View Full Version : Mass Combat Alternate System

Matthew Colville
03-02-1997, 10:36 AM
I hate to post this twice, since it's not exactly small, but a lot of
people have been both E-Mailing me for it and unable to read the
filetypes I'm sending them. And, frankly, it's a pain in the ass to
sift through all the Archives. So here it is again; the alternate mass
comabt system I use for Birthright, originally from Chivalry and
Sorcery, modified by a friend of mine.

Mass Combat System for AD&D


1. Compute the Strength of each army, as expressed in strength points.

2. Subtract the smaller total from the larger. Divide the difference
by the smaller force. The resulting percentage is the Strength

3. Determine the Strategic Stance of each army.

4. Add the Strength Advantage to the Strategic Stance of the larger

5. Each side rolls d100. This is the Basic Combat Roll of each army.

6. Add the Strategic Stance of each army to its Basic Combat Roll.

7. If the commander of one army has a higher LA than the other add 5%
per LA point of difference to his combat roll. This represents his
superior tactical and strategic abilities.

8. The side with the higher combat roll is the victor. The difference
between the two totals is the Degree of Victory. Refer to the correct
Victory Matrix.

9. Compute the casualty breakdown.

10. Compute the commander casualties.

Strategic advantages & disadvantages to Strategic Stance

well rested - plus 10%
well supplied - plus 10%
defending homeland - plus 20%
well led (LA of leader is 5 or 6 - plus 10%
excellently led (LA of leader is 7 or greater) - plus 30%
has beaten this enemy recently - plus 20%
has beaten this enemy in years past - plus 10%
enemy is hereditary, religious or sought for vengeance - plus 20%
elves in forest - plus 20%
elves in boots & cloaks - plus 20%
dwarves/gnomes/orcs/goblins/kobolds underground - plus 20%
orcs/goblins/kobolds in full daylight - minus 20%
are surprised - minus 30%
have surprise - plus 20%
struck in rear - minus 30%
struck from above - minus 20%
defending from a small fortification (entrenchment) - plus 80%
defending from a medium fortification (manor) - plus 100%
defending from a strong fortification (keep) - plus 150%
** If they lose the field while in a defense position, their damage
percentage is doubled, if they refuse to leave the fortress or if they
are totally beseiged or surrounded. If they are not surrounded, they
may flee.
fatigued - minus 10%
supplied by foraging - minus 10%
unsupplied - minus 30%
poorly led (LA 1-3) - minus 20%
disjointed leadership - minus 40%
was beaten recently - minus 20%
was beaten in years past - minus 10%
cut off - minus 20%
mercs not paid - minus 10%
home ravished - minus 30%
surrounded (does not apply if in defensive fortification) - minus 40%

The sum of all of the advantages and disadvantages in the Strategic
Stance of
the army.

LEADERSHIP (LA) is determined by the following formula: (INT + WIS +
LVL) / 8 = LA

Victory Matrix

Degree of Victory casualties(victor) casualties(loser)
0-10% 10 + 1d20% 10 + 1d20%
11-40 10 + 1d10 10 + 1d10
41-60 10 + 1d10 5 + 1d10
61-80 2d10 4d10
81-90 2d10 10 + 3d10
91-100 2d10 15 + 3d10
101-150 2d6 15 + 4d10
151-200 2d6 10 + 5d10
201-250 1d6 20 + 6d10
251 & up 1d6 of loser's 20 + 7d10
(If loser refuses to quit the field their damage is doubled)

Fields held by:

Victor Loser Contested
0-10% 1-20% 21-40% 41 & up
11-40 1-35 36-50 51 & up
41-60 1-50 51-55 56 & up
61-80 1-65 --- 66 & up
81-90 1-80 --- 81 & up
91-100 1-85 --- 86 & up
101-150 1-95 --- 96 & up
151-200 1-99 --- 100
201 & up 1-100 --- ---

Casualty breakdown of damage to each army
Bowman - 25%
Calvary - 25%
Infantry - 40%
Special Forces - 10%

