View Full Version : Looking for a few good regents

02-25-2005, 11:22 AM
In order to get this project (BRCS) completed in my lifetime it is necessary to get some more people to "volunteer" to help out.

What I would like is some people to sign up to be chapter editors. What this entails os coordinating the effort for a specific chapter and putting it together for presentation/sanctioning. This entails going back through the post (some back a year or more) to compile peoples' comments on the subject matter, running polls to pare down choices, etc. I will go over things to make sure that the chapters work together (at least at the surface level - that is no overt conflicts).

These are chapters that could use an editor:

Chap 3: Magic
Chap 5: Ruling a Domain
Chap 6: Armies and Warfare
Chap 7: Realm Magic
Chap 9: Creatures

Chap 8: Outside the Lines will be done last and fill the gaps, etc. I'll keep that one running as we go.

If you are interested send me an e-mail (irdeggman@cox.net).

People who just want to get their name on the project or insert their own house-rules should not really bother sending me their interest. We are trying to come up with a baseline setting rules here so that everyone will have a point of reference for their 3.5 games that they can tweak/modify/change as they see fit to suit their individual tastes. It will not work as written for everyone nor is it intended to - neither do the core D&D rules for that matter.

I'm planning on dropping Chap 4: Gods and Religion out of the BRCS and migrating that over to the Atlas. Several people have suggested that (including Ian) especially since it really isn't rules-specifying material. It was necessary to have something like that for an initial overall setting but with the Atlas' evolution it fits much better (and can get a more in depth treatment) there.

02-25-2005, 05:51 PM
I'm planning on dropping Chap 4: Gods and Religion out of the BRCS and migrating that over to the Atlas. Several people have suggested that (including Ian) especially since it really isn't rules-specifying material. It was necessary to have something like that for an initial overall setting but with the Atlas' evolution it fits much better (and can get a more in depth treatment) there.

I'd recommend keeping the deity descriptions in the BRCS. Much like a PHB for Birthright, having a basic grasp of the gods and how to design a cleric of one seems pretty essential to a base book. A lot of the flavor and calender stuff, though, could definitely go in the Atlas.

02-25-2005, 11:31 PM
I will have to agree on the matter of deities and stuff with Osprey...

I could help with the creatures' chapter 9, if you want me.