rulers would shy away from publicly, except for the most brutal
and repressive societies.
The regent's alignemt *would*, I think, influence how willing s/he was
to "break the taboo" and use this means; but the means itself would remain
something of "dirty secret" even then.
Generally, for an image of a "legitimate" regent who would use such
tactics, I'd refer one to the Zorro or Robin Hood movies. The corrupt
military commanders of the former, and Prince John in the latter, seem to
exemplify the sort of tyrants who would resort to Law Claims in addition to
the normal taxes. That didn't make these actions in any way "legal".


- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-birthright@lists.imagiconline.com
[mailto:owner-birthright@lists.imagiconline.com]On Behalf Of GeeMan
Sent: Monday, July 05, 1999 6:37 PM
To: birthright@lists.imagiconline.com
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Taxation extremely newbie question?

Silveras wrote:

> Alternative interpretations: I have seen Law Claims handled
> differently. Some people think that they represent a legitimate part of
> every realm's operations, and are part of standard taxation.

Yes, I think this is largely a matter of interpretation. Hired thugs or
tax collectors. Depends on how the DM and/or his players want to handle
things. Personally, I think it's fine to say that the money collected by
holdings are either bandits or sheriffs, extortion or tariffs. It depends
the alignment of the law holder.

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