View Full Version : Complaint of the Day

Brenda L Santer
07-21-1997, 06:01 AM
I realize that mistakes get made and things get missed when editing any
work that is published, but I found something while DMing one of my
Birthright campaigns which really surprised and bothered me.

Point #1 There is only one race of elves on Cerilia.

Point #2 Elves in Cerilia do not worship gods, so they cannot be

So why in the Hall of Darkness in the Bastard's Burrows under Wyrnstone
Citadel in the module "Warlock of The Stonecrowns" written by Wolfgang
Bauer can the following be found: "This hall full of pits was carved from
the rock 200 years ago as an amusement for a DROW ally that finally refused
to conclude her treaty with the Warlock. (Her body still lies at the bottom
of the northernmost pit, along with her corroded drow chain mail, a broken
hand crossbow, and A HOLY SYMBOL OF LOLTH.)"

I happen to like drow and enjoy using them in my campaigns but this just
stuck out in the module. It is out of character for Birthright. Of course,
any DM changes whatever parts of any module they wish to change. I have no
problem with that at all, since I do it al the time myself. It just seems
to me that a drow elf wearing a hholy symbol of Lolth would be noticed
somewhere. As I said, that is my "beef" for today. Thanks for listening.

Brenda Santer:


07-22-1997, 03:58 AM
> So why in the Hall of Darkness in the Bastard's Burrows under Wyrnstone
> Citadel in the module "Warlock of The Stonecrowns" written by Wolfgang
> Bauer can the following be found: "This hall full of pits was carved from
> the rock 200 years ago as an amusement for a DROW ally that finally refused
> to conclude her treaty with the Warlock. (Her body still lies at the bottom
> of the northernmost pit, along with her corroded drow chain mail, a broken
> hand crossbow, and A HOLY SYMBOL OF LOLTH.)"

Well I don't know if that drow was a planewalker or something, but most
she came from an other Prime Material anyway.

Jeremy Reaban
07-24-1997, 09:48 PM
Another thing that bugged me in that module (Warlock of the
Stonecrowns), is that there's a 'hobgoblin' in it.

Now, I was always under the impression, that there was really only one
race of goblins in Cerilia, and while their size varied , they were all
called goblins (either common, Elite, or Huge).

Plus, he's a wizard, and he doesn't seem to be blooded, so he really
should be a magician. I know, just a quibble, really, but the BR could use
a continuity editor to help catch these things...


Michael Gerard Kothakota
07-25-1997, 12:50 AM
On Jul 24, 4:48pm, Jeremy Reaban wrote:
> Subject: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Re: Complaint of the Day
> Another thing that bugged me in that module (Warlock of the
> Stonecrowns), is that there's a 'hobgoblin' in it.
> Now, I was always under the impression, that there was really only one
> race of goblins in Cerilia, and while their size varied , they were all
> called goblins (either common, Elite, or Huge).
> Plus, he's a wizard, and he doesn't seem to be blooded, so he really
> should be a magician. I know, just a quibble, really, but the BR could use
> a continuity editor to help catch these things...

07-27-1997, 06:21 AM
It is rather odd to see that, I'd heard rumblings over the last few months
concerning this too, but I've never run the module. M.'s comment about
them being planewalkers is an interesting idea, but I personally don't feel
that BR fits in with the rest of the D&D cosmology (The Shadow World does
muck things up a bit. I've read it described as a "mix of the Astral,
Ethereal, and Negative Energy planes all rolled into one thick nightmarish
soup" -- a PS reference.
Of course, this could all be explained as it being a part of the Crystal
Sphere of Aebyrnis (the BR world), again, if you use crystal spheres in BR
it applies well.

07-27-1997, 08:11 AM
Personally I'd rather BR be kept seperate (Planescape and Spelljammer) in
order to maintain the charm and flavor that makes it unique. The low magic
realistic feel is disrupted when you're dealing with things as wild as planar
travel or spelljamming... The magic is kept more mysterious -as magic should
be- when it's done in minor amounts... the loss of the sense of wonder that
comes with overuse of magic in a campaign makes magic look like just another
tool... I dislike FR because of the extreme high magic there...
...(V)agnus |{haine...

07-27-1997, 01:19 PM
In a message dated 97-07-27 03:26:08 EDT, you write:

07-28-1997, 02:06 AM
> MHahn59022@aol.com wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 97-07-27 03:26:08 EDT, you write:
> >
> > that BR fits in with the rest of the D&D cosmology (The Shadow
World> does
> muck things up a bit. I've read it described as a "mix of the
> Ethereal, and Negative Energy planes all rolled into one thick
> soup" -- a PS reference. >>

Thanks... :-) I honestly don't like to insert the BR world in the
Multiverse either, IMHO it somewhat ruins the flavor of this setting.
I'd simply rule out all the non-cerilian stuff present in the module
and work a way to substitute 'em ad example the Drow could be>
into a cunning Orog shaman.

> I have run several adventures in the Shadow World, using all of the
> > from first edition Ravenloft about fear checks and the like, and hey
> great successes.

> Any thoughts on this idea?

In it's own way the Shadow World could be even considered a domain of
the Demiplane of Dread, with the Cold Rider as it's Darklord...and
it could have shaped as a land of nightmare by the invading fiend who
exiled the halflings from their once livable lands. Why this plane is
tied so deeply tied to Cerilia, that's a mistery of the times in wich
this now dark reflection of the BR world came to existance in it's
and non-evil form.

07-28-1997, 02:26 AM
In a message dated 97-07-27 14:58:09 EDT, you write:

I have run several adventures in the Shadow World, using all of the
> from first edition Ravenloft about fear checks and the like, and hey
> great successes.

