View Full Version : Quick question about the "adventure action"...

12-23-2011, 10:42 AM

I was wondering about this question: "Does a regent have to spend the adventure action when personally guiding his/her troops in battle?"

I think this should be a good way to balance:

a) the presence of the "adventurer" battle card
b) the combo of blood abilities such as "courage(great)" + "battlewise"

Any thoughts? Thanks a lot!!

Marco Fossati
12-24-2011, 05:07 PM
I think a Regent, if personally involved in moving troops on battlefield or in more operational scenario, must spend an adventure action.

While being with his army he will drop the usual business of his realm, letting it to his hirelings or lieutnants and spending an adventure action shuold reflect this.

12-25-2011, 06:08 PM
I'd say it depends on the circumstances - if the battle is some distance from the court then clearly the regent will have trouble running their realm. If the battle is within the realm then the regent may remain in contact.

If the regent leads several battles in quick succession I'd suggest allowing them to use one adventure action to cover all of the battles rather than requiring one each.

12-28-2011, 08:58 AM
Simple answer - no.

I cannot see any reason why one would do that. The regent has already used a declare war action, so what possible justification could there be for making him spend yet another action.

Is there anything in the rules that lends credence to this idea?

Nicholas Harrison
12-29-2011, 04:38 PM
I don't think they would need to spend an adventure action . . . . I see that as being for when he puts together an entirely separate expedition somewhere and leaves his court behind. Most regents would be quite capable of ruling at the head of an army. Indeed, I think there are some regents who would probably run their affairs from the midst of their army. I could see Boeruine and Tael both living in tents amongst their troops most of the time.

12-29-2011, 05:07 PM
Simple answer - no.

I cannot see any reason why one would do that. The regent has already used a declare war action, so what possible justification could there be for making him spend yet another action.

That depends on which rule-set you are using... If using one with a declare war, or wage-war action non-free then the adventure action becomes superfluous, unless used to advance the war in some way (quite possible for a hero-regent).

12-31-2011, 09:10 PM
Good point Andrew, I'm not that familiar with the new rules sets, but I don't recall the war action being a free one. If it is, then I can see some justification for the adventure action, but I don't think I would go that route, as leading an army in the field wouldn't take the regent away from his court really. History is full of examples of warrior kings who effectively ruled vast empires from the field.

What I might do is reduce the value of his court in some way, at the very least ignoring any benefits that might accrue from a palace. I might also consider increasing the cost (in GB and/or RP) and/or difficulty of some actions instead.

01-02-2012, 05:06 PM
Good point Andrew, I'm not that familiar with the new rules sets, but I don't recall the war action being a free one. If it is, then I can see some justification for the adventure action, but I don't think I would go that route, as leading an army in the field wouldn't take the regent away from his court really. History is full of examples of warrior kings who effectively ruled vast empires from the field.

What I might do is reduce the value of his court in some way, at the very least ignoring any benefits that might accrue from a palace. I might also consider increasing the cost (in GB and/or RP) and/or difficulty of some actions instead.

If the regent has brought some members of their court with them and it is reasonable for them to be able to communicate with the wider domain network then I can't see there being any problems with any action really - most battles didn't last long compared to a 3-month basis domain turn.

If there are distance issues preventing communictation with the wider domain netowrk then I'd wing it on action impact for actions carried out by the regent or by the court on
as reasonable a basis as I can come up with - the exact impact would depend on the ruleset.

01-03-2012, 01:41 AM
Personally, when the regent is more than 1,5 week away from any sizeable power center of his domain, I have them effectively "cut off" from their domain. My reasoning is that if an event happens on the first of the month, news take 1,5 week to get to the regent in the form of a light courrier on a very fast horse, then the same amount of time to go back. Bam! The reaction really takes place on the first day of the 4th week.

Any longer than that and you can't react, really. Unless you have scrying means, of course.

As to the question of the OP, I'd say yes, an adventure action is required, if the PC is going to attend the war personally. After all, there is no war without risk. You don't want to take the risk and / or time? Trust your general. It's that simple, in my mind :-)