View Full Version : Unnamed Province in Markazor

06-02-1997, 11:13 PM
I agree with Jan, the province in question can not be Sideath.
Sideath is about 80 to 90 miles to the north east of the province in
The province without a name is iin between:
Cariele Mountainsedge North-west side
Mhoried Torien's Watch South-west side
Markazor Riverspring and Shattered Hills East side
Tuarhievel Bhindraith North side

In the adventure Warlock and the Stonecrowns, they provide a map that
the province with no name. All of the other provinces on the map are named
for that one.
Anyone know?
Bob V.

Jan P. M. Arnoldus
06-03-1997, 05:18 AM
While I was creating a database with the different holdings per province
and country I stumbled over the unnamed province in Markazor.
I remembered that awhile back on the list it was said that this province
should be called Sideath. But that province already appears on the map in
the Gorgon's Crown.
There it is described as Sideath (2/7) Go2law HOA2temple Go2source.
But in the Tuarhievel sourcebook it is stated that the entire province is
only inhabited by one elven archmage who shifted the province to the
shadowplane in a war with the gorgon.
The unnamed province can't therefore be called Sideath.

Does anyone have the official name and stats for this province ?

A way to solve the problem would be like this
unnamed (Markazor) (2/7) Go2law HOA2temple Go2source
Sideath (Gorgon's Crown) (0/9) elvenmage9source

By the way other little errors in the books:
Ruins of Empire Diemed province Ciliene
GK3 should be under Guildholdings not Temple
Cities of the Sun Iron Hand Tribes
province Rivenrock should be named Cleftrock
(Rivenrock is in Baruk Azhik)

If anybody knows the name I'd be much obliged.

Jan Arnoldus

Matthew M. Colville
06-03-1997, 07:59 AM
>I agree with Jan, the province in question can not be Sideath.
>Sideath is about 80 to 90 miles to the north east of the province in
>The province without a name is iin between:
>Cariele Mountainsedge North-west side
>Mhoried Torien's Watch South-west side
>Markazor Riverspring and Shattered Hills East side
>Tuarhievel Bhindraith North side
>In the adventure Warlock and the Stonecrowns, they provide a map that
>the province with no name. All of the other provinces on the map are named
>for that one.
>Anyone know?
>Bob V.

Hey! Sideath is Lychgate! I know all about that place, I'm
surprised I didn't see mention of it earlier.

One of my players, although he doesn't fully realize it yet, is the
Birthright version of Elminster. His former Master put a bunch of Gates to
various fantasy worlds all over Cerilia. One of them was in Lychgate.
This was serendipidous because, when Elemein (the character's name)
first took over from Pierden (his master) he found a tremendous storehouse
of crap. Potions, Scrolls, Atalses, Diaries, memos, accounting books,
several lifetimes of accumulated stuff that was in no order whatsoever.
One of these was a note I gave the player about something unrelated,
written by Pierden, casually mentioning The Ghost. I didn't know how, or
if, I was going to use this later. . .it just seemed cool at the time.
A year later, when trying to think of a cool place to put the gate
to Oerth, I ran across the Lych in the elven sourcebook. The Lych, AKA The
Ghost! Perfect!

- ---------------------- ---------------------------
Matthew M. Colville. Armed only with wisdom
mcolville@earthlink.net The Shintao Monks fight against the
darkness. . .
Role-Playing and Fiction

06-03-1997, 10:20 PM
Pan wrote:
> I agree with Jan, the province in question can not be Sideath.
> Sideath is about 80 to 90 miles to the north east of the province in
> question.
> The province without a name is iin between:
> Cariele Mountainsedge North-west side
> Mhoried Torien's Watch South-west side
> Markazor Riverspring and Shattered Hills East side
> Tuarhievel Bhindraith North side
> In the adventure Warlock and the Stonecrowns, they provide a map that
> shows
> the province with no name. All of the other provinces on the map are named
> except
> for that one.
> Anyone know?
> Bob V.
> ************************************************** *************************
> > I noticed this before and there have been several previous discussions
on the list about this already (about 4 times since I've been on the

The easiest thing to do is - if you have the Warlock of the Stonecrowns
Module and plan to use it - is to move the Warlock's castle to this
province and make him it's regent. Otherwise you could have it sealed
off by a powerful Warding Realm spell (I used this one in my game) that
noone has been able to breach. The warding has been in place since
shortly after the battle at Mount Deismaar and ANYTHING could be within.

06-03-1997, 11:14 PM
At 03:20 PM 6/3/97 -0700, Chrys Murphy(cmurphy@staterail.nsw.gov.au)wrote:
>The easiest thing to do is - if you have the Warlock of the Stonecrowns
>Module and plan to use it - is to move the Warlock's castle to this
>province and make him it's regent. Otherwise you could have it sealed
>off by a powerful Warding Realm spell (I used this one in my game) that
>noone has been able to breach. The warding has been in place since
>shortly after the battle at Mount Deismaar and ANYTHING could be within.

Anything? Like maybe the last Temple(or Source)of the powers of anti-creation?

Sepsis, richt@metrolink.net

"War is a matter of vital importance to the State;
the province of life or death;
the road to survival or ruin.
It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
-Sun Tzu,(The Art of War)-

06-04-1997, 07:57 PM
Sepsis wrote:
> At 03:20 PM 6/3/97 -0700, Chrys Murphy(cmurphy@staterail.nsw.gov.au)wrote:
> >
> >The easiest thing to do is - if you have the Warlock of the Stonecrowns
> >Module and plan to use it - is to move the Warlock's castle to this
> >province and make him it's regent. Otherwise you could have it sealed
> >off by a powerful Warding Realm spell (I used this one in my game) that
> >noone has been able to breach. The warding has been in place since
> >shortly after the battle at Mount Deismaar and ANYTHING could be within.
> >
> Anything? Like maybe the last Temple(or Source)of the powers of anti-creation?
> Sepsis, richt@metrolink.net
> "War is a matter of vital importance to the State;
> the province of life or death;
> the road to survival or ruin.
> It is mandatory that it be thoroughly studied."
> -Sun Tzu,(The Art of War)-
> ************************************************** *************************
> > 'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.
Yeah, why not ?

06-09-1997, 10:47 PM
Pan wrote:
> I agree with Jan, the province in question can not be Sideath.
> Sideath is about 80 to 90 miles to the north east of the province in
> question.
> The province without a name is iin between:
> Cariele Mountainsedge North-west side
> Mhoried Torien's Watch South-west side
> Markazor Riverspring and Shattered Hills East side
> Tuarhievel Bhindraith North side
> In the adventure Warlock and the Stonecrowns, they provide a map that
> shows
> the province with no name. All of the other provinces on the map are named
> except
> for that one.
> Anyone know?
> Bob V.

Some of my players started to look at this province, they think it will
be good for Cariele of Tuarhievel to have another province. But for now,
they had not the time to do this. They are busy in their own realms. But
in a few month, perhaps they will try to create a new province.

Anyone has an idea to make this task a bit difficult ??


- --
Olivier < Heinrich > Dias
And now, something completely different...
e-mail : olivier.dias@hol.fr