View Full Version : Dopplegangers

03-08-1997, 12:30 AM
I'm working on an idea for my BR campaign, and I'm hoping I can get some
help from everyone. A recent discussion on Dopplegangers, on another list,
made me think about using these creatures in BR. Their subversive nature
makes them perfect for a political/adventure style game like BR. My idea
goes like this, one of the NPCs close to my PC regents is replaced by a
Doppleganger. The Doppleganger is a member of a tribe that serves a
Beholder, Beholder-kin, a hive of Beholders/Beholder-kin, or possibly a
minor Awnsheghlien called the Beholder. This is one of the things I need
input on, which of the above should be the boss, and what is its final
agenda. Anyways back to the Doppleganger NPC, he/she will cause
problems(mostly political)for the PCs, and they will slowly figure out who
is causing the trouble. In short order the PCs will then learn that he/she
is a Doppleganger, and attempt to strike back at them. Not realizing the
true power behind all the subterfuge. So far this is all I have aside from a
lot of random thoughts. I'm not even sure which NPC will have been replaced
yet, so any suggestions that can help me turn this into a full fledged
adventure would be appreciated. BTW, my game takes place in Dhoesone, in
case the region affects any of your ideas. Thanks in advance.

Undertaker, richt@metrolink.net
RL Homepage: http://www.metrolink.net/~veleda/sepulcher.html

03-08-1997, 03:56 AM
You might want to have a single beholder as the leader for a low
level campaign. My suggestion as to who the Doppleganger could replace
would be a high ranking memeber of the guilds of Cariele, or some one close
to the king of Stjordvik if not the king himself. I've used the idea of an
awnsheghlien if the group is low power then he would smash then to pieces as
would a beholder clan. For beholder-kin I would suggest using an Overseer or
a few directors.

>RL Homepage: http://www.metrolink.net/~veleda/sepulcher.html

Seb Berendse
03-08-1997, 07:51 PM
> Doppleganger. The Doppleganger is a member of a tribe that serves a
> Beholder, Beholder-kin, a hive of Beholders/Beholder-kin, or possibly a
> minor Awnsheghlien called the Beholder.
The last option is the best I think. By the way a very cool campaign
idea! I hope my DM isn't on this list, for it sure would give the
PC's a lot of trouble! I don't knw wether or not Beholders are common
in BR, if not then an Awnsheg is the best option. Also a reason to
make him an elder or somthing like it. Pretty darn hard to kill of

> BTW, my game takes place in Dhoesone, in
> case the region affects any of your ideas. Thanks in advance.
What have you (or your PC's) done with the troubles concerning the
guilds? I have a starting PC there, a son of the (rulebook) baronness
taking the throne. I have some trouble with those guilds, and I would
like to replace them with other, more/better listening guys (esp.
since my PC is LN in alignment!).


************************************************** ***************
Sebastiaan G.P. Berendse

There is a world just around the corner of your mind
where reality is an intruder and dreams come true.
You may escape into it at will, you need no secret password,
magic wand or Alladins Lamp, all you need is your own imagination...
************************************************** *******************

03-09-1997, 01:11 AM
At 07:51 PM 3/8/97 +0000, Seb Berendse(148530@student.fbk.eur.nl)wrote:
>Undertaker wrote:
>> Doppleganger. The Doppleganger is a member of a tribe that serves a
>> Beholder, Beholder-kin, a hive of Beholders/Beholder-kin, or possibly a
>> minor Awnsheghlien called the Beholder.
>The last option is the best I think. By the way a very cool campaign
>idea! I hope my DM isn't on this list, for it sure would give the
>PC's a lot of trouble! I don't knw wether or not Beholders are common
>in BR, if not then an Awnsheg is the best option. Also a reason to
>make him an elder or somthing like it. Pretty darn hard to kill of

First I want to thank both you, and Micheal, for your suggestions. Secondly,
while gaming last night a couple of ideas seemed to come together. I want
this adventure to last over an extended period of time. Continuing on, and
building up as the PCs go about thier normal biz. With this in mind I think
I will go with a minor Awnsheghlien. As a side the Beholder will be similar
to a Hive Mother(I'm writing up the stats for this little beast to see how
it turns out, I'll post it when I'm done), and be responsible for all the
other Beholders/Beholder-kin(and thier Hives)that inhabit Cerilia. If not an
Awnsheg then a Beholder Mage(possibly a Gauth). This is because I was
thinking of haveing the Beholder(s) want to control the Sources in Dhoesone,
and eventually beyond. If I go with a non-Mage Beholder, the Beholders will
have an artifact of thier makeing that allows them to store, and use the
magic energy. The new problem that starts to crop up now is, what can the
Doppleganger do to sabotage the Mage Regent, and possibly others, to further
the Beholder's cause? I'm not sure how he/she would go about helping the
Beholder(s) to sieze control of the Sources. Any suggestions, or comments,
on any of my ideas is welcome.

