View Full Version : Other game

01-20-2006, 10:39 AM

I still play the Sierra Birthright PC game, and I still like it very much. :)

But sometimes I am looking for another game, which has some kind of round based system like Birthright and is as good as this game.

Does anyone has a good tip?

Best regards

01-20-2006, 02:25 PM
Well, not sure exactly what you are looking for. Other video games that are kind of Fantasy D&D'ish with a turn based conquer province kind of system? There was a game called Fantasy Empires back in the day. It was fun, but after I upgraded from a 386 to a pentium it went too fast to control. I bet you could find that game for free somewhere (Don't know who would charge money for it in this decade) but getting it to run on todays systems might be another hassle entirely.