View Full Version : Khinasi Mages

Seb Berendse
05-17-1997, 08:36 PM
>Same with my campaign... only Reincarnation is a Wizard spell.

Err, how would things be handles in by Khinasi mages then? As far as
I know they are bound by their oath not to mingle with death and stuf
(I don't have the books so I could be wrong).

************************************************** ***************
Sebastiaan G.P. Berendse

There is a world just around the corner of your mind
where reality is an intruder and dreams come true.
You may escape into it at will, you need no secret password,
magic wand or Alladins Lamp, all you need is your own imagination...
************************************************** *******************

Robert Ripley
05-18-1997, 01:54 AM
Seb Berendse wrote:

> >Same with my campaign... only Reincarnation is a Wizard spell.
> Err, how would things be handles in by Khinasi mages then? As far as
> I know they are bound by their oath not to mingle with death and stuf
> (I don't have the books so I could be wrong).
> Sebas
well Sea Bass (j/k) Khinasi are SOL if they die... They just get to go
live in paradise with Avani what a shame =)

- --

Bob R.

************************************************** *****************************

PBeM- Birthright, Regents of the Southern Marches
************************************************** *****************************

05-20-1997, 10:50 AM
> Oh, by the way on that subject... the Khinasi Mages are forced to fight
any who try raising dead and so on. In a
>game the players started arguing about what a 1 lvl Khinasi Mage would do
if a 8 lvl mage ( Witch he knows is a 8 lvl
>mage) came into sight with a few undead. would the 1 lvl mage have to
attack the 8 lvl mage at once due to his pledge?
>Coud he simply say: " I didn't see that! I DIDN'T SEE THAT!! ..."
>Or can he run and get help form others to take out the mage at a more
convinient time?

IMHO, both options are valid.
Attacking the mage on sight, would be typical of a mage with more loyalty
to his oaths, than self-preservation instinct (or wisdom).
Withdrawing, and organizing against the evil mage, would be typical of the
mage with more wisdom (he would have to organize with all due haste, I
suggest, otherwise the loyalty to his oath could be called into question).

No organization survives long, if its members are that mindlessly loyal.

.................................................. ......................
Mulder is dead...

"Do you know how hard it is to fake your own death?
Only one person has pulled it off-- Elvis!" - Mulder
from the first season ep "Shadows"...

David Sean Brown
05-20-1997, 02:23 PM
> =09You are right! All mages, in Khinasi, that can wield realm magic "must=
" under go that treatment.
> =09
> =09Oh, by the way on that subject... the Khinasi Mages are forced to figh=
t any who try raising dead and so on. In a=20
> game the players started arguing about what a 1 lvl Khinasi Mage would do=
if a 8 lvl mage ( Witch he knows is a 8 lvl=20
> mage) came into sight with a few undead. would the 1 lvl mage have to att=
ack the 8 lvl mage at once due to his pledge?
> Coud he simply say: " I didn't see that! I DIDN'T SEE THAT!! ..."
> Or can he run and get help form others to take out the mage at a more con=
vinient time?
> Yust woundering if anybody had any toughts about this
> Espen Andr=E9 Johnsen
> Norway=09

Well, as the Khinasi are supposed to do anything they can to stop the use
of necromantic, it would make INFINATELY more sense for the lowly lvl 1
mage to go for help, before trying to stop the obviously more powerful
foe. The goal is to stop this "evil" person from continuing their heinous
ways, not to sacrifice yourself in an obviously futile effort.


05-20-1997, 05:06 PM
At 11.23 20/05/97 -0300, you wrote:
>> You are right! All mages, in Khinasi, that can wield realm magic "must"
under go that treatment.
>> =09
>> Oh, by the way on that subject... the Khinasi Mages are forced to fight
any who try raising dead and so on. In a=20
>> game the players started arguing about what a 1 lvl Khinasi Mage would do
if a 8 lvl mage ( Witch he knows is a 8 lvl=20
>> mage) came into sight with a few undead. would the 1 lvl mage have to
attack the 8 lvl mage at once due to his pledge?
>> Coud he simply say: " I didn't see that! I DIDN'T SEE THAT!! ..."
>> Or can he run and get help form others to take out the mage at a more
convinient time?
>> Yust woundering if anybody had any toughts about this
>> Espen Andr=E9 Johnsen
>> Norway=09
>Well, as the Khinasi are supposed to do anything they can to stop the use
>of necromantic, it would make INFINATELY more sense for the lowly lvl 1
>mage to go for help, before trying to stop the obviously more powerful
>foe. The goal is to stop this "evil" person from continuing their heinous
>ways, not to sacrifice yourself in an obviously futile effort.