Percent chance of commader death, injury or capture
death injury capture
Army commander 5% 5% 5%
Battle/Host commander 10% 10% 10%
Unit commander 20% 20% 20%
Extra unit or special monster commander 20% 20% 20%

Army strengths: The values list is used to compute the fighting power of
each army. The listed value is applied to each individual soldier.

troop type strength value

long bowman 10
short bowman 8
hvy crossbowman 8
lt crossbowman 6
archer 20
archer/ranger 30
artillerists 5
composite bowman 10
swordsman/battle axemen/spearmen 10
pikemen 15
slingers/town militia 6
peasant levies 5
*each of the above is considered to be AC4 or 5. If heavily armored
(AC3 or less) add 5 points to each. If lightly armored or no armor,
subtract 3 points.

hvy calvary (AC3+) 20
med calvary (AC4 or 5) 15
lt calvary (AC6 or greater) 12

lt calvary 18
med calvary 21
horse archers 22
shock calvary 20

med calvary 25
lt calvary 22
horse archers 25
berserkers 25


split bowman/footman 25
hvy infantry 30
med infantry 25
lt infantry 22
hvy calvary 35
med calvary 30
lt calvary 27
split bowman/horse archers 35
artillerists 8

hvy infantry 20
med infantry 18
lt infantry 15
hvy crossbowmen 10
lt crossbowmen 8
short bowmen 10
artillerists 8

hvy infantry 8
med infantry 6
lt infantry 5
short bowmen 30
lt crossbowmen 25

hvy infantry 18
med infantry 16
lt infantry 14
short bowmen 10
hvy crossbowmen 10
lt crossbowmen 8

med infantry 35
lt infantry 25
long bowmen 30
short bowmen 25
composite bowmen 30
hvy crossbowmen 23
lt crossbowmen 20


hvy infantry 15
med infantry 10
lt infantry 7
long bowmen 10
short bowmen 8
hvy crossbowmen 8
lt crossbowmen 6
artillerists 5
worg calvary 12

med infantry 8
lt infantry 6
short bowmen 7
hvy crossbowmen 5
lt crossbowmen 4
artillerists 5
worg calvary 8

med infantry 6
lt infantry 4
short bowmen 5
lt crossbowmen 4
artillerists 5
worg calvary 8

lt infantry 3
short bowmen 5
lt crossbowmen 4
artillerists 4
netmen 3

hvy infantry (AC4) 60 +5/pt below AC4
med infantry (AC5) 50

hvy infantry 15
med infantry 10
lt infantry 7
long bowmen 6
short bowmen 5
hvy crossbowmen 7
lt crossbowmen 5
artillerists 5
med calvary 20
lt calvary 16

skeleton 5
zombie 10
ghoul 20
ghast 30
wight 80
shadow 90
wraith 100
banshee 175
spectre 250
vampire 300
lich 250 + class value

gnoll 20
flind 25
norker 20
lizardman 35
troll 75
orge magi 150
bugbear 30
centaur 50
sahaugin 40

hill 100
stone 200
frost 300
fire 400
cloud 500
storm 600
ettin 200

iron 400
stone 300
flesh 100
clay 350

type I,II 250
type III,IV 350
type V 450
type VI 500

elementals 250
worg 25 + any rider
wolf 15 + any rider
beholder 1000
dragon 500/Hit Die
wyvern 300
gargoyle 50
pegasus 75 + any rider
unicorn 65 + any rider
tarn 100
roc 150
war elephant 250
war dog 15

Magic User 150 x level
Cleric 100 x level
Fighter 75 x level
Ranger 80 x level
Cavalier 90 x level
Paladin 95 x level
Anti-Paladin 100 x level

hvy infantry 26.25
Long bowmen 18
hvy calvary 40
hvy chariot 50
marines 27.75

siege tower 600
trebouchet 500
hvy catapult 250
lt catapult 150
ballista 50
mantlet 20
hvy chariot 25 + troop value
lt chariot 15 + troop value
caudron 50
ram 100