>> BTW, my game takes place in Dhoesone, in
>> case the region affects any of your ideas. Thanks in advance.
>What have you (or your PC's) done with the troubles concerning the
>guilds? I have a starting PC there, a son of the (rulebook) baronness
>taking the throne. I have some trouble with those guilds, and I would
>like to replace them with other, more/better listening guys (esp.
>since my PC is LN in alignment!).

This may be a bit sticky. All my PCs are Regents in Dhoesone. Each of the
four Players control Holdings in each province. In general each PC controls
a majority of a particular type of Holding(Law, Source, etc.)in the Country.
The PC controling the Law Holdings is considered the Ruler of the nation. Of
the two major Guilds in Dhoesone, one is ruled by one of my Players. In your
game it sounds like your the only PC Regent in Dhoesone. I may be wrong, but
either way this may help. Guilds are always striving to increase thier trade
base, and other financal oppertunities. Often fighting amongst themselves to
out do the other Guild. In my game the Ruling PC used her influence with
other NPC, PC Regents to put on some pressure. Making it harder for the
Guilds to function. At first the Guilds threatened riots, terrorism, or
anything else they could think of to scare her. Instead of backing down she
mearly pointed out that much of the red tape could be averted if anyone was
willing to do her a few favors. Often its GB sometimes its something else,
but the up shot of it is they can continue to do buiseness in "her" country
as long as everyone plays ball. Of course that hasen't stopped blackmarket
trade, and other dealings going around proper channels, but anyone doing
this risks losing thier shipments if caught by the officials. To put it
directly remember they may control power in the country, but your still the
Ruler. Start making rules. Put together a nice doctrine of laws about trade
and such, and make them see things your way. Be warned however, things could
get very nasty, so you may want to truely look in to haveing your Guildsters
"replaced". My PC Ruler keeps a rather unsavory character on retainer for
just such removals. Ruling is a dirty job, but you have to do what you have
to do, to protect the sovereignty of your nation. Hope that helped.

Undertaker, richt@metrolink.net
RL Homepage: http://www.metrolink.net/~veleda/sepulcher.html

03-09-1997, 06:39 AM
At 08:11 PM 3/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
As a side the Beholder will be similar
>to a Hive Mother(I'm writing up the stats for this little beast to see how
>it turns out, I'll post it when I'm done), and be responsible for all the
>other Beholders/Beholder-kin(and thier Hives)that inhabit Cerilia. If not an
>Awnsheg then a Beholder Mage(possibly a Gauth). This is because I was
>thinking of haveing the Beholder(s) want to control the Sources in Dhoesone,
>and eventually beyond. If I go with a non-Mage Beholder, the Beholders will
>have an artifact of thier makeing that allows them to store, and use the
>magic energy. The new problem that starts to crop up now is, what can the
>Doppleganger do to sabotage the Mage Regent, and possibly others, to further
>the Beholder's cause? I'm not sure how he/she would go about helping the
>Beholder(s) to sieze control of the Sources. Any suggestions, or comments,
>on any of my ideas is welcome.

Your doppleganger could higher or dupe adventures into attacking and
possible destroying the current focus for the sources, thereby making them
unstable and more easily taken by the beholders. Personally I would go with
the beholder mage, you might want to use an Elder-Orb Beholder because of
the magical might that they weild. As for the beholders in general you
could have them take control of ogres and giants, via the charm eyes of the
standard beholders, from Giantdowns and the BloodSkull Barony, or goblins
from Thurazor and the Five peaks.
As to Dhosone that is where my current group rules. So I have many
ideas on trouble you could throw your PC's way if you want suggestions.


03-09-1997, 04:41 PM
At 10:39 PM 3/8/97 -0800, Michael(swords@harborside.com)wrote:

> As to Dhosone that is where my current group rules. So I have many
>ideas on trouble you could throw your PC's way if you want suggestions.

Thanks for the input, and any other adventure ideas you might have for
Dhoesone please toss my way. Thanks again.

Undertaker, richt@metrolink.net
RL Homepage: http://www.metrolink.net/~veleda/sepulcher.html