Think about our real world. Think about our real world. In Cerilia people
think much like us. How can you go saying what a "Khinasi wizard" does in
that case or in that other. It's like saying what a Doctor does in that case
or in that other.
All doctors have the mandatory of save to his best possibility others' life.
Khinasi wizard have their own mandatory.
Find to me two player who play exactly the same with a Khinasi wizard, you
can't, i think, so let's be tha same. You as DM, IMHO, have to play the role
of each different character, not of one for each kind of character.
To say, now the KW flee, that other in that other situation fight, that
other goes in search of help and that other...
and we cannot tell all of reactions that a KW can have, all right.
As a DM i alway put myself in charge of the character whose talkin about and
i try to think with his infos and his mind. So, it's not easy, but it goes.

Nadastor, Wizard of the Black Robes
"The power of a man is not in his hands, but in his eyes !=20
His life is not into his body, but into his mind !
The world is not around him, but is in him !"

David Sean Brown
05-20-1997, 09:14 PM
> think much like us. How can you go saying what a "Khinasi wizard" does in
> that case or in that other. It's like saying what a Doctor does in that case
> or in that other.
> All doctors have the mandatory of save to his best possibility others' life.
> Khinasi wizard have their own mandatory.
> Find to me two player who play exactly the same with a Khinasi wizard, you
> can't, i think, so let's be tha same. You as DM, IMHO, have to play the role
> of each different character, not of one for each kind of character.
> To say, now the KW flee, that other in that other situation fight, that
> other goes in search of help and that other...
> and we cannot tell all of reactions that a KW can have, all right.
> As a DM i alway put myself in charge of the character whose talkin about and
> i try to think with his infos and his mind. So, it's not easy, but it goes.
> Nadastor, Wizard of the Black Robes

Uhhhh..actually, I was referring more to what seemed to make more sense in
getting the job accomplished, and not as to what every single individual
person in Cerilia would do ina similar situation.


05-26-1997, 04:26 PM
Umm, Nadorastor:

I'm sorry if I don't get it? What do you mean with putting yourself in
charge of the character whose talkin about....

Not an insult, friend, I just don't quite get it.

The Khinasi are indeed bound by the power of the Temple of Rilni to follow
their oaths, and cannot break them because they feel like it... I do think
both points are valid here, the mage can do whatever, so long as the player
can justify to the DM in question that she is abiding by her oaths. a la,
the wizard lets the fighters go in first :)


05-26-1997, 11:35 PM
At 09.26 26/05/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Umm, Nadorastor:
>I'm sorry if I don't get it? What do you mean with putting yourself in
>charge of the character whose talkin about....
>Not an insult, friend, I just don't quite get it.
>The Khinasi are indeed bound by the power of the Temple of Rilni to follow
>their oaths, and cannot break them because they feel like it... I do think
>both points are valid here, the mage can do whatever, so long as the player
>can justify to the DM in question that she is abiding by her oaths. a la,
>the wizard lets the fighters go in first :)

In my last post about this matter i've only tryed to say that we can't
decide how "a khinasi mage" acts in that or that other situation, cause "a
khinasi mage" doen't exist, there are only a lot of individual khinasi
mages, each of them different from the other.
If the mage is a PC i think that you right when you say that the player can
do whatever he want but he must justify to the DM, instead when i said that
i try to put myself in charge of the character i was referring to a
situation when the mage is a NPC, so you, as DM, must decide what he does,
and IMO if you decide what "a khinasi mage" does in that or that other
situation you risk that all your NPC khinasi mages will act in the same way,
so becoming prevedibling and boring.

Nadastor, Wizard of the Black Robes
"The power of a man is not in his hands, but in his eyes !
His life is not into his body, but into his mind !
The world is not around him, but is in him !"

Espen A. Johnsen
11-30-1997, 12:00 AM
You are right! All mages, in Khinasi, that can wield realm magic "must" =
under go that treatment.
Oh, by the way on that subject... the Khinasi Mages are forced to fight =
any who try raising dead and so on. In a=20
game the players started arguing about what a 1 lvl Khinasi Mage would =
do if a 8 lvl mage ( Witch he knows is a 8 lvl=20
mage) came into sight with a few undead. would the 1 lvl mage have to =
attack the 8 lvl mage at once due to his pledge?
Coud he simply say: " I didn't see that! I DIDN'T SEE THAT!! ..."
Or can he run and get help form others to take out the mage at a more =
convinient time?

Yust woundering if anybody had any toughts about this

Espen Andr=E9 Johnsen