> Any thoughts on this idea?

In it's own way the Shadow World could be even considered a domain of the
Demiplane of Dread, with the Cold Rider as it's Darklord...and maybe it could
have shaped as a land of nightmare by the invading fiend who exiled the
halflings from their once livable lands. Why this plane is tied so deeply
tied to Cerilia, that's a mistery of the times in wich this now dark
reflection of the BR world came to existance in it's primal and non-evil
I am not treating it as an actual domain of Ravenloft, just using the rules
on fear, horror, and madness checks, and the effects on spells and magic
items that are not related to planer travel and summoning. Oh yes, and the
rules about the reduced turning abilities of priests.

Also, the crystal sphere which the BR world inhabits is completely
impervious. No spelljammers can get in, and in the unlikely event that
someone actually built a spelljammer inside (never mind how they would get a
helm), they would not be able to access the flow.

Not that if you cut BR off from the rest of the multiverse, you need to
consider where the Sword Mage's fiend allies (Book of Magecraft) live.

One storyline I am toying with is an invasion of Aniure by Scro, starting
with the Gorgon's Crown. The Gorgon, having been handly defeted by the
magicly powerful invaders, would try to tell the rest of the world, and get
them to unite under his banner for a defense. (It's still a bit sketchy) If
the PC's react the expected way, with sceptism, the Scro would be knocking on
their doors next. (Yes, I know this would meen a total alteration of the face
of the BR world, but wouldn't it be intresting ;-).)

Michael Hahn
You can run, but you'll only die tired.

07-28-1997, 08:12 AM

- -----Original Message-----
From: MHahn59022@aol.com
To: birthright@MPGN.COM
Date: segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 1997 6:45
Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Complaint of the Day

In a message dated 97-07-27 14:58:09 EDT, you write:

I have run several adventures in the Shadow World, using all of the
> from first edition Ravenloft about fear checks and the like, and hey
> great successes.

> Any thoughts on this idea?

In it's own way the Shadow World could be even considered a domain of the
Demiplane of Dread, with the Cold Rider as it's Darklord...and maybe it
have shaped as a land of nightmare by the invading fiend who exiled the
halflings from their once livable lands. Why this plane is tied so deeply
tied to Cerilia, that's a mistery of the times in wich this now dark
reflection of the BR world came to existance in it's primal and non-evil

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the Darklord's domains very small
indeed, I mean, compared to the size of Cerilia and therefore, the size of
the Shadow World?

The RL rules apply just great though.


07-28-1997, 12:32 PM
The Gorgon being invaded by the Scro....hehe...there's an idea....

"Regents you must trust me, I need your help. Unite under me or we are all
doomed. These walking pigs err....Orogs kind of, fly these huge sky farring
vessels and are taking over my domain. You gotta help."



Yves Duquette
07-29-1997, 01:12 AM
About the ad&d boxeset setting !
**** I would like to know ****
1- If a province is 4/3 , what does the 3 means !!?????????
2- How upgrade provinces levels !!!???????
3- Must you need more than 1 regent to control a domain !!????
4- What does a Ranger control in a domain if he is Regent !!!!???
5- Do Elves always whant to killed humans !?????
Thanks guys !!!!!!!! HEY HO !!!!!!!!!

- ----------
> From: zero
> To: birthright@MPGN.COM
> Subject: Re: [BIRTHRIGHT] - Complaint of the Day
> Date: Sunday, July 27, 1997 2:21 AM
> It is rather odd to see that, I'd heard rumblings over the last few
> concerning this too, but I've never run the module. M.'s comment about
> them being planewalkers is an interesting idea, but I personally don't
> that BR fits in with the rest of the D&D cosmology (The Shadow World does
> muck things up a bit. I've read it described as a "mix of the Astral,
> Ethereal, and Negative Energy planes all rolled into one thick
> soup" -- a PS reference.
> Of course, this could all be explained as it being a part of the Crystal
> Sphere of Aebyrnis (the BR world), again, if you use crystal spheres in
> it applies well.
>> To unsubscribe from this list send mail to majordomo@mpgn.com with the
> 'unsubscribe birthright' as the body of the message.

Robert Harper
07-29-1997, 04:16 AM
At 09:12 PM 7/28/97 -0400, you wrote:

Rather than ask all the rules one by one, I suggest you buy the setting.
Asking about interpretations, house rules, apparent inconsistencies or the
confusion caused by (dare I say typical) TSR editing is one thing but we're
not here to replace your local gamestore.

>1- If a province is 4/3 , what does the 3 means !!?????????

__________________________________________________ _________________
| |
| We ask ourselves if there is a God, how can this happen? |
| Better to ask, if there is a God, must it be sane? |
| |
| Lucien LaCroix |
|_________________________________________________ __________________|

James H. Jenkins
07-29-1997, 10:12 AM
> 1- If a province is 4/3 , what does the 3 means !!?????????
Magical Source level of a province.
> 2- How upgrade provinces levels !!!???????
Rule Action.
> 3- Must you need more than 1 regent to control a domain !!????
No. A regent can control all, except possibly for Magic users only
controlling sources, I don't use MU's in my game.
> 4- What does a Ranger control in a domain if he is Regent !!!!???
Anything he wants. Specifically, law holdings, as a fighter.
> 5- Do Elves always whant to killed humans !?
I think that they want to defend their woods against Cerilian logging
corporations. "Make an Elf smile. Hug a tree."

Brandon Quina
07-29-1997, 04:51 PM
> > 4- What does a Ranger control in a domain if he is Regent !!!!???
> Anything he wants. Specifically, law holdings, as a fighter.

Rangers can also control guild holdings, and get regency points
from them-- thats my favorite thing about rangers :)