View Full Version : Masetians

05-30-1997, 01:26 PM
Instead of having the Masetians transformed into
new creatures (mermen), why not have them simply living
on the bottom of the ocean as normal humans... (The live in
water-tight underground complexes... They might use magic
to be able survive "outside" in the water...

This would bring up legends such as "in the times before
Deismaar (sp?), Masala parted the seas and led the first
true people to the fortold land of promise..."

Emanuel Matos
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05-30-1997, 07:34 PM
At 08:11 AM 5/30/97, L.Willett(trustno1@atcon.com)wrote:
>Now this is going somewhere. I think that having your people
>transformed ,as such, would give Nesirie something to be upset about.
> What caused this transformation ?
> Azrai ?
> Something yet to be discovered ? (He That Must Not Be Named .... ??)

If you use Cthulu, just worshipping any of those gods could cause the
transformation. If you don't want to use Cthulu, then any bizarre alien god
will work. All they have to do is offer incredible powers for a terrible
price. The main reason I'd steer clear of Azrai is because he has already
been blamed for all the world's ills, and even the PCs will jump to that
conclusion if they meet a hideous, evil, undersea race. By bringing in this
unknown element it throws the Players off and gives you room to introduce
new creatures and magic that did not exist before. Not to mention it will
challenge the Players to deal with something they can barely understand.
Imagine if a Stellar Vampire started attacking a village in the Regents
country? Or the whole coastal nation of Boeruine(or other appropriate
nation)is suddenly captured by a horde of Deep Ones coming from the ocean.
Part of this adventure should have the PCs discovering this new force behind
these creatures, and then discovering secrets they should not have known.
This leaves them with the great role-playing challenge of having this
knowledge and being able to resist overusing it against thier new enemy, or
risk becoming just like them. Many PCs would rather be Awnshegh then turned
into a Deep One. This is just to nasty an idea to pass up, and it should
work well with the other events I'm considering for the twilight of my
campaign(still far, far, away).

Sepsis, richt@metrolink.net

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State;
the province of life or death;
the road to survival or ruin.
It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
-Sun Tzu,(The Art of War)-

05-30-1997, 11:25 PM
> As far as I can tell not much is said about them besides they vanished. I
> would guess they are BR's equivelent to Atlanteans. So I guess any

I thought they only vansihed as far as the Serpent's Isle where they now
live under that Awnshegh's rule.

05-31-1997, 02:04 AM
At 08:55 AM 5/31/97 +0930, Darkstar(hoss@box.net.au)wrote:
>I thought they only vansihed as far as the Serpent's Isle where they now
>live under that Awnshegh's rule.

My interpretation of this is that those living under the Serpent's rule are
decendants of this once proud race. The information that exists(and even
Rich Baker)seems to suggest the possibility that other portions of thier
society might still be hidden somewhere. But if any did escape the Serpent
they have somehow lost something of thier former selves, as is shown by the
feelings of loss Nesire feels for them. In order to save themselves from
extinction who knows what lengths they went to.

Sepsis, richt@metrolink.net

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State;
the province of life or death;
the road to survival or ruin.
It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
-Sun Tzu,(The Art of War)-

05-31-1997, 02:04 AM
Another thought has occured to me concerning the fate of the Masetians. It
is said that they where some of the greatest sea travellers to have ever
lived on Cerilia. What if thier knowledge of ships and magic had gone even
further. What if just as the battle at Deismaar(sp?) was taking place they
uncovered the secrets of Spelljamming, or Planesailing(if you don't like the
idea of fantasy space). Let me explain Planesailing, with the death of the
Spelljammer setting and the birth of the Planescape setting, I saw a
connection. What if a race created ships that instead of Spelljamming in
space, they sailed the Ethereal plane going from Prime world to Prime world.
Little conversion is needed from Spelljammer to make this possible, and it
kind of fun. I play in a PS campaign that has something like this as basis.
Now back to my point, the Masetians developed this new magical tech, and as
the thier civilization became threatened with extinction they fled this
world in search of another home. Leaving thier home world they became
seperated from thier patron diety, and she now worries over thier possible fate.

This leaves one to wonder, did they find a new home? If they did what did
they find there? Have they wandered the Ether?, and how has this affected
them? Of course for an adventure they could return with strange new weapons
and attempt to retake thier home, or they may return being chased by a
greater evil then the Awnshegh, and hope to get help from thier old world.
Many possibilties and ideas come to mind when you apply this option. I know
it goes away from what we have been saying, but it is still an interesting

Sepsis, richt@metrolink.net

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State;
the province of life or death;
the road to survival or ruin.
It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
-Sun Tzu,(The Art of War)-